8 research outputs found

    No evidence for an association of plasma homocysteine levels and refractive error - Results from the population-based Gutenberg Health Study (GHS)

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    Purpose There is a strong association between severe hyperhomocysteinemia and myopia. Thus we studied the hypothesis that even moderately increased levels of homocysteine (Hcy) might be a potentially treatable risk factor for myopia. Methods The Gutenberg Health Study (GHS) is a population-based, prospective, observational cohort study in Germany, including 15,010 participants aged between 35 and 74 at recruitment. The baseline examination was conducted from 2007-2012. Refraction was measured using autorefraction (HARK 599, Carl Zeiss AG, Jena, Germany). Hcy was measured by an immunoassay. We included only phakic participants without a history of corneal surgery or corneal laser treatment. We used linear regression models to evaluate the potential association between Hcy and refraction at baseline, and between Hcy and change in refraction between baseline and 5-year-follow-up examination. We used generalized estimating equation models to account for the correlation between fellow eyes. Results We included 13,749 participants, categorized as having no myopia (spherical equivalent > -0.75 D, 65.2%), low myopia (-0.75 D-2.75 D, 21.5%), moderate myopia (-3.00 D- 5.75 D, 9.8%) and high myopia (≤ -6

    APOSTEL 2.0 recommendations for reporting quantitative optical coherence tomography studies

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    OBJECTIVE: To update the consensus recommendations for reporting of quantitative optical coherence tomography (OCT) study results, thus revising the previously published Advised Protocol for OCT Study Terminology and Elements (APOSTEL) recommendations. METHODS: To identify studies reporting quantitative OCT results, we performed a PubMed search for the terms “quantitative” and “optical coherence tomography” from 2015 to 2017. Corresponding authors of the identified publications were invited to provide feedback on the initial APOSTEL recommendations via online surveys following the principle of a modified Delphi method. The results were evaluated and discussed by a panel of experts, and changes to the initial recommendations were proposed. A final survey was recirculated among the corresponding authors to obtain a majority vote on the proposed changes. RESULTS: One hundred sixteen authors participated in the surveys, resulting in 15 suggestions, of which 12 were finally accepted and incorporated into an updated 9-point-checklist. We harmonized the nomenclature of the outer retinal layers, added the exact area of measurement to the description of volume scans; we suggested reporting device-specific features. We advised to address potential bias in manual segmentation or manual correction of segmentation errors. References to specific reporting guidelines and room light conditions were removed. The participants’ consensus with the recommendations increased from 80% for the previous APOSTEL version to greater than 90%. CONCLUSIONS: The modified Delphi method resulted in an expert-led guideline (evidence class III, GRADE criteria) concerning study protocol, acquisition device, acquisition settings, scanning protocol, fundoscopic imaging, post-acquisition data selection, post-acquisition analysis, nomenclature and abbreviations, and statistical approach. It will still be essential to update these recommendations to new research and practices regularly

    Dynamic formation of macular microcysts independent of vitreous traction changes

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    OBJECTIVE: To test the assumption of vitreous traction as a cause of macular microcysts in neuroinflammatory diseases and to establish a testable model to quantify vitreous traction changes. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study including 9 patients with neuroinflammatory diseases and macular microcysts that were longitudinally analyzed using optical coherence tomography. A mechanical model was developed to test the theory of vitreous traction vs macular swelling. This model was applied to one case presenting with dynamic microcyst evolution over 2 years with 4 visits. RESULTS: None of the patients' eyes with microcysts showed any signs of vitreous traction upon qualitative meticulous optical coherence tomographic analysis. The longitudinal changes analyzed in one patient were in the opposite direction as predicted by the mechanical model involving vitreous traction. CONCLUSIONS: Vitreous traction does not appear to be a causative factor in macular microcyst formation. Quantitative analysis in one case shows even a reduced traction caused by an increase in macular thickness leading to vitreous impingement by the macular wall. The presented model might also serve as a quantification approach in other studies investigating macular microcysts

    International Consensus Statement on the Clinical and Therapeutic Management of Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy.

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    Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is currently estimated as the most frequent mitochondrial disease (1 in 27,000-45,000). Its molecular pathogenesis and natural history is now fairly well understood. LHON also is the first mitochondrial disease for which a treatment has been approved (idebenone-Raxone, Santhera Pharmaceuticals) by the European Medicine Agency, under exceptional circumstances because of the rarity and severity of the disease. However, what remains unclear includes the optimal target population, timing, dose, and frequency of administration of idebenone in LHON due to lack of accepted definitions, criteria, and general guidelines for the clinical management of LHON. To address these issues, a consensus conference with a panel of experts from Europe and North America was held in Milan, Italy, in 2016. The intent was to provide expert consensus statements for the clinical and therapeutic management of LHON based on the currently available evidence. We report the conclusions of this conference, providing the guidelines for clinical and therapeutic management of LHON