14,684 research outputs found

    Experimental investigation of the effects of polarization on the measured radiation efficiency of a dielectric resonator antenna

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    ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.The radiation efficiencies of two rectangular dielectric resonant antennas (DRAs) were investigated using the directivity/ gain (D/G) method and the Wheeler cap method. Both antennas are linearly polarized but have different linear polarization purities. Through comparison of their radiation efficiencies, itpsilas shown that the polarization purity strongly affects the D/G measurement of the DRAspsila radiation efficiency.Qinghua Lai, Georgios Almpanis, Christophe Fumeaux, Hansruedi Benedickter, and Rüdiger Vahldiec

    A Critical Examination of Hypernova Remnant Candidates in M101. II. NGC 5471B

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    NGC 5471B has been suggested to contain a hypernova remnant because of its extraordinarily bright X-ray emission. To assess its true nature, we have obtained high-resolution images in continuum bands and nebular lines with the Hubble Space Telescope, and high-dispersion long-slit spectra with the Kitt Peak National Observatory 4-m echelle spectrograph. The images reveal three supernova remnant (SNR) candidates in the giant HII region NGC 5471, with the brightest one being the 77x60 pc shell in NGC 5471B. The Ha velocity profile of NGC 5471B can be decomposed into a narrow component (FWHM = 41 km/s) from the background HII region and a broad component (FWHM = 148 km/s) from the SNR shell. Using the brightness ratio of the broad to narrow components and the Ha flux measured from the WFPC2 Ha image, we derive an Ha luminosity of (1.4+-0.1)x10^39 ergs/s for the SNR shell. The [SII]6716,6731 doublet ratio of the broad velocity component is used to derive an electron density of ~700 cm^-3 in the SNR shell. The mass of the SNR shell is thus 4600+-500 Mo. With a \~330 km/s expansion velocity implied by the extreme velocity extent of the broad component, the kinetic energy of the SNR shell is determined to be 5x10^51 ergs. This requires an explosion energy greater than 10^52 ergs, which can be provided by one hypernova or multiple supernovae. Comparing to SNRs in nearby active star formation regions, the SNR shell in NGC 5471B appears truly unique and energetic. We conclude that the optical observations support the existence of a hypernova remnant in NGC 5471B.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, to appear in May 2002 issue of The Astronomical Journa

    Ground state properties of one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures

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    Bose-Fermi mixtures in one dimension are studied in detail on the basis of an exact solution. Corresponding to three possible choices of the referecce state in the quantum inverse scattering method, three sets of Bethe-ansatz equations are derived explicitly. The features of the ground state and low-lying excitations are investigated. The ground state phase diagram caused by the external field and chemical potential is obtained

    Bethe ansatz for the SU(4) extension of the Hubbard Model

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    We apply the nested algebraic Bethe ansatz method to solve the eigenvalue problem for the SU(4) extension of the Hubbard model. The Hamiltonian is equivalent to the SU(4) graded permutation operator. The graded Yang-Baxter equation and the graded Quantum Inverse Scattering Method are used to obtain the eigenvalue of the SU(4) extension of the Hubbard model.Comment: Latex file, 12 page