49 research outputs found

    Database on structure of phytomass of Russian forests

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    Review of the modern databases for phytomass structure of forests in Russia is provided. The database offered by the authors contains information about phytomass structure, forest-typological and inventory characteristics of the stands. All forest-forming species and regions of the former Soviet Union are presented


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    На основі здійсненого оцінювання біопродуктивності штучних соснових деревостанів міських лісів Києва за компонентами фітомаси, проведено зіставлення та аналіз роботи локальної та регіональної систем моделей біопродуктивності, широко задіюваних у вітчизняних і міжнародних наукових дослідженнях. Визначено ймовірні причини виявлених відмінностей: використані для моделювання вихідні дані, географічні фактори та застосоване математичне забезпечення. Сформульовано пропозиції щодо удосконалення локальної системи моделей задля кращого врахування динаміки компонент фітомаси рекреаційно-оздоровчих лісів.На основании проведенной оценки биопродуктивности искусственных сосновых древостоев городских лесов Киева по компонентам фитомассы, осуществлено сопоставление и анализ работы локальной и региональной систем моделей биопродуктивности, широко применяемых в отечественных и международных научных проектах. Установлены вероятные причины обнаруженных отличий: использованные при моделировании исходные данные, географические факторы и задействованное математическое обеспечение. Сформулированы предложения на счет усовершенствования локальной системы моделей для лучшего учета динамики компонентов фитомассы рекреационно-оздоровительных лесов.Based on the performed assessment of bioproductivity of pine stands of artificial origin of urban forests of Kyiv city by live biomass components, a comparison and analysis of local and regional systems of bioproductivity models was done. These systems are widely used within the national and international scientific research projects. The most probable reasons of existence of the found differences are ascertained: the initial data, geographical factors, and the applied mathematical tools. The proposals for improvement of the local system of models for better accounting for dynamics of live biomass components of recreational and sanitary stands are formulated

    Carbon-sequestering and oxygen producing functions of urban forests of Kyiv city and pre-urban forests of Stockholm city

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    Interest to carbon-sequestering and oxygen-producing functions of forest has risen considerably during last decades. Abovementioned functions of forest ecosystems acquire special significance in pre-urban and urban forests. These forests perform not only stabilizing and protective functions, but also are a renewable resource. Due to rapid development of modern technologies (bioenergy), the latter named feature becomes more and more important. However, currently there is practically no one scientifically based assessment of abovementioned functions of pre-urban forests, especially in comparison with other regions and countries. The main aim of this study was to assess and quantify carbon sequestration and production of oxygen of selected parts of urban forests of Kyiv city and pre-urban forests of Stockholm city, and to compare the results. Within this study, techniques developed by P. Lakyda (computation of phytomass and sequestered carbon) and N. Tshesnokov and V. Dolgosheev (estimation of oxygen productivity of forests) were applied. Authors have encountered numerous “compatibility problems” with the technique used and the initial datasets. Nevertheless, majority of the problems were solved successfully, thus enabling accomplishment of the main aim. This research is important as a test of compatibility of different methodologies and datasets, and provides quantitative estimation of carbon-sequestering and oxygen-producing functions of the studied forests

    Growth and Bioproductivity of Urban Forests

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    This paper provides information about the background, process and results of growth modeling, yield and bioproductivity of artificial (planted) pine stands in urban forests in the city of Kyiv. This topic is exceptionally important to ecological functions of urban forest ecosystems around Kyiv, like any other urban forests, in terms of maintaining sustainability of the internal environment of cities, improving the environmental situation and reducing harmful effects of industry, transport, etc. A characteristic feature of urban forests is a substantial anthropogenic pressure on forest ecosystems, which is much higher compared to production forests. As a rule, reference information, growth models, etc. for urban forests are either weak or completely absent. This work is designed to eliminate some of such shortcomings and problems for forests around the biggest city in Ukraine. As a major result of the study, models of growth and biological productivity dynamics of live biomass, Net Primary Production have been developed. We show specific features of growth and functioning of urban forests and therefore a need for the development of a special reference and normative base for inventory and management of this category of forests

