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    If we talk about Ayurveda, Science of life, the concept of AMA is unique. Ama is a Sanskrit word that translates literally to mean things like "unripe," "uncooked," "raw," "immature," or "undigested. Essentially, it is a form of un-metabolized waste that cannot be utilized by the body.To some degree, the formation of small amounts of Ama is a normal part of the digestive process, provided it is efficiently removed. But when it is not regularly cleared and eliminated, ama becomes hugely problematic. In fact, Ama is said to be the root cause of all disease, and Amaya, a Sanskrit word for disease literally means "that which is born out of Ama. The connection between Ama and the disease process makes perfect sense because the qualities of Ama are in direct opposition to those of Agni. Strong Agni is essential to the maintenance of proper health. In other words, when Agni is compromised and when Ama accumulates, our health suffers, and the two situations are mutually reinforcing. In Ayurveda, the concept of Agni, is of central importance. In fact, the strength of Agni in the body is among the most critical factors in determining overall health. By contrast, Ama is a toxic, disease causing substance that forms as a result of impaired Agni, and that, in turn, destroys Agni. In this way, impaired Agni and the creation of Ama routinely enter into a vicious and self-perpetuating cycle. Unfortunately, the accumulation of Ama is extremely detrimental to our health; it can lead to all kinds of imbalances and is a causative factor in any number of diseases. Ama pachan and Agni Deepana is the best concept to improve all heath issues, for this the wonderful drug Chitraka is mentioned in our Ayurvedic texts. Here in this article we are going to discuss about Chitrak & its medicinal aspect as mentioned in Ayurvedic texts


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    Herbal medicines are being used by mankind for several years. In recent decade there has been a tremendous increase in interest towards plant based medicines, especially for new sources of drugs. Indravaruni is a well known plant of ancient medical sciences. It is described in almost all Samhitas and Nighantus of Ayurveda. Indravaruni is Citrullus colocynthis Schrad belongs to family Cucurbitaceae, mostly found throughout India, both wild and cultivated. Indravaruni is a trailing herb; its tendrils are simple, slender and hairy; leaves are variable in size with deltoid margin, pale green colour above and ashy colour beneath; It shows male and female flowers; fruit are globular slightly depressed green colour and get white glabrous when ripe. Fruit filled with dry spongy very bitter pulp. C. colocynthis is extensively used by the Ayurvedic practitioners to treat wide number disease. It is traditionally Practiced by various ethnic groups especially to treat Diabetes, Constipation, Abdominal Pain, Amennorhoea, Deafness, Rheumatism etc. Main chemical constituents of fruit pulp iscolocynthin, colocynthein and colocynthetin, pectin gum; seeds contain fixed oil and albuminoids. As per Ayurveda it is Tiktarasam, Usnaveeryam, Katuvipakam and used as purgative, diuretic Kaphaharam and abortifacient. This article review the taxonomical description, synonyms, vernacular names, classical review, part used, dosage, botanical description, Ayurvedic properties, phytochemistry, therapeutic uses, ethnomedicinal uses, pharmacological activity of Indravaruni

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    Not AvailableThe National Agricultural Research System (NARS) is playing a pivotal role in enabling food security by continuous generation of technologies in agriculture and allied sectors in the country. The Indian farming mostly characterized with diversified agro-ecologies, water scarcity, unpredicted rains due to vagaries of monsoon and high cost of technological inputs. Based on the changing scenario of agriculture year by year, it requires promotion of proper management of natural resources like soil, water and micro environment, besides wellbeing of all stakeholders involved in the food production and consumption chain. This is primarily possible by technological empowerment of farmers. As part of such a strategy, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is playing a crucial role in providing technologies generated by NARS after its assessment, refinement, demonstration in the micro farming situations, in addition to updating the knowledge and skill of farmers and extension personnel by taking up innovative approaches through its network of 589 Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), which act as knowledge and resource centers for empowering all the partners in the agricultural development process. Over the years, there is a change in agrarian structure, though 80% of farmers are operating small and marginal land holdings and having a weak access to critical production resources. It is expected that India will have the largest agricultural manpower dominated by youths under 30 years of age by 2020. Majority of the Indian youth live in villages and are engaged in agricultural activities. Keeping in view such a situation, the KVKs are effectively addressing the felt needs of farming community especially rural youth by following plough to plate approach and creating an enterprising environment. In order to reach the farmers efficiently, a number of activities are carried out by the entire KVK system to bring out location specific technology modules and appropriate extension approaches. It is therefore very important to review and analyze the input, output, outcome and impact of technological interventions implemented by KVKs by documenting the success achieved and to reorient the strategies for effective functioning of KVKs for fulfilling its mandate. In this direction, the Division of Agricultural Extension of ICAR has made a critical review of success stories emerged from KVKs through a rigorous process followed by the Programme Coordinators at district level, the Zonal Project Directorates at Zonal level and by the Division at national level. Altogether 101 salient technological interventions which proved success have been chosen as a testimony of hard work put in by KVK system and are presented in the form of this document. There is no denying the fact that until the full potential of technology modules tested and demonstrated by KVKs are harvested by the millions of farmers in the country, success cannot be truly translated into production gains at the field level. It is hoped that this attempt may direct the KVKs and the farming community for up-scaling and replication of successful enterprising interventions for teaching the untaught and reaching the unreached.Not Availabl