6 research outputs found

    Cardiopulmonary assessment of patients diagnosed with Gaucher’s disease type I

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    Background: Understanding the basis of the phenotypic variation in Gaucher's disease (GD) has proven to be challenging for efficient treatment. The current study examined cardiopulmonary characteristics of patients with GD type 1. Methods: Twenty Caucasian subjects (8/20 female) with diagnosed GD type I (GD-S) and 20 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (C), were assessed (mean age GD-S: 32.6 ± 13.1 vs. C: 36.2 ± 10.6, p >.05) before the initiation of treatment. Standard echocardiography at rest was used to assess left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP). Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) was performed on a recumbent ergometer using a ramp protocol. Results: LVEF was similar in both groups (GD-S: 65.1 ± 5.2% vs. C: 65.2 ± 5.2%, p >.05), as well as PAPS (24.1 ± 4.2 mmHg vs. C: 25.5 ± 1.3 mmHg, p >.05). GD-S had lower weight (p <.05) and worse CPET responses compared to C, including peak values of heart rate, oxygen consumption, carbondioxide production (VCO2), end-tidal pressure of CO2, and O2 pulse, as well as HR reserve after 3 min of recovery and the minute ventilation/VCO2 slope. Conclusions: Patients with GD type I have an abnormal CPET response compared to healthy controls likely due to the complex pathophysiologic process in GD that impacts multiple systems integral to the physiologic response to exercise

    Immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangements in patients with Gaucher disease

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    Uvod: Nekoliko studija u literaturi navode dokaze o povećanoj incidenci hematoloških komplikacija u bolesnika sa Gošeovom bolešću, uključujući monoklonsku i poliklonsku gamapatiju i hematološke malignitete, a posebno multipli mijelom. Metode: Određivana je serumska koncentracija imunoglobulina kao i rearanžman gena za teški lanac imunoglobulina - IGH, PCR analizom. Klonalni PCR produkti su direktno sekvencirani i analizirani koristeći adekvatne alate i baze podataka. Monoklonski proteini seruma su detektovani i identifikovani metodom elektroforeze. Rezultati: Među 27 bolesnika, klonalni IGH rearanžman je otkriven kod osmoro, od kojih je petoro imalo i monot klonski protein u serumu. Hipergamaglobulinemija je otkrivena u 9/27 bolesnika. Podaci o praćenju za 17 bolesnika su pokazali da je klonalni rearanžman ostao isti u četiri bolesnika, dok je u jednog bolesnika iščezao tokom perioda praćenja. Preostalih 12/17 bolesnika nisu imali klonalni IGH rearanžman niti su ga stekli nakon perioda praćenja. Zaključak: Iako klonska ekspanzija može da nastane relativno rano u toku Gošeove bolesti, barem sudeći prema rearanžmanu IGH gena, detektovani klonovi mogu biti tranzitorni. Pažljivo kliničko praćenje ovih bolesnika je obavezno, uključujući i nadzor nad limfoidnim neoplazmama, posebno multiplim mijelomom.Background: Several studies support the evidence of increased incidence of hematological complications in Gaucher disease including monoclonal and polyclonal gammopathies and blood malignancies, especially multiple myeloma. Methods: Serum concentrations of immunoglobulins and PCR analysis of the IGH gene rearrangements were performed. The clonal PCR products were directly sequenced and analyzed with the appropriate database and tools. Serum monoclonal proteins were detected and identified by electrophoresis. Results: Among 27 Gaucher patients, clonal IGH rearrangement was discovered in eight, with 5/8 having also serum monoclonal protein. Elevated immunoglobulins were detected in 9/27 patients. Follow-up data for 17 patients showed that the clonal rearrangement remained the same in four of them, however, in one patient it disappeared after the follow-up period. The remaining 12/17 patients were without previous IGH clonal rearrangement and remained so after the follow-up. Conclusions: Although clonal expansion may occur relatively early in the disease course, at least judging by the IGH gene rearrangements in Gaucher patients, the detected clones may be transient. A careful clinical follow-up in these patients is mandatory, including monitoring for lymphoid neoplasms, especially multiple myeloma