    Vulnerability of Ukrainian forests to climate change

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    Ukraine is a country of the Mid-Latitude ecotone – a transition zone between forest zone and forestless dry lands. Availability of water defines distribution of the country’s forests and decreasing their productivity towards the south. Climate change generates a particular threat for Ukrainian forests and stability of agroforestry landscapes. The paper considers the impacts of expected climate change on vulnerability of Ukrainian forests using ensembles of global and regional climatic models (RCM) based on IPCC Scenarios B1, A2, A1B, and a “dry and warm” scenario A1B+T-P (increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation). The spatially explicit assessment was provided by RCM for the WMO standard period (1961-1990), “recent” (1991-2010) and three future periods – 2011-2030, 2031-2050 and 2081-2100. Forest-climate model by Vorobjov and model of amplitude of flora’s tolerance to climate change by Didukh, as well as a number of specialized climatic indicators, were used in the assessment. Different approaches leads to rather consistent conclusions. Water stress is the major limitation factor of distribution and resilience of flatland Ukrainian forests. Within Scenario A1B, the area with unsuitable growth conditions for major forest forming species will substantially increase by end of the century occupying major part of Ukraine. Scenario A1B+T-P projects even a more dramatic decline of the country’s forests. It is expected that the boundary of conditions that are favorable for forests will shift to north and north-west, and forests of the xeric belt will be the most vulnerable. Consistent policies of adaptation and mitigation might reduce climate-induced risks for Ukrainian forests

    A dataset of forest biomass structure for Eurasia

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    The most comprehensive dataset of in situ destructive sampling measurements of forest biomass in Eurasia have been compiled from a combination of experiments undertaken by the authors and from scientific publications. Biomass is reported as four components: live trees (stem, bark, branches, foliage, roots); understory (above- and below ground); green forest floor (above- and below ground); and coarse woody debris (snags, logs, dead branches of living trees and dead roots), consisting of 10,351 unique records of sample plots and 9,613 sample trees from ca 1,200 experiments for the period 1930–2014 where there is overlap between these two datasets. The dataset also contains other forest stand parameters such as tree species composition, average age, tree height, growing stock volume, etc., when available. Such a dataset can be used for the development of models of biomass structure, biomass extension factors, change detection in biomass structure, investigations into biodiversity and species distribution and the biodiversity-productivity relationship, as well as the assessment of the carbon pool and its dynamics, among many others


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    Досліджено особливості моделювання стовбурової продукції деревостанів берези повислої. Експериментальну базу даних склали тимчасові пробні площі, зібрані за спеціальною методикою, та повидільна таксаційна характеристика банку даних Чернігівського Полісся. Розроблено комплекс математичних моделей для оцінювання стовбурової продукції стовбурової деревини та кори деревостанів берези повислої. Опрацьовано нормативи оцінювання продукції досліджуваних компонентів. Встановлено, що березові насадження в умовах Чернігівського Полісся є високопродуктивними, щорічно забезпечують високий річний приріст продукції стовбурів дерев.Исследованы особенности моделирования стволовой продукции древостоев березы повислой. Экспериментальную базу данных составили временные пробные площади, собранные по специальной методике, и повыдельная таксационная характеристика банка данных Черниговского Полесья. Разработан комплекс математических моделей для оценки стволовой продукции древесины и коры древостоев березы повислой. Обработаны нормативы оценки продукции исследуемых компонентов. Установлено, что березовые насаждения в условиях Черниговского Полесья являются высокопродуктивными, ежегодно обеспечивается высокий годовой прирост продукции стволов деревьев.The features of simulation of stem products of silver birch stands are studied. The experimental database is made using temporary sample plots, collected by a special methodology and excretory taxation databank of Chernigivske Polissya. The complex of mathematical models to evaluate the production of stem wood and bark of silver birch stands is developed. Production standards of the assessment of study components are processed. It is found that silver birch stands of Chernigivske Polissya are highly productive; they provide high annual growth of tree trunks

    Структура, породний склад та продуктивність лісів Черемського природного заповідника

