9 research outputs found

    Aiempien maataloustieteiden opintojen merkitys projektityön toteuttamisessa

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    Abstract Helsingin yliopiston maataloustieteiden laitoksella ensimmäistä kertaa keväällä 2016 järjestetyn opintojakson ”Tieteestä toimintaa: Projektityö” yksi keskeinen tavoite on tutustuttaa opiskelijat aidoissa työelämän tehtävissä tapahtuvaan maataloustieteiden soveltamiseen. Haastattelimme opintojaksolle osallistuneet opiskelijat keskittyen heidän kokemuksiinsa projektityöstä erityisesti aiemmin suoritettujen maataloustieteiden opintojen kannalta tarkasteltuna. Opiskelijat kokivat aiemmin suoritettujen maataloustieteiden opintojen tukeneen projektityön toteuttamista muun muassa luomalla pohjaa projektityössä tarvitun kyselytutkimuksen toteuttamiseen ja antamalla rohkeutta omien mielipiteiden ilmaisuun

    Investigating the characteristics of knowledge-related learning assignments in upper secondary school

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    Abstract This study reports on whether students have the opportunity to acquire generic competencies when they work with knowledge-related assignments at upper secondary school. We investigated 30 assignments. The data included lesson observations and interviews with teachers. The main categories of teaching practices were theory-based, and the subcategories and the levels of intensity were based on qualitative analysis of the data. The most common categories were Object-orientedness, Epistemic challenge, Process-like emphasis, Intensity of collaboration, Cross-fertilisation, and Information practices. The least common categories were Cross-fertilisation, Process-like emphasis, and Object-orientedness. Cluster analysis produced three groups: Open and challenging assignments with guidance and support (eight cases), Demanding assignments without support (seven cases), and Well-defined, teacher-directed assignments (15 cases). Assignments of the first type support students’ knowledge-related competencies the best. The second type of assignment is demanding because students work independently with limited support for challenging assignments. Assignments of the third type were well-structured and teacher-centered assignments

    Assessing the development of collaborative knowledge work competence:scales for higher education course contexts

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    Abstract The necessity to learn competence for collaborative knowledge work during higher education (HE) is accepted widely, but continued work is required to explicate how to define and assess such competence. In this article, the development and validation of a questionnaire for assessing the development of collaborative knowledge work competence is based on object-bound collaborative knowledge creation practices. In total, 546 students responded to a questionnaire on Collaborative Knowledge Practices (CKP). The data were analysed for measurement invariance for two groups of HE students in media engineering and life sciences. Seven scales of the CKP were found to measure course-related learning of collaboration, integration of personal and collective efforts, development through feedback, persistent development of knowledge objects, understanding of different disciplines and related expertise, interdisciplinary collaboration, and using digital technology. The CKP questionnaire scales can be used as a generic self-evaluation tool for students on course-based learning outcomes