77 research outputs found

    Morfo-anatomska diferencijacija vrste teucrium montanum (Lamiaceae) na prostoru Centralnog Balkana

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    Inter-population differentiation of the species Teucrium montanum was analyzed on the basis of morpho-anatomical variability of its thirteen populations distributed between 60 and 1750 m above sea level in the Mediterranean and Continental region of the central Balkan Peninsula. Descriptive statistics were performed for each of 28 continuous quantitative characters related to leaf and stem morphology and anatomy. The hypothesis of morphological separation of populations was tested using canonical discriminant analysis (CDA), and discriminant function analysis was used to estimate the contribution of individual characters to overall discrimination. The discrimination between groups in CDA was predominantly based on characteristics of the external structure on the leaf surface, while the internal structure of the leaf and stem did not show such significant differences between the 13 populations. The morpho-anatomical analysis of plants from these populations has confirmed that the species T. montanum belongs to evergreen microphyllic xeromorphic semi-bushes. Statistical analysis revealed four group of populations with significant morphological differentiation. One part of the observed anatomical variability could be explained as an adaptive response to different geographical and recent environmental factors, and another part seemed to be caused by genetic or evolutionary factors.Interpopulaciona diferencijacija vrste Teucrium montanum je analizirana na osnovu varijabilnosti morfo- anatomskih karakteristika lista i stabla u okviru 13 populacija koje su rasprostranjene između 60 i 1750 m nadmorske visine, u mediteranskom i kontinentalnom delu Centralnog Balkana (Crna Gora i Srbija). Statističkom analizom je obuhvaćeno 28 kvantitativnih karaktera anatomije i morfologije lista i stabla. Hipoteza o morfo-anatomskoj diferencijaciji populacija testirana je kanonskom diskriminantnom analizom (CDA), dok je diskriminantnom funkcijskom analizom procenjen značaj pojedinačnih karaktera u diferencijaciji populacija. Razdvajanje grupa je pretežno zasnovano na karakterima povrÅ”inske strukture listova, dok unutraÅ”nja građa lista i stabla nije pokazala tako značajne uticaj na ustanovljene razlike između analiziranih populacija. Na osnovu morfo-anatomskih analiza, utvrđeno je da vrsta T. montanum pripada grupi zimzelenih, mikrofilnih kseromorfnih polužbunova. Statistička analiza je pokazala postojanje četiri grupe populacija čija se varijabilnost, s jedne strane, može tumačiti kao adaptivni odgovor na različite ekoloÅ”ke uslove staniÅ”ta kao i geografski položaj istraživanih populacija. S druge strane, deo ustanovljene varijabilnosti se izgleda može objasniti i odredjenim genetičkim i evolutivnim faktorima

    Anatomija četiri taksona roda Juniperus L. sect - Juniperus (Cupressaecae) sa Balkanskog poluostrva

