2 research outputs found

    Introduction Ă  Docker

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    École thématiqueDocker est un projet open source (Apache 2.0) écrit en GO et hébergé sur GitHub: https://github.com/docker (https://github.com/docker). Initialement porté par la startup DotCloud (renommée depuis Docker) fondée par deux français anciens de l'Epitech. Docker est composé de trois éléments : le daemon Docker qui s'exécute en arrière-plan et qui s'occupe de gérer les conteneurs (Containerd avec runC) une API de type REST qui permet de communiquer avec le daemon Le client en CLI (command line interface) : commande docker Par défaut, le client communique avec le daemon Docker via un socket Unix (/var/run/docker.sock) mais il est possible d'utiliser un socket TCP. Docker c'est aussi un dépôt d'images (aussi appelé registry) : https://store.docker.com (https://store.docker.com) Il contient les images officielles maintenues par Docker mais aussi celles mises à disposition par d'autres contributeurs. Quelques concepts: une image est un ensemble de fichiers inertes en read-only. Un conteneur est une instance une active (started) ou inactive (stopped) d'une image. L'execution d'un conteneur n'altère jamais une image. Lexique Conteneur : Image exécutable d'un environnement complet incluant code

    Features of the Arabidopsis recombination landscape resulting from the combined loss of sequence variation and DNA methylation

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    The rate of meiotic crossing over (CO) varies considerably along chromosomes, leading to marked distortions between physical and genetic distances. The causes underlying this variation are being unraveled, and DNA sequence and chromatin states have emerged as key factors. However, the extent to which the suppression of COs within the repeat-rich pericentromeric regions of plant and mammalian chromosomes results from their high level of DNA polymorphisms and from their heterochromatic state, notably their dense DNA methylation, remains unknown. Here, we test the combined effect of removing sequence polymorphisms and repeat-associated DNA methylation on themeiotic recombination landscape of an Arabidopsis mapping population. To do so, we use genome-wide DNA methylation data from a large panel of isogenic epigenetic recombinant inbred lines (epiRILs) to derive a recombination map based on 126 meiotically stable, differentially methylated regions covering 81.9% of the genome. We demonstrate that the suppression of COs within pericentromeric regions of chromosomes persists in this experimental setting. Moreover, suppression is reinforced within 3-Mb regions flanking pericentromeric boundaries, and this effect appears to be compensated by increased recombination activity in chromosome arms. A direct comparisonwith 17 classical Arabidopsis crosses shows that these recombination changes place the epiRILs at the boundary of the range of natural variation but are not severe enough to transgress that boundary significantly. This level of robustness is remarkable, considering that this population represents an extreme with key recombination barriers having been forced to a minimum.