35 research outputs found

    Más allá de un expediente académico, una experiencia

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    Treball de Final Màster Universitari en Psicologia del Treball, de les Organitzacions i en Recursos Humans (Pla de 2014) (Presencial). Codi: SBE013. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016En una sociedad de continuos cambios sociales, políticos, económicos, etc. adaptarse a los nuevos contextos, mercados, entre otras situaciones, se convierte en una necesidad a satisfacer. Por todo ello, la formación que asegure la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos, y, sobre todo, de nuevas competencias, se convierte en una gran herramienta a la hora de adaptarse, a las nuevas demandas sociales, a nivel general, y a los nuevos requisitos del mercado laboral específicamente. El siguiente proyecto tiene como finalidad plasmar parte de todo aquello aprendido durante el Máster de Psicología del Trabajo, de las Organizaciones y Recursos Humanos (PTORH) en su edición 2014/2016. Para ello, se hace una breve presentación de los contenidos que han conformado esta formación. También se van a mostrar las diferentes competencias adquiridas a lo largo del curso, la mayoría gracias a la parte teórica, pero también a las prácticas externas llevadas a cabo en una empresa. Además, se incluye una valoración personal que recoge todos aquellos puntos relevantes y competencias, con los que el alumno se queda para su propio crecimiento, junto con una serie de aportaciones que ayudarían a mejorar posibles brechas en ediciones futuras para el Máster. Finalmente, una reflexión personal sobre la visión de su futuro profesional y el sentido que conlleva para éste el haberse formado durante estos dos años en el área de la psicología aplicada al ámbito laboral y de los Recursos Humanos.In a society of continuous social, political and economic changes, amongst many others, adapting to the new contexts, markets and other new situations is a necessity to meet. Thus, an academic training ensuring the acquisition of new knowledge and especially of new skills becomes a great tool when adapting to the new social demands at a general level and to the requirements of the labour market at a more specific level. The following project aims to reflect a part of all of what has been learnt during the Master of Arts in Psychology of Work, Organizations and Human Resources (PTORH) during the academic course of 2014-2015. In order to achieve this goal, this dissertation will include a brief presentation of the contents that have shaped this academic course. It will also include the different skills acquired during the Master degree, most of which have been acquired not only through theoretical courses but also through an internship carried out in a company. In addition, this dissertation will include a personal valuation containing all those relevant points and skills -that I reserved for my own personal growth-, as well as a series of contributions that will help students improve their skills and will also guide them on how to compensate (for) possible gaps in future editions of this Master of Arts. Finally, there will be a personal reflection about the vision of our professional future and how being trained will affect us in the arena of the applied psychology in businesses and human resources

    La emigración anarquista como nexo de unión entre España y Argentina

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    Treball Final de Grau en Història i Patrimoni (Pla de 2015). Codi: HP1536. Curs acadèmic: 2021/2022Actualmente, la emigración transnacional es un fenómeno que se da con mucha frecuencia, debido a numerosos factores tanto sociales como económicos. El ser humano, en su afán de lograr una mejor condición social, busca una salida que muchas veces llega con el abandono de su lugar de confort o residencia y la marcha a otro país con mejores condiciones tanto laborales como sociales. Dentro de la emigración transnacional encontramos varios tipos en dependencia de los factores que condicionan la salida, siendo uno de los más destacados la emigración anarquista. Este tipo de emigración tiene una condición, como veremos, principalmente política; en muchos casos, los anarquistas se veían en la obligación de emigrar, de exiliarse por temor a las persecuciones y encarcelamientos. En nuestro trabajo, tomamos como lugares de estudio España y Argentina, dos países ligados históricamente tanto por su lengua como por su cultura. Y enmarcamos nuestro análisis entre finales del siglo XIX y las dos primeras décadas del XX, momento de mayor expansión del anarquismo en Argentina. Esto hizo (junto a otros factores como la situación económica) que un gran número de anarquistas españoles decidiera cruzar el atlántico hasta el país sudamericano. Por razones de extensión de un trabajo de estas características, utilizamos solamente el ejemplo de dos figuras anarquistas de renombre como son Juana Rouco Buela y Diego Abad de Santillán, porque sus vidas, ligadas al anarquismo, nos muestran cómo tuvieron que exiliarse en más de una ocasión y defender sus ideales en una sociedad muy jerarquizada, donde el estado mantenía una política muy represiva contra aquellos que se oponían a sus intereses.Currently, transnational migration is a phenomenon that occurs very frequently, due to numerous social and economic factors. The human being, in his eagerness to achieve a better social condition, looks for a way out that often comes with the abandonment of his place of comfort or residence and the march to another country with better working and social conditions. Within transnational emigration we find several types depending on the factors conditioning the leaving, one of the most prominent is anarchist emigration. This type of emigration has a condition, as we will see, mainly political. In many cases, anarchists found themselves forced to emigrate, to go into exile for fear of persecution and imprisonment. In our work, we take as places of study Spain and Argentina, two countries historically linked by both their language and their culture. And we frame our analysis between the end of the 19th century and the first two decades of the 20th, the moment of greatest expansion of anarchism in Argentina. This made (along with other factors such as the economic situation) that a large number of Spanish anarchists decided to cross the Atlantic to the South American country. For reasons of extension of a work of these characteristics, we only use the example of two renowned anarchist figures such as Juana Rouco Buela and Diego Abad de Santillán, because their lives, linked to anarchism, show us how they had to go into exile in more than one occasion and defend their ideals in a very hierarchical society, where the state maintained a very repressive policy against those who opposed their interests

