94 research outputs found

    A clinical study of primary caesarean section at a tertiary care hospital in coastal city: an observational study

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    Background: Caesarean section represents the most significant operative intervention in obstetrics and its development and application has saved the lives of countless mothers and infants. However there has been a steady increase in the rate of caesarean sections worldwide. In this study, we aim to find the primary caesarean section rates and strategies to cut it down.Methods: This was a prospective observational study done from January 2018 to June 2019 at Justice K. S. Hegde Charitable Hospital, Deralakatte, Mangaluru which included 379 cases of primary cesarean sections. All patients undergoing primary caesarean section with gestational age >28 weeks confirmed by dates, clinical examination and ultrasound were included in this study. Patients who had undergone previous caesarean section or were less than 18 years of age or were less than 28 weeks of gestation were excluded from the study.Results: In this study the rate of primary caesarean section was found to be 14.5% and the majority of the study subjects belonged to the age group of 18-27 years (62.3%). With respect to parity, primigravida were high in number (71.2%), followed by multigravida. The number of emergency caesarean sections were (79%) more than elective (21%). The most common intra-operative complication was post-partum haemorrhage (PPH) in 2.8% and the most common postoperative complication was wound gape in 2.1%.Conclusions: Maximum efforts should be made to allow progression of vaginal delivery in primigravida which helps us to bring down the primary caesarean rate

    Genetic Approaches to Appearance and Ancestry

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    Traditionally, routine forensic casework is based on comparative grounds. DNA profiles obtained from crime-scenes are compared with those of potential suspects or DNA profiles deposited in forensic DNA databases. The principal limitation of such comparative approach is that trace donors unknown to the investigators with their DNA profiles cannot be identified. The recent advancements in Forensic DNA Phenotyping can provide investigative leads to help find previously unknown individuals by inferring externally visible characteristics and biogeographic ancestry prediction without comparative DNA testing. Some predictive DNA tests for appearance and ancestry were previously developed by our group, but their forensic validation, as prerequisite for casework application, was mostly missing thus far. For other appearance traits the genetic knowledge was previously not advanced enough to develop predictive DNA tests. Moreover, the genotyping technology capable of tolerating quality and quantity issues of trace DNA and at the same time allowing the parallel analysis of large number of DNA markers was previously not available, which limited previously developed forensic ancestry DNA tests. The major aims of this thesis therefore are to: - forensically validate DNA test systems for predicting appearance and ancestry that were recently developed by our group i.e., IrisPlex for eye color prediction, HIrisPlex for hair and eye color prediction, and a set of mtDNA multiplexes for maternal ancestry prediction; - develop and forensically validate a new DNA test system for skin color prediction in combination with eye and hair color prediction from trace DNA; - develop and forensically validate a new DNA test system for complete mitogenome analysis providing maximum-resolution maternal lineage and maternal ancestry inference from trace DNA


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    Objective: This investigation demonstrates a stability-indicating and reliable “normal phase ultra-performance liquid chromatography” method to simultaneously quantify Ramucirumab and Erlotinib in the pharmaceutical dosage form. Methods: Successful separation was accomplished using Chiralcel-OD-3 column (50 mm x 4.6 mm, 3 μm) with an isocratic type of elution using a mobile phase containing n-hexane+isopropyl alcohol+methanol (89:10:1), respectively with 1.0 ml/min flow rate. The wavelength sensor was attuned at 266 nm to quantify Ramucirumab and Erlotinib. Results: Erlotinib and Ramucirumab peaks were eluted with fine resolution at retention times 1.7807 min and 3.175 min, respectively. In the 10-150 μg/ml and 1-15 μg/ml concentration ranges for Erlotinib and Ramucirumab, the calibration graphs were linear, with regression coefficients of 0.99928 and 0.99976, respectively. The suggested ultra-performance liquid chromatography approach has been shown as sensitive, precise, robust, accurate, specific and stability indicating through the resolution of Erlotinib and Ramucirumab from its degradation-based compounds. Conclusion: The established ultra-performance liquid chromatography technique was effectively extended to the evaluation of Erlotinib and Ramucirumab in the pharmaceutical dosage form and the test results appeared satisfactory

    GC-166 - Mobile Edge Computing for Traffic Management Mechanism using HAPS (High Altitude Platform Station)

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    MEC (Mobile Edge Computing) is a new paradigm to accelerate artificial intelligence (AI) applications by leveraging computing resources on the network edge, which can be used to improve intelligent transportation systems (ITS). HAPS is deployed in the stratosphere to provide wide coverage and strong computational capabilities. It is suitable to coordinate terrestrial resources and store the fundamental data associated with ITS-based applications. Performing task offloading and data caching at Roadside Units (RSUs) in a cooperative manner can reduce the heavy backhaul load and the retransmission of content downloading


