8 research outputs found

    Beyond the Pixel: a Photometrically Calibrated HDR Dataset for Luminance and Color Prediction

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    Light plays an important role in human well-being. However, most computer vision tasks treat pixels without considering their relationship to physical luminance. To address this shortcoming, we introduce the Laval Photometric Indoor HDR Dataset, the first large-scale photometrically calibrated dataset of high dynamic range 360{\deg} panoramas. Our key contribution is the calibration of an existing, uncalibrated HDR Dataset. We do so by accurately capturing RAW bracketed exposures simultaneously with a professional photometric measurement device (chroma meter) for multiple scenes across a variety of lighting conditions. Using the resulting measurements, we establish the calibration coefficients to be applied to the HDR images. The resulting dataset is a rich representation of indoor scenes which displays a wide range of illuminance and color, and varied types of light sources. We exploit the dataset to introduce three novel tasks, where: per-pixel luminance, per-pixel color and planar illuminance can be predicted from a single input image. Finally, we also capture another smaller photometric dataset with a commercial 360{\deg} camera, to experiment on generalization across cameras. We are optimistic that the release of our datasets and associated code will spark interest in physically accurate light estimation within the community. Dataset and code are available at https://lvsn.github.io/beyondthepixel/

    Burden of illness of people with persistent symptoms of schizophrenia: A multinational cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND Few studies have examined the impact of persistent symptoms of schizophrenia, especially with respect to patient-reported outcomes (PROs), carer burden and health economic impact. AIMS Analyse data relating to burden and severity of illness, functional impairment and quality of life for patients with persistent symptoms of schizophrenia. METHODS A cohort of stable outpatients with persistent symptoms of schizophrenia across seven countries were assessed in a multicentre, non-interventional, cross-sectional survey and retrospective medical record review using PRO questionnaires, clinical rating scales and carer questionnaires. RESULTS Overall, 1,421 patients and 687 carers were enrolled. Approximately two-thirds of patients had moderate/mild schizophrenia with more severe negative symptoms predominating. Patients showed impaired personal/social functioning and unsuitability for work correlated with various patient factors, most notably symptom-related assessments. Quality-of-life assessments showed 25% to ⩾30% of patients had problems with mobility, washing or dressing. Carer burden was also considerable, with carers having to devote an average of 20.5 hours per week and notable negative impact on quality-of-life measures. Healthcare resource utilisation for in-hospital, outpatient and other care provider visits was significant. CONCLUSION These results demonstrate the significant burden of schizophrenia for patients, carers and society and highlight the need for improved treatment approaches

    Understanding the impact of persistent symptoms in schizophrenia: Cross-sectional findings from the Pattern study.

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    BACKGROUND The high societal burden of schizophrenia is largely caused by the persistence of symptoms and accompanying functional impairment. To date, no studies have specifically assessed the course of persistent symptoms or the individual contributions of positive and negative symptoms to patient functioning. The cross-sectional analysis of the Pattern study provides an international perspective of the burden of schizophrenia. METHODS Clinically stable outpatients from 140 study centers across eight countries (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom) were assessed using clinical rating scales: Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), Clinical Global Impression-Schizophrenia (CGI-SCH) Scale and the Personal and Social Performance (PSP) Scale. Additional measures included patient-reported outcomes, patient socio-demographic variables, living situation, employment and resource use. RESULTS Overall, 1379 patients were assessed and analyzed and had similar sociodemographic characteristics across countries, with 61.6% having persistent positive and/or negative symptoms. Positive and negative symptoms had been persistent for a mean of 9.6 and 8.9 years (SD: 8.8 and 9.6), respectively. Approximately 86% of patients had a functional disability classified as greater than mild. Patients with a higher PANSS Negative Symptom Factor Score were more likely to have a poorer level of functioning. CONCLUSIONS This analysis examines individual contributions of persistent positive and negative symptoms on patient functioning in different countries. A high prevalence of patients with persistent symptoms and functional impairment was a consistent finding across countries. Longitudinal observations are necessary to assess how to improve persistent symptoms of schizophrenia and overall patient functioning