    Invariant slow manifolds of an Atomic Force Microscope system under the Derjaguin-Muller-Toporov forces and a slow harmonic base motion

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    In the present work, we study the nonlinear vibrations of an AFM system, modeled as a linear mass-spring-damper system, under the Derjaguin-Muller-Toporov forces and subject to imposed slow harmonic base displacement. The invariant slow manifolds of the system are approximated and their bifurcations are investigated. Then, the charts of behaviors of the different operating modes of the AFM are determined. The dynamic saddle-node bifurcations of the contact and the noncontact invariant slow manifolds are found to be responsible for the occurrence of the tapping mode

    Effects of a slow harmonic displacement on an Atomic Force Microscope system under Lennard-Jones forces

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    We focus in this paper on the modeling and dynamical analysis of a tapping mode atomic force microscopy (AFM). The microbeam is subjected to a low frequency harmonic displacement of its base and to the Lennard-Jones (LJ) forces at its free end. Static and modal analysis are performed for various gaps between the tip of the microbeam and a sample. The Galerkin method is employed to reduce the equations of motion to a fast-slow dynamical system. We show that the dynamics of the AFM system is governed by the contact and the noncontact invariant slow manifolds. The tapping mode is triggered via two saddle-node bifurcations of these manifolds. Moreover, the contact time is computed and the effects of the base motion amplitude and the initial gap are discussed

    A nonlinear model of the hand-arm system and parameters identification using vibration transmissibility

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    In the present paper a lumped single degree-of-freedom nonlinear model is used to study biodynamic responses of the hand arm system (HAS) under harmonic vibrations. Then, the harmonic balance method is implemented to derive the vibration transmissibility. Furthermore,Padé approximations are used in the identification process of biodynamic characteristics of the HAS model. This process is based on minimizing the distance between the theoretical and the experimentally measured transmissibilities. The proposed identification workflow is applied to vibrations at the wrist in two cases: 1) the transmissibility versus the grip force for fixed excitation frequencies, and 2) the transmissibility versus the excitation frequency for fixed grip force

    Linear flexural natural frequencies and stability analysis of spinning Rayleigh beams: application to clamped-clamped beams.

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    In the present paper 3D bending linear free vibrations of spinning Rayleigh beams are investigated. Four linear models, that differ in the linearization process, are studied. A focus on analytical computation of natural frequencies for a broad range of boundary conditions is highlighted. Then, the conditions of occurrence of divergence and flutter instabilities are determined. Finally, a case study consisting of a clamped-clamped Rayleigh beam is studied. It is found that the free vibrations destabilization process depends on the used linearization approach

    Effects of a slow harmonic displacement on an Atomic Force Microscope system under Lennard-Jones forces

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    We focus in this paper on the modeling and dynamical analysis of a tapping mode atomic force microscopy (AFM). The microbeam is subjected to a low frequency harmonic displacement of its base and to the Lennard-Jones (LJ) forces at its free end. Static and modal analysis are performed for various gaps between the tip of the microbeam and a sample. The Galerkin method is employed to reduce the equations of motion to a fast-slow dynamical system. We show that the dynamics of the AFM system is governed by the contact and the noncontact invariant slow manifolds. The tapping mode is triggered via two saddle-node bifurcations of these manifolds. Moreover, the contact time is computed and the effects of the base motion amplitude and the initial gap are discussed

    A nonlinear model of the hand-arm system and parameters identification using vibration transmissibility

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    In the present paper a lumped single degree-of-freedom nonlinear model is used to study biodynamic responses of the hand arm system (HAS) under harmonic vibrations. Then, the harmonic balance method is implemented to derive the vibration transmissibility. Furthermore,Padé approximations are used in the identification process of biodynamic characteristics of the HAS model. This process is based on minimizing the distance between the theoretical and the experimentally measured transmissibilities. The proposed identification workflow is applied to vibrations at the wrist in two cases: 1) the transmissibility versus the grip force for fixed excitation frequencies, and 2) the transmissibility versus the excitation frequency for fixed grip force

    Linear flexural natural frequencies and stability analysis of spinning Rayleigh beams: application to clamped-clamped beams.

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    In the present paper 3D bending linear free vibrations of spinning Rayleigh beams are investigated. Four linear models, that differ in the linearization process, are studied. A focus on analytical computation of natural frequencies for a broad range of boundary conditions is highlighted. Then, the conditions of occurrence of divergence and flutter instabilities are determined. Finally, a case study consisting of a clamped-clamped Rayleigh beam is studied. It is found that the free vibrations destabilization process depends on the used linearization approach