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    The aim of this research was to describe variability of anatomical characteristics of needles and stems of the taxa: J. communis subsp. communis var. communis, J. communis subsp. communis var. intermedia Sanio, J. communis subsp. alpina (Suter) Čelak and J. deltoides Adams, from Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia (Balkan Peninsula), to establish whether anatomical differences are influenced by the phylogenetic or ecological position of individual taxa. Macroscopic and microscopic analyses were done on samples of 13 populations from Eu-Mediterranean coastal areas of up to 2,000 m a.s.l. in continental mountains. Descriptive statistics were calculated for 23 quantitative characters. Canonical Discriminant Analysis (CDA) and clustering on the basis of the UPGMA method were performed to measure distances between the groups. At an anatomical level there was fine differentiation between the taxa, at the level of species and subspecies. The species J. communis and J. deltoides differed in number of stomatal bands, needle cross-sectional shape, dimensions of the needle resin duct, as well as in the structure of the central cylinder in the primary structure of the stem. Within the species J. communis, high mountain subspecies J. communis subsp. alpina was fi nely differentiated compared with the typical subspecies J. communis subsp. communis. Basic differences between these two taxa were reflected in the shape and dimensions of the needles. Discriminant and cluster analyses did not show any major differences between J. communis subsp. communis var. communis and J. communis subsp. communis var. intermedia. Multivariate analysis showed that the level of anatomical differentiation of these taxa were conditioned partially by phylogenetic association of individual taxa, and partially by ecological conditions of the habitat. Our results showed that anatomical characteristics of needle and primary structures of the stem of these species of genus Juniperus have taxonomic significance at the species and infraspecies levels.U radu je opisana varijabilnost anatomskih karaktera četina i primarne i sekundarne građe stabla taksona: J. communis subsp. communis var. communis, J. communis subsp. communis var. intermedia Sanio, J. communis subsp. alpina (Suter) Čelak i J. deltoides Adams (= J. oxycedrus auct. Apen., Balk. & Turk., non L.), sa prostora Balkanskog poluostrva - Srbije, Crne Gore i Makedonije Makroskopska i mikroskopska istraživanja, koja su urađena na biljkama iz 13 eumediteranskih i kontinentalnih populacija, ukazuju da na anatomskom nivou između istraživanih taksona postoji fina izdiferenciranost na nivou vrsta i podvrsta. Vrste J. communis i J. deltoides se na anatomskom nivou potpuno razdvajaju po broju linija stoma, obliku poprečnog preseka četine, dimenziji smonog kanala u četini, kao i na osnovu građe centralnog cilindra u primarnoj građi stabla. Unutar vrste J. communis takođe je uočeno da se visokoplaninska J. communis subsp. alpina fi no diferencira u odnosu na tipsku podvrstu J. communis subsp. communis. Osnovne razlike između ova dva taksona su u obliku i dimenzijama četine. Diskriminantna i klaster analiza nisu pokazale značajne razlike između varijeteta J. communis subsp. communis var. communis i J. communis subsp. communis var. intermedia

    Morphological and chemical evidence of Teucrium Ɨ rohlenae K. MalĆ½ (Lamiaceae), a new hybrid in Croatia

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    Several natural hybrids of Teucrium montanum L. and T. polium L. have been described in certain parts of the area where these two species are sympatric. A new population with intermediate individuals that share morphological characteristics of both T. montanum and T. polium has been found in Croatia (Bisko near Trilj), and most likely represents a hybridogenous taxon. The aim of this study is to compare the morpho-anatomical and phytochemical characteristics of the two parental species and their putative hybrid, as well as to determine the most important distinguishing characters between these three groups. In order to describe the variability and significance of morpho-anatomical and phytochemical differentiation of the analysed groups several multivariate statistical analysis were conducted (PCA, CDA, DFA, UPGMA-clustering). All analyses confirm the separation of two species, T. polium and T. montanum, and reveal the intermediate position of the putative hybrid. In this way, data on morphological and anatomical analysis together with data on the composition of the essential oils support the assumption of the hybridogenous origin of the intermediate individuals. Based on descriptions and original indication of parental species of previously described hybrids T. Ɨ castrense Verg., T. Ɨ bogoutdinovae Melinkov and T. Ɨ rohlenae K.MalĆ½, we found that the intermediate specimens collected in Croatia perfectly correspond to T. Ɨ rohlenae, a hybridogenous taxon discovered by Rohlena in the vicinity of Kotor in Montenegro, and thus prove the presence of a new natural hybrid in the flora of Croatia

    Seasonal Variations in the Composition of the Essential Oils of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis, Lamiaceae)

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    Seasonal variations in the composition of the essential oils obtained from rosemary plants of the same genotype cultivated in Belgrade were determined by GC and GC/MS. The main constituents were camphor (18.2 - 28.1%), 1,8-cineole (6.4-18.0%), alpha-pinene (9.7-13.5%), borneol (4.4-9.5%), camphene (5.1-8.7%), beta-pinene (2.1-8.1%), beta-phellandrene (4.6-6.5%), myrcene (3.4-5.9%) and bornyl acetate (0.2-7.9%). Cluster analysis showed that 16 samples that had been collected each month during the vegetative cycle can be separated into three main clades with different compositions of essential oils. In the shoots with fruits ('fruits' - Clade I) and shoots with developed leaves ('old shoots' - Clade III) camphor is dominant. In shoots with young and incompletely developed leaves ('young shoot' - Clade II) camphor and 1,8-cineole had almost the same concentration. The fact that the same genotype during the growing seasons can synthesize oils that are so different that they can be classified as different chemotypes confirms the opinion that the chemical composition of essential oils sometimes critically depends on the time of collection. Also, for the definition of chemotypes it is not enough to base this on a chemical analysis of an oil from one phenophase only

