31 research outputs found

    Transformation of the Chinese party-state at prefecture and county level

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    The study describes the acceleration of the disintegration and withdrawal of the party-state network and transformation of the system on national level, and empirically surveys the impact of the hardening reproduction constraints of the party-state network since 1994 in three Chinese prefectures and six counties. We track the reactions to the hardening reproduction constraints at these levels and the consequences of these reactions on the transformation of the party-state network at those levels. We make an effort to demonstrate the differences in impact, reactions and consequences among the given administrative levels and between them. We also try to detect how does this process change the relationship among the actors within the net (party-state and economic decision-makers) and between those within and outside the net. The survey is based on the implementation of the Interactive Party-State model (Csanádi, 1997, 2003) that serves as a device and approach for comparative empirical analysis. The surveyed prefectures and counties provided a test-field for the postulates of the model. More than 70 interviews with provincial, prefecture and county level party- and state officials, different level statistics, national and local level documents and secondary sources forged the raw material for the study.

    Global crisis and its implications on the political transformation in China

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    This paper analyzes the impact of global financial and economic crisis on the process of system transformation in China. First, it details the direct impact of global growth on macroeconomic development and its indirect impact on economic transformation. Second, it analyzes the direct impact of global crisis on macroeconomic decline and its indirect impact on the prospects of political transformation. The paper builds on the basic principles and ideas of the Interactive Party-State model to introduce the concept of transformation dynamics. This concept implies the direction and speed of change of the retreating party-state sphere and the emergence of the field outside of it during the process of transformation. Using this concept a statistical survey was carried out on the economic transformation of the Chinese party-state. Results reveal the disparities of the dynamics of transformation in time, in space, and at different levels of aggregation between 1999 and 2004. A dominant type of transformation dynamics is revealed during this period and the shift of dominant type within that period, sensitive to the trend of certain economic indicators. Based on those findings, the paper projects the dominance of another type of transformation dynamics as a result of the consequences of global crisis. It also outlines the possible impact of this dynamics on the premises of political transformation.system transformation, China, economic transformation, political transformation, spatial disparities in system transformation

    Semi-Competitive Elections at Township Level in Sichuan Province

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    In late 2001 to early 2002, about 2000 townships in Sichuan province implemented semi-competitive elections , which was a great development concerning political restructuring in China. Township level is the fifth level among the six levels of authorities in China: the centre at the top (zhongyang), 32 provinces (sheng) at the second level, 333 prefectures (diqu) at the third, 2,861 counties (xian) at the fourth, about 43,500 townships (xiang zhen) at the fifth, and about 800,000 villages (cun..

    Semi-Competitive Elections at Township Level in Sichuan Province

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    In late 2001 to early 2002, about 2000 townships in Sichuan province implemented semi-competitive elections , which was a great development concerning political restructuring in China. Township level is the fifth level among the six levels of authorities in China: the centre at the top (zhongyang), 32 provinces (sheng) at the second level, 333 prefectures (diqu) at the third, 2,861 counties (xian) at the fourth, about 43,500 townships (xiang zhen) at the fifth, and about 800,000 villages (cun..

    Coherence of ion cyclotron resonance for damping ion cyclotron waves in space plasmas

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    Ion cyclotron resonance is one of the fundamental energy conversion processes through field-particle interaction in collisionless plasmas. However, the key evidence for ion cyclotron resonance (i.e., the coherence between electromagnetic fields and the ion phase space density) and the resulting damping of ion cyclotron waves (ICWs) has not yet been directly observed. Investigating the high-quality measurements of space plasmas by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) satellites, we find that both the wave electromagnetic field vectors and the bulk velocity of the disturbed ion velocity distribution rotate around the background magnetic field. Moreover, we find that the absolute gyro-phase angle difference between the center of the fluctuations in the ion velocity distribution functions and the wave electric field vectors falls in the range of (0, 90) degrees, consistent with the ongoing energy conversion from wave-fields to particles. By invoking plasma kinetic theory, we demonstrate that the field-particle correlation for the damping ion cyclotron waves in our theoretical model matches well with our observations. Furthermore, the wave electric field vectors (δE′wave,⊥\delta \mathbf{E'}_{\mathrm {wave,\perp}}), the ion current density (δJi,⊥\delta \mathbf{J}_\mathrm {i,\perp}) and the energy transfer rate (δJi,⊥⋅δE′wave,⊥\delta \mathbf{J}_\mathrm {i,\perp}\cdot \delta \mathbf{E'}_{\mathrm {wave,\perp}}) exhibit quasi-periodic oscillations, and the integrated work done by the electromagnetic field on the ions are positive, indicates that ions are mainly energized by the perpendicular component of the electric field via cyclotron resonance. Therefore, our combined analysis of MMS observations and kinetic theory provides direct, thorough, and comprehensive evidence for ICW damping in space plasmas

    Statistical Study of Anisotropic Proton Heating in Interplanetary Magnetic Switchbacks Measured by Parker Solar Probe

