3 research outputs found

    Impact of Electronic Customer Relationship ManagementĀ Ā  (eā€CRM) on Efficiency of Rentā€aā€Car Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Electronic customer relationship management system (eā€CRM) is acknowledged today as obligatory concept of customer relationship management in the world of services. Therefore, research on impact of CRM and eā€CRM system to efficiency of rentā€aā€car agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina is of crucial importance for companies and managers not only in rentā€aā€car industry, but the tourism industry as whole. The aim of this paper is to explore the impact of eā€CRM on efficiency of rentā€aā€car agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It explains if and how much is eā€Ā CRM incorporated in everyday business of rentā€aā€car agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Furthermore, it proves that those rentā€aā€car agencies that have recognized the significance of eā€CRM in everyday business, it leads to increase of agenciesŹ¹Ā  profitability shown through the level of customer retention and attraction. This study is based on the structured personal interviews conducted with major rentā€aā€car agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research has several findings. Firstly, rentā€aā€car agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina recognize the significance of eā€CRM for everyday business. However, eā€CRM system is mostly used by rentā€aā€car agencies that have foreign license/franchise. Secondly, reasons behind nonā€usage of eā€CRM in other agencies are mostly lack of capacities, insufficient knowledge of informationā€communication technologies of higher degree, as well as financial constraints. Thirdly, rentā€aā€car agencies using the eā€CRM consider it as contribution to pertaining the longā€term customer relations and increase of profitability

    Poslovna etika i druŔtvena odgovornost u upravljanju ljudskim resursima

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    Autori ovog rada, pre svega, nastoje da utvrde ulogu poslovne etike i koncepta druÅ”tvene odgovornosti u upravljanju ljudskim resursima, a potom vrÅ”e analizu poslovne prakse u Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini po pitanju odgovornog odnosa prema zaposlenima, fokusirajući se prvenstveno na poÅ”tovanje zakonom garantovanih prava radnika, ali i na aktivnosti koje prevazilaze poÅ”tovanje zakona. Autori smatraju da postoje argumenti u prilog zahteva da menadžeri treba da poÅ”tuju prava zaposlenih, kao i da kompanije imaju odgovornost prema svojim zaposlenima, te da njihove ciljeve treba da uzmu u obzir prilikom definisanja ciljeva kompanije. Uspostavljanje međunarodne inicijative u vidu Globalnog dogovora UN za poÅ”tovanje ljudskih i radnih prava, zaÅ”tite prirodne okoline i borbe protiv korupcije dodatno potvrđuje neophodnost odgovornog i etičnog upravljanja ljudskim resursima. Srbija i Bosna i Hercegovina su potpisnice ovog Dogovora. Takođe, obe zemlje uspostavile su zakonski okvir koji garantuje zaÅ”titu ljudskih i radnih prava. Međutim, u poslovnoj praksi dveju zemalja primetni su brojni primeri krÅ”enja radnih prava. Takođe, u obe zemlje nedostaju druÅ”tveno odgovorne aktivnosti prema zaposlenima koje prevazilaze zakonom definisane obaveze


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    Customer relationship management (CRM) in both B2C and B2B relationships is of crucial importance for success of modem companies. It is one of the main tools for improvement of relationship with customers, especially in the demanding world of services. Therefore, the electronic customer relationship management system (e-CRM) as upgraded version of CRM represents today not an option but an obligation for efficient and profitable customer relationship management. The use of e-CRM leads to increased profitability through attraction of new and retention of old customers. Thus, understanding the impact CRM and e-CRM have on efficiency of service industry; in particular tourism industry is of crucial importance for companies and managers. The aim of this paper is to provide the theoretical background and present discussions on implementation of CRM and e-CRM system particularly in tourism industry relating it to rent-a-car sector as part of the tourism industry. Furthermore, the paper explores the implementation and impact of e-CRM system in rent-a-car agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This paper provides insight into the level of incorporation of e-CRM in rent-a-car agencies and their everyday business activities. Additionally, it proves that e-CRM leads to increase of profitability through the higher level of customer retention and attraction particularly in those rent-a-car agencies that have recognized the significance of e-CRM and have incorporated it into their business strategies. The paper is backed up with field research through structured personal interviews conducted with major rent-a-car agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research findings indicate that those rent-a-car agencies that have implemented (e)CRM in their everyday business have benefited from it through increased level of customer retention and attraction