4 research outputs found

    “Ectomosphere”: Insects and Microorganism Interactions

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    This study focuses on interacting with insects and their ectosymbiont (lato sensu) microorganisms for environmentally safe plant production and protection. Some cases help compare insect-bearing, -driving, or -spreading relevant ectosymbiont microorganisms to endosymbionts’ behaviour. Ectosymbiotic bacteria can interact with insects by allowing them to improve the value of their pabula. In addition, some bacteria are essential for creating ecological niches that can host the development of pests. Insect-borne plant pathogens include bacteria, viruses, and fungi. These pathogens interact with their vectors to enhance reciprocal fitness. Knowing vector-phoront interaction could considerably increase chances for outbreak management, notably when sustained by quarantine vector ectosymbiont pathogens, such as the actual Xylella fastidiosa Mediterranean invasion episode. Insect pathogenic viruses have a close evolutionary relationship with their hosts, also being highly specific and obligate parasites. Sixteen virus families have been reported to infect insects and may be involved in the biological control of specific pests, including some economic weevils. Insects and fungi are among the most widespread organisms in nature and interact with each other, establishing symbiotic relationships ranging from mutualism to antagonism. The associations can influence the extent to which interacting organisms can exert their effects on plants and the proper management practices. Sustainable pest management also relies on entomopathogenic fungi; research on these species starts from their isolation from insect carcasses, followed by identification using conventional light or electron microscopy techniques. Thanks to the development of omics sciences, it is possible to identify entomopathogenic fungi with evolutionary histories that are less-shared with the target insect and can be proposed as pest antagonists. Many interesting omics can help detect the presence of entomopathogens in different natural matrices, such as soil or plants. The same techniques will help localize ectosymbionts, localization of recesses, or specialized morphological adaptation, greatly supporting the robust interpretation of the symbiont role. The manipulation and modulation of ectosymbionts could be a more promising way to counteract pests and borne pathogens, mitigating the impact of formulates and reducing food insecurity due to the lesser impact of direct damage and diseases. The promise has a preventive intent for more manageable and broader implications for pests, comparing what we can obtain using simpler, less-specific techniques and a less comprehensive approach to Integrated Pest Management (IPM).The present work acknowledges the support from: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreements No. 635646-POnTE “Pest Organisms Threatening Europe”, No. 727987-XF-ACTORS “Xylella Fastidiosa Active Containment Through a multidisciplinary-Oriented Research Strategy”, Grant number 952337-MycoTWIN “Enhancing Research and Innovation Capacity of Tubitak MAM Food Institute on Management of Mycotoxigenic Fungi and Mycotoxins”, and CURE-Xf, H2020-Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions—Research and Innovation Staff Exchange. Reference number: 634353, coordinated by CIHEAM Bari. The EU Funding Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. European Union’s StopMedWaste “Innovative Sustainable technologies TO extend the shelf-life of Perishable MEDiterranean fresh fruit, vegetables and aromatic plants and to reduce WASTE” a PRIMA project ID: 1556. European Union’s Euphresco BasicS “Basic substances as an environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic pesticides for plant protection” project ID: 2020-C-353. The work was partially carried out in the framework of the National Projects: RIGENERA, granted by MASAF n. 207631, 9 May 2022, and GENFORAGRIS, granted by MASAF n. 207631, 9 May 2022; and regional projects “Laboratory network for the selection, characterisation and conservation of germplasm and for preventing the spread of economically-relevant and quarantine pests (SELGE) No. 14”, founded by the Apulia Region, PO FESR 2007–2013—Axis I, Line of intervention 1.2., Action 1.2.1; Research for Innovation (REFIN) POR Puglia 2014–2020 Project: 8C6E699D, and PON AIM, COD. AIM 1809249-Attività 1 Linea 1