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    Magnetic switchbacks, which are large angular deflections of the interplanetary magnetic field, are frequently observed by Parker Solar Probe (PSP) in the inner heliosphere. Magnetic switchbacks are believed to play an important role in the heating of the solar corona and the solar wind as well as the acceleration of the solar wind in the inner heliosphere. Here, we analyze magnetic field data and plasma data measured by PSP during its second and fourth encounters, and select 71 switchback events with reversals of the radial component of the magnetic field at times of unchanged electron-strahl pitch angles. We investigate the anisotropic thermal kinetic properties of plasma during switchbacks in a statistical study of the measured proton temperatures in the parallel and perpendicular directions as well as proton density and specific proton fluid entropy. We apply the “genetic algorithm” method to directly fit the measured velocity distribution functions in field-aligned coordinates using a two-component bi-Maxwellian distribution function. We find that the protons in most switchback events are hotter than the ambient plasma outside the switchbacks, with characteristics of parallel and perpendicular heating. Specifically, significant parallel and perpendicular temperature increases are seen for 45 and 62 of the 71 events, respectively. We find that the density of most switchback events decreases rather than increases, which indicates that proton heating inside the switchbacks is not caused by adiabatic compression, but is probably generated by nonadiabatic heating caused by field–particle interactions. Accordingly, the proton fluid entropy is greater inside the switchbacks than in the ambient solar wind

    Interplanetary Field Enhancements: The Interaction between Solar Wind and Interplanetary Dusty Plasma Released by Interplanetary Collisions

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    Interplanetary field enhancements (IFEs) are unique large-scale structures in the solar wind. During IFEs, the magnetic-field strength is significantly enhanced with little perturbation in the solar-wind plasma. Early studies showed that IFEs move at nearly the solar-wind speed and some IFEs detected at 0.72AU by Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) are associated with material co-orbiting with asteroid Oljato. To explain the observed IFE features, we develop and test an IFE formation hypothesis: IFEs result from interactions between the solar wind and clouds of nanoscale charged dust particles released in interplanetary collisions.This hypothesis predicts that the magnetic field drapes and the solar wind slows down in the upstream. Meanwhile the observed IFE occurrence rate should be comparable with the detectable interplanetary collision rate. Based on this hypothesis, we can use the IFE occurrence to determine the spatial distribution and temporal variation of interplanetary objects which produce IFEs.To test the hypothesis, we perform a systematic survey of IFEs in the magnetic-field data from many spacecraft. Our datasets cover from 1970s to present and from inner than 0.3AU to outer than 5AU. In total, more than 470 IFEs are identified and their occurrences show clustering features in both space and time. We use multi-spacecraft simultaneous observations to reconstruct the magnetic-field geometry and find that the magnetic field drapes in the upstream region. The results of a superposed epoch study show that the solar wind slows down in the upstream and there is a plasma depletion region near the IFE centers. In addition, the solar-wind slowdown and plasma depletion feature are more significant in larger IFEs. The mass contained in IFEs can be estimated by balancing the solar-wind pressure force exerted on the IFEs against the solar gravity. The solar-wind slowdown resultant from the estimated mass is consistent with the result in superposed epoch study.The interplanetary collision rate is estimated based on the flux model of Ceplecha [1992] and collision model of GrĂĽn [et al., 1985]. A debris distribution model of Fujiwara [et al., 1977] is modified to estimate the mass carried by nanoscale dust particles. The integrated collision rate inside a detectable volume, which is a truncated cone starting from 0.2AU, is used to compare with the observed IFE rate. At 1AU, we find that in the same mass range, the two rates are comparable. Inside 1AU, both rates increase slowly as the heliocentric distance increases.We reanalyze the PVO observations and confirm the association between IFEs and co-orbiting material of asteroid 2201 Oljato. An analogous study is performed at 1AU and we find that material co-orbiting with asteroid 138175 produces many IFEs there. We then compare the earlier PVO observations with the present Venus Express (VEX) observation and find that the IFE production rate of the material co-orbiting with Oljato has decreased in the past three decades. A comparison between earlier IMP 8 observations and current observations shows a similar decrease in the rate of IFEs associated with asteroid 138175. Such a rate decrease can be explained by the gravitational scattering of co-orbiting material accompanying both asteroids, as they make occasional close passes of the Earth and Venus. Simulations show that due to the gravitational perturbations from the Earth and Venus, gaps can be formed in the otherwise continuous debris trails in periods of decades [Connors et al., 2014a].The importance of this IFE study is discussed in this thesis. We now have a better understanding of a previous mysterious phenomenon, sufficient to use the IFE occurrence to identify small interplanetary objects. Material of tens of meters across co-orbiting with near-Earth objects is too small to detect by traditional survey methods, but still can cause great property and civilian damage once it enters the Earth's atmosphere. In addition, due to gravitational perturbations, the co-orbiting material can be spread along and across the orbits of their parent bodies, which otherwise might be considered to have been well determined and safe. With our new small-object-identification technique, we can obtain the spatial distribution of the potentially hazardous material and develop a planetary defense stratagem

    Les Ă©lections semi-ouvertes de bourgs et de cantons au Sichuan

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    Hairong Lai, Tran Emilie. Les élections semi-ouvertes de bourgs et de cantons au Sichuan. In: Perspectives chinoises, n°80, 2003. pp. 13-27

    Privatisation of Public Services in Small Towns: Using Ganchahe Town of Shucheng County as a Model

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    At the 2nd Chinese Local Governance Innovation Awards, the “Privatisation of Public Services” reform in Ganchahe Town of Shucheng County, Anhui Province, received a Merit Prize (2003-2004). Subsequently, the research team for Chinese Local Governance Reforms and Innovations carried out two studies in January and September of 2004. This article presents a systematic analysis of the relevant findings.The research team for Chinese Local Governance Reforms and Innovations carried out two studies in January and September of 2004. This article presents a systematic analysis of the relevant findings regarding privatization of public services, including models for privatization; related social change; a case study in Ganchahe (agricultural town); water and sanitation services and infrastructure; and a comparison of efficiencies. With the government’s monopolistic control over public services there often follow problems of exceeding construction and operational budgets, heavy governmental subsidies, and lowered productivity. There is an urgent need to provide legal guarantees for privatisation