35 research outputs found

    Psikoterapi Dalam Perspektif Bimbingan Konseling Islami

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    : Psychotherapy in the Perspective of Islamic Counseling Guidance. Psychotherapy is healing proses of client's psychic state by certain theraphic means. In this writing, the author studies the main principles of psychotherapy in Islam. The author throuw some lights that Islam laid down firm foundations in psychotherapic process. The treatment procedure is done through psychic intervention the technique and method of which are based on the precepts of the Qur'an and the Prophetic tradition (sunnah). In the perspective of Islamic counseling guidance, recommended treatment by the counselor to the client in solving the latters' problems in such as those related to psychic, moral, spiritual physical, are through religious compulsory rituals, keeping up patience, repented and ask for God forgiveness as well as parayers

    Rasulullah Saw. Dan Prinsip-prinsip Konseling Islam

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    The Prophet and the Principles of Islamic Counseling. From a professional perspective Islamic counseling is a recent origin and few scholars have addressed this area of study in a significant way. This article attempts to highlight the salient features of the principles of Islamic counseling by exploring the Qur'an, the sîrah of the Prophet Muhammad and his traditions as the role model and exemplar, and then compare it to the popular mainstream of western counseling paradigms as a dominant force in counseling and social intervention. The author asserts that psychology, as the origin of western popular counseling, is devoid of religion and foster distorted concepts of humankind that are rooted in materialism whereas counseling that is based on Islam emphasizes spiritual solutions, the main objective of which is to acquire happiness both in this world and the hereafter

    Uji Patogenitas Jamur Cordyceps Militaris L. Terhadap Ulat Api (Setothosea Asigna E.) (Lepidoptera : Limacodidae) Di Rumah Kasa

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    This study aims to study phatogenicity of C. militaris against S. asigna larvae in screen house. This study research using completely randomized design (CRD) nonfactorial with seven treatments and four replications, namely control, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 grams C. militaris with corn media. The results showed that the application C. militaris in corn media was highly significant affected the mortality percentage of larvae S. asigna on obsevation four days after application and six days after the application. The highest mortality percentage on four days after application on C. militaris 35 gr (25%) and the lowest on C. militaris 10 grams (7.50%). The highest mortality percentage on six days after the application on C. militaris 35 grams, C. militaris 30 grams and C. militaris 25 grams (100%) and the lowest on C. militaris 10 grams (85%). Larvae S. asigna was infected by C. militaris suffered mimification and after afew days grow colonies colored white fungus (micelium) around the larva body