    Comparative analysis of electroencephalographic tests of alpha activity attenuation in evaluation of involuntary falling asleep in healthy adults

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    Introduction. Decrease of daily alertness is a common cause of accidents in the work place, especially traffic accidents. Therefore, an increasing interest exists to determine reliable indicators of a tendency to fall asleep involuntarily. Objective. To determine an optimal electroencephalographic (EEG) indicator of an involuntary tendency to fall asleep, we performed a study on neurologically healthy subjects, after one night of sleep deprivation. Total sleep deprivation was aimed at increasing daily sleepiness in healthy subjects, providing us with an opportunity to test different methods of evaluation. Methods. We applied a visual analogue scale for sleepiness (VASS), EEG registration with the specific test of alpha activity attenuation (TAA) in 87 healthy subjects. The test was performed in a standard way (sTAA) as well as in accordance with new modifications related to changes of EEG filter width in the range from 5 to 32 Hz (mTAA). Results. After sleep deprivation, we observed involuntary falling asleep in 54 subjects. The comparison of VASS results showed no differences, contrary to a more objective TAA. Between two variants of TAA, the modified test provided us with a better prediction for subjects who would fall asleep involuntarily. Conclusion. The application of a more objective EEG test in evaluation of daily alertness represents the optimal method of testing. Modified TAA attracts special attention, offering a simple solution for reliable testing of decreased daily alertness in medical services related to professional aircraft personnel

    Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Gene Rearrangements in Patients with Gaucher Disease

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    Uvod: Nekoliko studija u literaturi navode dokaze o povećanoj incidenci hematoloških komplikacija u bolesnika sa Gošeovom bolešću, uključujući monoklonsku i poliklonsku gamapatiju i hematološke malignitete, a posebno multipli mijelom. Metode: Određivana je serumska koncentracija imunoglobulina kao i rearanžman gena za teški lanac imunoglobulina - IGH, PCR analizom. Klonalni PCR produkti su direktno sekvencirani i analizirani koristeći adekvatne alate i baze podataka. Monoklonski proteini seruma su detektovani i identifikovani metodom elektroforeze. Rezultati: Među 27 bolesnika, klonalni IGH rearanžman je otkriven kod osmoro, od kojih je petoro imalo i monot klonski protein u serumu. Hipergamaglobulinemija je otkrivena u 9/27 bolesnika. Podaci o praćenju za 17 bolesnika su pokazali da je klonalni rearanžman ostao isti u četiri bolesnika, dok je u jednog bolesnika iščezao tokom perioda praćenja. Preostalih 12/17 bolesnika nisu imali klonalni IGH rearanžman niti su ga stekli nakon perioda praćenja. Zaključak: Iako klonska ekspanzija može da nastane relativno rano u toku Gošeove bolesti, barem sudeći prema rearanžmanu IGH gena, detektovani klonovi mogu biti tranzitorni. Pažljivo kliničko praćenje ovih bolesnika je obavezno, uključujući i nadzor nad limfoidnim neoplazmama, posebno multiplim mijelomom.Background: Several studies support the evidence of increased incidence of hematological complications in Gaucher disease including monoclonal and polyclonal gammopathies and blood malignancies, especially multiple myeloma. Methods: Serum concentrations of immunoglobulins and PCR analysis of the IGH gene rearrangements were performed. The clonal PCR products were directly sequenced and analyzed with the appropriate database and tools. Serum monoclonal proteins were detected and identified by electrophoresis. Results: Among 27 Gaucher patients, clonal IGH rearrangement was discovered in eight, with 5/8 having also serum monoclonal protein. Elevated immunoglobulins were detected in 9/27 patients. Follow-up data for 17 patients showed that the clonal rearrangement remained the same in four of them, however, in one patient it disappeared after the follow-up period. The remaining 12/17 patients were without previous IGH clonal rearrangement and remained so after the follow-up. Conclusions: Although clonal expansion may occur relatively early in the disease course, at least judging by the IGH gene rearrangements in Gaucher patients, the detected clones may be transient. A careful clinical follow-up in these patients is mandatory, including monitoring for lymphoid neoplasms, especially multiple myeloma