1 research outputs found

    Farmer\u27s Life: an age-friendly toy 「農夫歲月」: 以長者為主題的全齡玩具

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    ...The board game involves four kinds of cards that indicate matters of fate, opportunities, scenarios and challenges, all of which are related to elderly people’s daily lives. The ‘Farmer’s Life’ has been revised to a third edition, and has been published and tested on various public or industry-related platforms for the elderly. 這項桌上遊戲設有四款遊戲卡牌,分別代表命運、機會、情景和挑戰,全都與長者的日常生活息息相關。「農夫歲月」已修訂至第三版,推出後已在為長者而設的不同公眾及產業相關平台接受測試。 Award: Silver奬項: 銀