80 research outputs found

    Predicate Abstraction with Indexed Predicates

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    Predicate abstraction provides a powerful tool for verifying properties of infinite-state systems using a combination of a decision procedure for a subset of first-order logic and symbolic methods originally developed for finite-state model checking. We consider models containing first-order state variables, where the system state includes mutable functions and predicates. Such a model can describe systems containing arbitrarily large memories, buffers, and arrays of identical processes. We describe a form of predicate abstraction that constructs a formula over a set of universally quantified variables to describe invariant properties of the first-order state variables. We provide a formal justification of the soundness of our approach and describe how it has been used to verify several hardware and software designs, including a directory-based cache coherence protocol.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, short version appeared in International Conference on Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI'04), LNCS 2937, pages = 267--28

    Towards Generating Functionally Correct Code Edits from Natural Language Issue Descriptions

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    Large language models (LLMs), such as OpenAI's Codex, have demonstrated their potential to generate code from natural language descriptions across a wide range of programming tasks. Several benchmarks have recently emerged to evaluate the ability of LLMs to generate functionally correct code from natural language intent with respect to a set of hidden test cases. This has enabled the research community to identify significant and reproducible advancements in LLM capabilities. However, there is currently a lack of benchmark datasets for assessing the ability of LLMs to generate functionally correct code edits based on natural language descriptions of intended changes. This paper aims to address this gap by motivating the problem NL2Fix of translating natural language descriptions of code changes (namely bug fixes described in Issue reports in repositories) into correct code fixes. To this end, we introduce Defects4J-NL2Fix, a dataset of 283 Java programs from the popular Defects4J dataset augmented with high-level descriptions of bug fixes, and empirically evaluate the performance of several state-of-the-art LLMs for the this task. Results show that these LLMS together are capable of generating plausible fixes for 64.6% of the bugs, and the best LLM-based technique can achieve up to 21.20% top-1 and 35.68% top-5 accuracy on this benchmark

    Verification modulo versions: Towards usable verification

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    Abstract We introduce Verification Modulo Versions (VMV), a new static analysis technique for reducing the number of alarms reported by static verifiers while providing sound semantic guarantees. First, VMV extracts semantic environment conditions from a base program P. Environmental conditions can either be sufficient conditions (implying the safety of P) or necessary conditions (implied by the safety of P). Then, VMV instruments a new version of the program, P , with the inferred conditions. We prove that we can use (i) sufficient conditions to identify abstract regressions of P w.r.t. P; and (ii) necessary conditions to prove the relative correctness of P w.r.t. P. We show that the extraction of environmental conditions can be performed at a hierarchy of abstraction levels (history, state, or call conditions) with each subsequent level requiring a less sophisticated matching of the syntactic changes between P and P. Call conditions are particularly useful because they only require the syntactic matching of entry points and callee names across program versions. We have implemented VMV in a widely used static analysis and verification tool. We report our experience on two large code bases and demonstrate a substantial reduction in alarms while additionally providing relative correctness guarantees

    Mutual Summaries: Unifying Program Comparison Techniques

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    Abstract. In this paper, we formalize mutual summaries as a contract mechanism for comparing two programs, and provide a method for checking such contracts modularly. We show that mutual summary checking generalizes equivalence checking, conditional equivalence checking and translation validation. More interestingly, it enables comparing programs where the changes are interprocedural. We have prototyped the ideas in SymDiff, a Boogie based language-independent infrastructure for comparing programs

    Zapato: Automatic theorem proving for

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    Counterexample-driven abstraction refinement is an automatic process that produces abstract models of finite and infinite-state systems. When this process is applied to software, an automatic theorem prover for quantifier-free first-order logic helps to determine the feasibility of program paths and to refine the abstraction. In this paper we report on a fast, lightweight, and automatic theorem prover called Zapato which we have built specifically to solve the queries produced during the abstraction refinement process

    Fault-Aware Neural Code Rankers

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    Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated an impressive ability to generate code for various programming tasks. In many instances, LLMs can generate a correct program for a task when given numerous trials. Consequently, a recent trend is to do large scale sampling of programs using a model and then filtering/ranking the programs based on the program execution on a small number of known unit tests to select one candidate solution. However, these approaches assume that the unit tests are given and assume the ability to safely execute the generated programs (which can do arbitrary dangerous operations such as file manipulations). Both of the above assumptions are impractical in real-world software development. In this paper, we propose CodeRanker, a neural ranker that can predict the correctness of a sampled program without executing it. Our CodeRanker is fault-aware i.e., it is trained to predict different kinds of execution information such as predicting the exact compile/runtime error type (e.g., an IndexError or a TypeError). We show that CodeRanker can significantly increase the pass@1 accuracy of various code generation models (including Codex, GPT-Neo, GPT-J) on APPS, HumanEval and MBPP datasets.Comment: In the proceedings of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 202