71 research outputs found


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    Abstract. The paper analyzes the potential of renewable energy sources within the area of City of Belgrade, and explores the possibilities of their further implementation in the field of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, in line with mandatory EU Directives. A synergetic approach has been proposed in the recommendations for the implementation of goals/targets and policies in the fields of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in the City of Belgrade. They put an emphasis on the importance of implementation of the strategic documents of the City. Recommendations on have been provided regarding the required institutional preconditions that have to be met in order for these goals to be achieved, as well as urbanistic and building design-related measures/standards in achieving energy efficiency.Key words: energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, strategies related to energy, sustainable development, the City of Belgrad

    Da li Pseudomonas aeruginosa perzistira u biljkama?

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    Persistence of pathogenic bacteria in plants, is a major threat to human health, especially in plants that are used in food with no heat treatment. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a possibility of persistence of human isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cucumbers, cabbage, peppers and tomatoes. In cucumber and cabbage P. aeruginosa was isolated from all 12 plants, tomato by 9 and 7 of pepper plants. Based on the results, there is the possibility of persistence P. aeruginosa in the above vegetables.Mogućnost perzistencije patogenih bakterija u biljkama, predstavlja veliku opasnost po zdravlje ljudi, pogotovo kod biljaka koje se koriste u ishrani bez termičke obrade. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi da li postoji mogućnost perzistencije humanog izolata Pseudomonas aeruginosa u krastavcu, kupusu, paprici i paradajzu. Pseudomonas aeruginosa izolovan je iz svih 12 biljaka krastavca i kupusa, iz 9 paradajza i 7 paprika. Na osnovu rezultata rada, u navedenom povrću postoji mogućnost perzistencije P. aeruginosa

    Ispitivanje fitopatogenih odlika kliničkih izolata Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

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    Existence of persistence ability of clinical isolates bacteria in plants, raises the question of their phytopathogenic characteristic and possibilities to cause pathological changes in the plants. The study included clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and their possibility to causing rot on potato tubers, slices of carrots, onion cloves, hypersensitive response (HR) on tobacco leaves and hydrolysis of starch. In the case of some isolates was observed potential symptoms of onion rot, while the other tests of phytopathogenic characteristics were negative.Postojanje mogućnosti perzistencije kliničkih izolata bakterija u biljkama, otvara pitanje o njihovim fitopatogenim svojstvima i mogućnostima da izazovu patološke promene na biljkama. Ispitivanjima su obuhvaćeni klinički izolati Pseudomonas aeruginosa i njihova mogućnost prouzrokovanja truleži na krtolama krompira, kriškama mrkve, lukovicama crnog luka, kao i hipersenzitivne reakcije (HR) na duvanu i hidrolize skroba. Kod pojedinih izolata zabeležena je mogućnost pojave simptoma truleži glavica crnog luka, dok su ostala ispitivana fitopatogena svojstva negativna

    Genetic Aspects of Micronutrients Important for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are complex diseases whose etiology is associated with genetic and environmental risk factors, among which are diet and gut microbiota. To date, IBD is an incurable disease and the main goal of its treatment is to reduce symptoms, prevent complications, and improve nutritional status and the quality of life. Patients with IBD usually suffer from nutritional deficiency with imbalances of specific micronutrient levels that contribute to the further deterioration of the disease. Therefore, along with medications usually used for IBD treatment, therapeutic strategies also include the supplementation of micronutrients such as vitamin D, folic acid, iron, and zinc. Micronutrient supplementation tailored according to individual needs could help patients to maintain overall health, avoid the triggering of symptoms, and support remission. The identification of individuals’ genotypes associated with the absorption, transport and metabolism of micronutrients can modify future clinical practice in IBD and enable individualized treatment. This review discusses the personalized approach with respect to genetics related to micronutrients commonly used in inflammatory bowel disease treatment

    Hepatic safety and efficacy of immunomodulatory drugs used in patients with autoimmune hepatitis.

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS There is little data on the hepatic efficacy and safety of immunomodulatory drugs used in patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), despite their established use in dermatology, rheumatology and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Our aim was to collect real-life data on the experience of expert centres in treating AIH patients with these drugs, considered unconventional for AIH management. METHODS Online survey among hepatology centres being part of the European Reference Network on Hepatological Diseases (ERN RARE-LIVER). RESULTS 25 AIH patients have been reported. Ten were female, median age at diagnosis was 28 years; median follow-up was 17 months. All had initially received AIH-standard treatment. AIH-unconventional treatment was initiated for concomitant autoimmune diseases in 15 cases: nine for IBD (five vedolizumab and four ustekinumab), and one each for following diseases: autoinflammatory syndrome (tocilizumab), chronic urticaria (omalizumab), rheumatoid arthritis (abatacept), psoriasis (guselkumab), psoriatric arthritis (secukinumab, followed by ustekinumab) and alopecia (ruxolitinib). Three patients were treated with immunomodulatory drugs for side effects of previous treatments, including two patients with IBD treated with vedolizumab and ustekinumab, respectively, and one treated with belimumab. At the end of follow-up, 13 patients were in complete biochemical response, the patient on omalizumab had a relapse, and four patients with concomitant IBD had insufficient response. Seven patients were treated for lack of biochemical remission, of whom six with belimumab, all initially reaching complete biochemical response, but five relapsing during follow-up; and one with secukinumab, having concomitant rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, reaching complete biochemical response. Only the patient on abatacept received unconventional treatment as monotherapy. Side effects were reported in two patients on belimumab: one recurrent soft tissue infections, one fatigue and arthralgia. CONCLUSION Among 25 AIH patients who were treated with immunomodulatory drugs for different reasons, the majority had a fovorable course, relapse was frequent in difficult-to-treat patients who received belimumab, and four with concomitant IBD had insufficient response

    Fifth European Dirofilaria and Angiostrongylus Days (FiEDAD) 2016

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