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    The stands of the Cheremsky Nature Reserve are analyzed in terms of area, stock, composition, types of forest vegetation conditions, age groups, stand quality and completeness, which allows defining the current state of the forests of the reserve, determining the perspectives of conservation of forest groups and the dynamics of their biological productivity. It is revealed that the overwhelming area of ​​the forest fund of Cheremsky Nature Reserve is covered with forest vegetation making up to 97.9 %, including forest crops occupying 14.6 % of the area covered with forest vegetation of forest stands. Coniferous stands dominate; their share in the total stock is 75.4 %. They are presented mainly by silver pine. More than half of the area is made up of mixed coniferous forests (68 %), among which the third part is wet mixed coniferous forests. These conditions are optimal for the growth of silver pine. The second third consists of raw (18 %) and wet (15 %) mixed coniferous forests, where silver pine usually has a much lower productivity, but the conditions are quite favourable for black alder. There are also mixed deciduous forests in the reserve (12 %), which are quite fertile and favourable for the growth of black alder of high productivity. The reserve is characterised by dominating of the stand quality of II (30.9 %) and III (26.6 %) classes. The mid-aged stands are prevailing according to the age structure. Young growth occupies quite a small share (8.1 % of the area and 3.1 % of the stock). Mature stands occupy 5.6 % of the area and 5.3 % of the stock. There are no overlapping plantations and hardwood stands of hardwood species. Most of the stand area (73.9 %) has a stand stocking of 0.6-0.8. The share of low and high-level stands makes up only 6.8 % of the area covered with forest vegetation of forest areas of the reserve. The data obtained in the course of the research will determine the prospects for preservation of the forest communities of Cheremsky Nature Reserve, as well as assess their main ecological functions and simulate the environmental services that this nature reserve can provide.Проаналізовано деревостани Черемського природного заповідника за площею, запасом, складом, типами лісорослинних умов, групами віку, бонітетом і повнотою. З'ясовано, що переважна площа лісового фонду Черемського природного заповідника вкрита лісовою рослинністю і становить 97,9 %, зокрема лісові культури займають 14,6 % площі вкритих лісовою рослинністю лісових ділянок. Домінують хвойні деревостани, частка яких у загальному запасі становить 75,4 %. Представлені вони переважно сосною звичайною (98,5 %). Більшу половину площ становлять субори (68 %), серед яких третину складають вологі субори. Ці умови є оптимальними для росту сосни звичайної. Другу третину складають сирі (18 %) та мокрі (15 %) субори, в яких сосна звичайна має значно меншу продуктивність, зате добре почувається вільха клейка. Також у заповіднику трапляються сирі сугруди (12 %), які є досить родючими та сприятливими для росту вільхи клейкої високої продуктивності. У заповіднику переважають насадження ІІ (30,9 %) та ІІІ (26,6 %) класів бонітету. У віковій структурі домінують середньовікові насадження. Молодняки становлять незначну частину (8,1 % за площею і 3,1 % за запасом). Стиглі насадження займають 5,6 % за площею та 5,3 % за запасом. Більшість площі деревостанів (73,9 %) мають повноту 0,6-0,8. Отримані під час досліджень дані дають змогу визначити перспективи збереження лісових угруповань Черемського ПЗ, а також оцінити їхні основні екологічні функції та змоделювати екологічні послуги, які може надавати цей природно-заповідний об'єкт

    Impact of Disturbances on the Carbon Cycle of Forest Ecosystems in Ukrainian Polissya

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    Climate change continues to threaten forests and their ecosystem services while substantially altering natural disturbance regimes. Land cover changes and consequent management entail discrepancies in carbon sequestration provided by forest ecosystems and its accounting. Currently there is a lack of sufficient and harmonized data for Ukraine that can be used for the robust and spatially explicit assessment of forest provisioning and regulation of ecosystem services. In the frame of this research, we established an experimental polygon (area 45 km2) in Northern Ukraine aiming at estimating main forest carbon stocks and fluxes and determining the impact caused by natural disturbances and harvest for the study period of 2010–2015. Coupled field inventory and remote sensing data (RapidEye image for 2010 and SPOT 6 image for 2015) were used. Land cover classification and estimation of biomass and carbon pools were carried out using Random Forest and k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) method, respectively. Remote sensing data indicates a ca. 16% increase of carbon stock, while ground-based computations have shown only a ca. 1% increase. Net carbon fluxes for the study period are relatively even: 5.4 Gg C·year−1 and 5.6 Gg C C·year−1 for field and remote sensing data, respectively. Stand-replacing wildfires, as well as insect outbreaks and wind damage followed by salvage logging, and timber harvest have caused 21% of carbon emissions among all C sources within the experimental polygon during the study period. Hence, remote sensing data and non-parametric methods coupled with field data can serve as reliable tools for the precise estimation of forest carbon cycles on a regional spatial scale. However, featured land cover changes lead to unexpected biases in consistent assessment of forest biophysical parameters, while current management practices neglect natural forest dynamics and amplify negative impact of disturbances on ecosystem services