    Nomenclature adjustments to neglected syntaxa of the tall-herb hygrophilous communities of the SE-Europe

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    Background and Purpose: During the preparation of a coenological paper concerning the tall-herb vegetation of the Balkans, it emerged that some syntaxa were invalidly described in their original papers, while some other synataxa had been forgotten or considered invalid according to the current phytosociological literature even if they had been validly published in their original papers. The present study deals with the nomenclatural problems of the Rumicetalia balcanici LakuÅ”ić 1973, a neglected order of the montane tall-herb vegetation, and those of all its related lower-rank syntaxa. Materials and Methods: All published papers that treated the nomenclatural issues regarding the tall-herb vegetation in the Balkans were analysed. The nomenclature adjustments were made in accordance with the rules of the Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (ICPN). The original relevĆ©s presented in this paper were carried out using the Braun-Blanquet phytosociological approach. Results and Conclusions: The nomenclature adjustments made in the paper result in the validation of the order Rumicetalia balcanicae and of four alliances: Rumicion balcanici, Ranunculion serbici, Cicerbition pancici and Petasition doerfleri. The validity of the alliance Cirsion appendiculati Horvat, Pawlowski et Walas 1937 was here confirmed while the name citation Geion coccinei Horvat in Quezel 1969 was here given for the first time. Finally several tall-herbs association were here validated and some others were proposed as new

    Variability of essential oil of different populations of Teucrium montanum L. (Lamiaceae) from Balkan peninsula

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    Teucrium montanum L. is widely distributed in the Balkan Peninsula, extending from the sea coast to altitudes of over 2100 m a. s. l. with the highest number of occurrences in the zone between 500 and 1000 m. The aim of the study was to investigate the chemical composition of essential oil of aerial parts of T. montanum from 14 different populations from Balkan Peninsula, ten from Serbia (SR-TreÅ”njica canyon, SR-Brdjanska gorge, SR-Goč, SR-Gornjak gorge, SR-Grza canyon, SR-JelaÅ”nica, SR-Kopaonik, SR-Maglič, SR-Rtanj, SR-Sićevačka gorge), two from Greece (GR-Olimp, GR-Ossa) and two from Albania (AL-Deja, AL-Skadar). The essential oils were obtained by hydrodistillation and qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed by GC-FID and GC-MS. The aerial parts of T. montanum contained only small amounts of oil (traces-0.7%), predominantly composed by sesquiterpene compounds (58.0-99.0%). One population from Albania (Deja), two from Greece (Olimp, Ossa) and two from Serbia (Sićevačka gorge, TreÅ”njica canyon) contained more than 90% of sesquiterpenes. The composition of essential oils was quite variable and the main compounds in almost all oils were germacrene D (trace-45.5%), sabinene (trace-23.1%), Ī±-pinene (trace-20.7%), limonene (trace-20.4%), (E)-caryophyllene (2.9-14.5%), Ī³-cadinene (trace-13.8%) and Ī“-cadinene (trace-12.0%). The cluster analysis revealed the separation of investigated essential oils to five clusters. The first cluster (AL-Skadar, SR-Brdjanska gorge, SR-Gornjak gorge, SR-Grza canyon, SR-Goč) is characterized by high germacrene D content (17.6-45.5%), the second (SR-Maglič, SR-Kopaonik, SR-Sićevačka gorge) by high sesquiterpene alcohol shyobunol content (14.6-55.2%), the third (AL-Deja, SR-JelaÅ”nica) by high Ī±-bisabolol content (31.2%-43.7%) and shyobunol (3.2%) in population AL-Deja, the fourth (SR-Rtanj) by high cis-sesquisabinene hydrate content (42.4%) and the fifth (GR-Olimp, GR-Ossa, SR-TreÅ”njica canyon) by high germecrene D-4-ol (5.96%-61.9%), and Ī²-eudesmol (14.9%) and epi-Ī±-cadinol (10.2%) content in GR-Olimp population. Such a high variability needs more research to define relationships among populations.7th Balkan Botanical Congress, 10-14th September 2018, Novi Sad, Serbi