    Morphs of Philaenus species, candidate Xylella fastidiosa vectors

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    The genus Philaenus presents a well-known colour polymorphism, allowing discrimination of morphs and engaging non-skilled practitioners in species identification. This study considers a collection of approximately 2500 Philaenus spp. individuals from southern Italy and northern Tunisia. We felt a morph valid if in our collection or recorded in a minimum of two different references from different geographical locations or timepoints. Reviewing the literature for phenotypes allowed the development of a key to discriminate between the 25 available phenotypes. The study suggests that Philaenus spumarius has twenty-three morphs, followed by the eight morphs of Philaenus signatus, the seven of Philaenus tesselatus, the six of Philaenus italosignus, Philaenus maghresignus, and Philaenus tarifa, the two of Philaenus loukasi, and one of Philaenus arslani. P. maghresignus and P. tesselatus show all morphs cited in the literature plus a gibba morph based on single female individuals. P. spumarius was absent from Tunisian collections; therefore, all data on P. spumarius rely on Italian specimens. De-greasing revealed the true phenology of individuals, allowing the classification of ambiguous individuals. Light microscope and SEM observations in P. spumarius recently collected in southern Italy (Apulia region) revealed six concave hairless spots on the pronotum corresponding to the dark spots of impressa morph, a morph hitherto only known from North America only. Xylella fastidiosa was isolated and described in Nearctic. The recent finding of impressa morph in Italy may suggest a different route of bacterium introduction in the Old Word by adult vector importation

    <i>Zelus renardii</i> Roaming in Southern Italy

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    This study collects data from the literature and updates our Zelus renardii Kolenati, 1856 (Leafhopper Assassin Bug, LAB) prey knowledge. The literature consists of ca. 170 entries encompassing the years 1856 to 2021. This reduviid originated in the Nearctic region, but has entered and acclimatised in many Mediterranean countries. Our quantitative predation experiments—in the laboratory on caged plants plus field or environmental observations—confirm that LAB prefers a selected array of prey. Laboratory predation tests on living targets (Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, and Hymenoptera) agree with the literature. Zelus renardii prefers comparatively large, highly mobile, and readily available prey. LAB preferences on available hemipterans targets suggest that Zelus renardii is a good inundative biocontrol agent for Xylella fastidiosapauca ST53 infections. LAB also prey on other important olive pests, such as Bactrocera oleae. Therefore, Zelus renardii is a major integrated pest management (IPM) component to limit Xylella fastidiosa pandemics and other pest invasions

    “Ectomosphere”: Insects and Microorganism Interactions

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    This study focuses on interacting with insects and their ectosymbiont (lato sensu) microorganisms for environmentally safe plant production and protection. Some cases help compare ectosymbiont microorganisms that are insect-borne, -driven, or -spread relevant to endosymbionts’ behaviour. Ectosymbiotic bacteria can interact with insects by allowing them to improve the value of their pabula. In addition, some bacteria are essential for creating ecological niches that can host the development of pests. Insect-borne plant pathogens include bacteria, viruses, and fungi. These pathogens interact with their vectors to enhance reciprocal fitness. Knowing vector-phoront interaction could considerably increase chances for outbreak management, notably when sustained by quarantine vector ectosymbiont pathogens, such as the actual Xylella fastidiosa Mediterranean invasion episode. Insect pathogenic viruses have a close evolutionary relationship with their hosts, also being highly specific and obligate parasites. Sixteen virus families have been reported to infect insects and may be involved in the biological control of specific pests, including some economic weevils. Insects and fungi are among the most widespread organisms in nature and interact with each other, establishing symbiotic relationships ranging from mutualism to antagonism. The associations can influence the extent to which interacting organisms can exert their effects on plants and the proper management practices. Sustainable pest management also relies on entomopathogenic fungi; research on these species starts from their isolation from insect carcasses, followed by identification using conventional light or electron microscopy techniques. Thanks to the development of omics sciences, it is possible to identify entomopathogenic fungi with evolutionary histories that are less-shared with the target insect and can be proposed as pest antagonists. Many interesting omics can help detect the presence of entomopathogens in different natural matrices, such as soil or plants. The same techniques will help localize ectosymbionts, localization of recesses, or specialized morphological adaptation, greatly supporting the robust interpretation of the symbiont role. The manipulation and modulation of ectosymbionts could be a more promising way to counteract pests and borne pathogens, mitigating the impact of formulates and reducing food insecurity due to the lesser impact of direct damage and diseases. The promise has a preventive intent for more manageable and broader implications for pests, comparing what we can obtain using simpler, less-specific techniques and a less comprehensive approach to Integrated Pest Management (IPM)