17 research outputs found

    A Program to Generate a Particle Distribution from Emittance Measurements

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    We have written a program to generate a particle distribution based on emittance measurements in x-x’ and y-y’. The accuracy of this program has been tested using real and constructed emittance measurements. Based on these tests, the distribution generated by the program can be used to accurately simulate the beam in multi-particle tracking codes, as an alternative to a Gaussian or uniform distribution

    Beam loss control in the LINAC4 design

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    The Linac4 DTL reference design has been modified to reduce the power consumption in tank 1 by modifying the accelerating field and phase law. In addition we have adopted an FFDD focusing lattice throughout to minimize expected losses resulting from alignment errors. We have observed, however, that this design suffers from decreasing transverse acceptance and a sensitivity to misalignments that causes any expected beam loss to occcur at the high energy end of the DTL. In this note we investigate two solutions to increase the acceptance, decrease its sensitivity to misalignments and eliminate the potential for a beam-loss “bottleneck” at 50 MeV

    Chopper Line Studies

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    In the layout of the LINAC4, a Medium Energy Beam Transport (MEBT) is placed between the RFQ and the DTL, comprising a chopper and matching the beam parameters to the DTL

    Reducing the beam current in Linac4 in pulse to pulse mode.

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    In order to deliver different beam intensities to users, we studied the possibility of varying the Linac4 beam current at PS Booster injection in pulse to pulse mode. This report gives the possible configurations of Linac4 Low and Medium Energy Beam Transport lines (LEBT and MEBT) that lead to a consistent current reduction

    A Pencil Beam for the Linac4 commissioning

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    In order to characterize the different accelerating structures and transport lines of Linac4 and to proceed to its commissioning, we need to produce a low current, low emittance beam. This note describes the generation of two pencil beams and their dynamic through the Linac

    Emittance reconstruction technique for the Linac4 high energy commissioning

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    Linac4 is a new 160 MeV linear accelerator for negative Hydrogen ions (H-) presently under construction which will replace the 50 MeV proton Linac2 as injector for the CERN proton accelerator complex. Linac4 is 80 meters long and comprises a Low Energy Beam Transport line, a 3 MeV RFQ, a MEBT, a 50 MeV DTL, a 100 MeV CCDTL and a PIMS up to 160 MeV. The commissioning of the Linac is scheduled to start in 2013. It will be divided into several steps corresponding to the commissioning of the different accelerating structures. A temporary measurement bench will be dedicated to the high energy commissioning from 30 to 100 MeV (DTL tanks 2 and 3, and CCDTL). The commissioning of the PIMS will be done using the permanent equipment installed in between the end of the Linac and the main dump. This note describes the technique we will use for reconstructing the transverse emittances and the expected results

    Energy measurement and longitudinal beam emittance reconstruction in L4T line

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    LINAC4 is a new linear accelerator for H- ion which will replace proton Linac2 as injector for the CERN proton accelerator complex. LINAC4 accelerates H− ions from 45 keV to 160 MeV in a sequence of normal conducting structures. Then, H- ions with a kinetic energy of 160 MeV will be sent to the PS Booster. This note describes two energy measurement methods and a improved method that will be used for longitudinal emittance reconstruction with space charge by multi-particle tracking code and the expected results

    Assembly and RF Tuning of the Linac4 RFQ at CERN

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    The fabrication of Linac4 is progressing at CERN with the goal of making a 160 MeV H- beam available to the LHC injection chain as from 2015. In the Linac4 the first stage of beam acceleration, after its extraction from the ion source, is provided by a Radiofrequency Quadrupole accelerator (RFQ), operating at the RF frequency of 352.2 MHz and which accelerates the ion beam to the energy of 3 MeV. The RFQ, made of three modules, one meter each, is of the four-vane kind, has been designed in the frame of a collaboration between CERN and CEA and has been completely machined and assembled at CERN. The paper describes the assembly of the RFQ structure and reports the results of RF low power measurements, in order to achieve the required accelerating field flatness within 1% of the nominal field profile