5 research outputs found
Intracranial V. cholerae Sialidase Protects against Excitotoxic Neurodegeneration
Converging evidence shows that GD3 ganglioside is a critical effector in a number of apoptotic pathways, and GM1 ganglioside has neuroprotective and noötropic properties. Targeted deletion of GD3 synthase (GD3S) eliminates GD3 and increases GM1 levels. Primary neurons from GD3S−/− mice are resistant to neurotoxicity induced by amyloid-β or hyperhomocysteinemia, and when GD3S is eliminated in the APP/PSEN1 double-transgenic model of Alzheimer's disease the plaque-associated oxidative stress and inflammatory response are absent. To date, no small-molecule inhibitor of GD3S exists. In the present study we used sialidase from Vibrio cholerae (VCS) to produce a brain ganglioside profile that approximates that of GD3S deletion. VCS hydrolyzes GD1a and complex b-series gangliosides to GM1, and the apoptogenic GD3 is degraded. VCS was infused by osmotic minipump into the dorsal third ventricle in mice over a 4-week period. Sensorimotor behaviors, anxiety, and cognition were unaffected in VCS-treated mice. To determine whether VCS was neuroprotective in vivo, we injected kainic acid on the 25th day of infusion to induce status epilepticus. Kainic acid induced a robust lesion of the CA3 hippocampal subfield in aCSF-treated controls. In contrast, all hippocampal regions in VCS-treated mice were largely intact. VCS did not protect against seizures. These results demonstrate that strategic degradation of complex gangliosides and GD3 can be used to achieve neuroprotection without adversely affecting behavior
Tubo de ácido poliglicólico e GM1 na regeneração de nervos periféricos Polyglycolic acid tube associated with GM1 in regeneration of peripheral nerves
INTRODUÇÃO: A auto-enxertia de nervo é considerada tratamento de escolha nas grandes perdas de tecido neural que não permitam a reparação através de anastomose primária. Nesses casos, o tubo sintético à base de ácido poliglicólico é uma alternativa para enxertia de nervo. Por outro lado, muitos estudos têm enfatizado a importância dos fatores neurotróficos na regeneração neural: o monossialotetraesosilgangliosídeo (GM1), um dos principais glicoesfingolípides do tecido nervoso de mamíferos, é tido como potencializador dos efeitos desses fatores. OBJETIVO: Comparar, em ratos, o grau de regeneração neural, utilizando análise histológica, contagem do número de axônios mielinizados regenerados e análise funcional com a utilização do neurotubo e do GM1. MÉTODOS: Essa avaliação foi obtida com a interposição de enxerto autógeno (grupo A), tubo de ácido poliglicólico (grupo B) e da associação do tubo de ácido poliglicólico à administração de GM1 (grupo C) em defeitos de 5 mm no nervo ciático. RESULTADOS: Foi observada formação de neuroma apenas no grupo A. Os grupos A e C apresentaram padrões histológicos semelhantes, exceto que os axônios regenerados do grupo C apresentavam-se mais organizados e mielinizados que o grupo A. CONCLUSÃO: Na recuperação funcional, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os três grupos, a despeito das diferenças histológicas qualitativas e quantitativas verificadas.<br>INTRODUCTION: Nerve allografting is regarded as a treatment of choice in large neural tissue losses preventing repair by primary anastomosis. In these cases, a synthetic polyglycolic acid tube is an alternative for nerve grafting. On the other hand, several studies have emphasized the importance of neurotrophic factors on neural regeneration, including substances with potential to optimize neural regeneration, especially the GM1, an neurotrophic enhancer factor. OBJECTIVE: to compare, in rats, the neural regeneration degree using histological analysis, regenerated myelinized axons count, and functional analysis with the use of neurotube and GM1. METHODS: This assessment was performed by interposing allograft (group A), polyglycolic acid tube (group B) and polyglycolic acid tube associated to GM1 (group C) on 5-mm sciatic nerve defects. RESULTS: Neuroma formation was found only on group A. Groups A and C showed similar histological patterns, except for the regenerated axons on group C, which were shown to be better organized and myelinized than in group A. CONCLUSION: on functional recovery, no statistically significant difference was found for the three groups, despite of qualitative and quantitative histological differences found