    Seasonal Variations in the Composition of the Essential Oils of Lavandula angustifolia (Lamiacae)

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    Seasonal variations in the composition of the essential oils obtained from the same individual (of the same genotype) of Lavandula angustifolia cultivated in Belgrade were determined by GC and GC/MS. The main constituents were 1,8-cineole (7.1-48.4%), linalool (0.1-38.7%), borneol (10.9-27.7%), beta-phellandrene (0.5-21.2%) and camphor (1.5-15.8%). Cluster analysis showed that the 21 samples collected each month during the vegetation cycle were separable into three main clades with different compositions of essential oils. In the shoots with flowers, inflorescences and fruits of clade I, linalool is dominant, in the young leaves before flowering and old leaves of clade II, 1,8-cineole is dominant. In the young and incompletely developed leaves of clade III,beta-phellandrene is dominant. The composition of the essential oils of lavender depended on the plant part and the stage of development

    Generalized habitat map of Serbia

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    The generalized habitat map of Serbia is one of the products of the project carried out for the needs of the Institute for Nature Protection of Serbia by the Faculty of Biology University of Belgrade in cooperation with the geomatics company MapSoft d.o.o. The map was created using an adapted methodology for extracting different habitat types from remote sensing data. To interpret the basic habitat types, the following input datasets were used: Sentinel-2 satellite data, EU-DEM terrain elevation data, Basic land cover map, Copernicus pan-European high resolution layers, Open Street Map data, pedological and geological map of Serbia, and numerous training data. The map was created by integrating the rasters of each habitat type into a single raster, separating additional habitat subtypes by crossing them with additional sources (geologic and pedological map, basic land cover map, etc.). The final results are presented in the form of a spatial raster, with 32 cartographic classes defined based on the typology of habitats according to the Rulebook on Habitats of Serbia. In addition, manual vectorization of several other habitat types (springs - 37,284 objects, caves - 499 objects, waterfalls - 109 objects) was performed, and these results are provided in the form of vector point entities

    Imena biljnih taksona u nomenklaturi biljnih zajednica Srbije

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    DosadaÅ”njim nomenklaturnim istraživanjima, koja su urađena na osnovu obrade 1811 bibliografskih referenci, utvrđeno je da u fitocenoloÅ”koj literaturi koja se odnosi na vegetaciju Srbije, postoji 2340 imena osnovnih sintaksonomskih jedinica na nivou asocijacije i 968 imena subasocijacija i facijesa. U njihove nazive uključeno je 799 imena biljnih taksona. U radu su analizirani taksonomska struktura, pregled životnih formi i distribucija nominalnih taksona u nazivima viÅ”ih sintaksonomskih jedinica - sveza, redova i klasa. Od ukupnog broja konstatovanih nominalnih taksona, 10 se nalazi u Crvenoj knjizi flore Srbije sa statusom krajnje ugroženih

    Essential oil composition of different parts of endemic species Seseli gracile Waldst. & Kit. (Apiaceae) from natural and cultivated conditions

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    The chemical composition of the essential oils of Seseli gracile Waldst. & Kit. from natural habitat (Derdap Gorge, Serbia) and from cultivated plants (Belgrade, Serbia) were characterized. The essential oils of the root, aerial parts, inflorescence and fruit were analyzed by GC/MS and GC/FID. Monoterpene hydrocarbons were the main compounds in the essential oil of aerial parts (45.2-93.0 %), inflorescences (84.1 and 90.0 %) and fruit (85.0 %). Polyacetylenes (38.8 and 87.6 %) were dominant in the essential oil of root. The cluster analysis revealed that there were significant differences in the chemical composition of the S. gracile oils at different phenological stages. On the other hand, essential oils from the aerial parts from natural and cultivated plants showed quite uniform qualitative composition. The aerial parts essential oil from natural habitat contained higher content of para-cymene (mean values 17.3 vs. 6.5 %) and lower amounts of terpinolene (mean values 23.1 vs. 49.9 %). Also polyacetylene falcarinol was present only in the aerial parts samples from natural habitat. The essential oil of inflorescences from natural habitat contained higher concentration of terpinolene, quite similar amount of para-cymene and lower content of a-pinene
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