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    ABSTRACTObjective: A new formulation was made with dry M. indica power in combination with honey to understand the activity of wound healing on Swissalbino mice.Methods: Initially, animals were grouped into four groups, and a wound of 150 mm was created. All the groups were taken for the study, and woundcontraction was studied on different days. The control group was treated with saline, Vitamin E was used as standard of the care, and other groupswere treated with 200 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg of the new formulation.Results: Wound healing started after 4th2 day in the standard treated group, and the other formulation treated groups also started wound contractionfrom 2nd day onward, whereas control did not show any wound contraction after 2 day. However, significant wound contraction observed aftertreatment with 500 mg of formulation on the 10thnd day, and this cannot be compared with the standard group on the 12 day. Even good woundcontraction observed with 200 mg/kg of the formulation which is similar to that of standard treated groups. The control group showed woundcontraction of about 34.72 mm2, whereas the standard group showed 9.58 mm and the formulation-treated groups 200 mg/kg and 500 mg/kgshowed 15.39 mm2 and 8.48 mm2.2Conclusion: This observation showed that a good wound contraction observed with a new formulation.Keywords: Mangifera indica, Honey, Wound healing, Wound contraction, Swiss albino mice.t

    Case report on laurence moon biedyl syndrome

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    Laurence moon Biedyl syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive condition with a wide spectrum of clinical features. The accepted major criteria for diagnosis include retinal dystrophy, obesity, Polydactyly, male hypogonadism, mental retardation and renal dysfunction. We have presented a 36 year old male patient exhibiting characteristic features of Laurence moon Biedyl syndrome and then the literature is reviewed

    A study of clinico etiological profile of children with cerebral palsy in a tertiary care centre

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    The clinical spectrum of Cerebral palsy (CP) can differ in various places depending upon the knowledge of the people and resources for prevention, diagnosis and management. Although studied extensively in high-resource countries, adequate data related to CP from resource-constraint settings are lacking. The aim: The present study is a descriptive study done on clinical profiles, aetiology, and comorbidities. Materials and methods: Present study is a hospital-based descriptive study of 80 children with Cerebral Palsy from January 2020 to June 2021 (18 months) admitted to Niloufer Hospital for Child Health, cases chosen as per inclusion criteria guided by "The Definition and classification of cerebral palsy, April 2006 International consensus". Clinical history and clinical examination and necessary investigations using a systematically designed proforma Results: The most common types were spastic type (78.9 %) and hypotonic type (12.5 %). Spastic quadriparesis (55 %) was the most common among subtypes. Males were more affected than females, with more rural than urban distribution. 48.8 % belonged to the lower middle and 37.5 % to the upper lower class of socio-economic status. Consanguinity was observed in 33 %, and 3 % had a similar family history. A high incidence (65 %) was seen in firstborn children. Term gestation was commonest at 87 % and prematurity at 13 %. 91.3 % of the cases were institutional deliveries. For causes of cerebral palsy, 45 % required resuscitation at birth, 2.5 % had neonatal sepsis, 1.25 % had a cerebral malformation, 7.5 % had an intracranial bleed, 7.5 % had post-meaning encephalitic sequelae, 1.3 % had TORCH infection. Comorbidities Like mental retardation were seen in 90 %, seizure disorder in 87.5 %, visual problems in 24.8 %, hearing problems in 13.75 %, 56.25 % of cases were malnourished. Conclusions: Comorbidities are significantly observed in cases of cerebral palsy. Appropriate screening and management of comorbidities, especially vision, hearing, speech, seizures, and nutrition, improve the overall prognosis in cases of Cerebral palsy

    Efficiency of Text Mining of Accident Narratives By Accessing Predictive Performance

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    This work portrays the utilization of content mining with a mix of methods to naturally find accident attributes that can educate a superior comprehension of the supporters of the accidents. The review assesses the viability of content mining of mischance stories by evaluating prescient execution for the expenses of outrageous accidents. The outcomes demonstrate that prescient exactness for accident costs altogether enhances using highlights found by content mining and prescient precision additionally enhances using current outfit strategies. Critically, this review likewise appears through case illustrations how the discoveries from content mining of the stories can enhance comprehension of the supporters of rail accidents in ways unrealistic through just settled field investigation of the accident reports


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    The hazard to public health from lead continues to be a matter of concern. It is one of the most serious environmental poisons among the toxic heavy metals all over the world. Lead poisoning is seen in all age groups, especially in adults working in lead-based industries. We report the case of a 28-year-old man working in an unorganized lead-based manufacturing unit admitted with the complaints of giddiness, excessive tiredness, pain in the upper abdomen, decreased appetite, excessive body pains, increased sweating, and oliguria. Investigations carried out during the admission showed hemoglobin levels of 8.5 g/dl and blood lead level (BLL) of 115 μg/dl. The patient was subjected to chelation therapy. After repeated course of chelation therapy, he has shown the signs of improvement. The paucity of a safe workplace and awareness among workers results in high BLLs. Therefore, education and awareness related to lead hazards is considered necessary