273 research outputs found

    Effects of disorder on the vortex charge

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    We study the influence of disorder on the vortex charge, both due to random pinning of the vortices and due to scattering off non-magnetic impurities. In the case when there are no impurities present, but the vortices are randomly distributed, the effect is very small, except when two or more vortices are close by. When impurities are present, they have a noticeable effect on the vortex charge. This, together with the effect of temperature, changes appreciably the vortex charge. In the case of an attractive impurity potential the sign of the charge naturally changes.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Suppression of quantum chaos in a quantum computer hardware

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    We present numerical and analytical studies of a quantum computer proposed by the Yamamoto group in Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 017901 (2002). The stable and quantum chaos regimes in the quantum computer hardware are identified as a function of magnetic field gradient and dipole-dipole couplings between qubits on a square lattice. It is shown that a strong magnetic field gradient leads to suppression of quantum chaos.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, research done at http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr

    Phase of bi-particle localized states for the Cooper problem in two-dimensional disordered systems

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    The Cooper problem is studied numerically for the Anderson model with disorder in two-dimensions. It is shown that the attractive Hubbard interaction creates a phase of bi-particle localized states in the regime where non-interacting states are delocalized. This phase cannot be obtained in the mean-field approximation and the pair coupling energy is strongly enhanced in this regime. The effects of magnetic field are studied and it is shown that under certain conditions they lead to delocalization.Comment: revtex, 7 pages, 8 figure

    Innovation reliability and variability strategies: the importance of absorptive capacity on systemic outcomes

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    The role of absorptive capacity (AC) has been widely recognized in the innovation literature. This study examines the predictive role of AC for business performance, and evaluates the mediation of market orientation (responsive-proactive) and innovation competences orientation (exploitation-exploration) in that relationship. It addresses the gap in the literature on the relative importance of innovation competence orientations versus market orientations. The findings show that innovation competence orientations are more important to business performance than market orientations and that innovation competences are better enhanced by AC than by market orientations. AC is not only confirmed as an antecedent of ambidextrous market and innovation competence orientation, but it also helps directly and indirectly to explain business performance. Responsive market orientation and innovation competence orientation mediate the positive relationship between AC and business performance. The intensity and significance of the indirect effects reveal the specific knowledge-transformative roles of market and innovation competences orientations. Firms seem to mitigate uncertainty by adjusting their preferences toward less risky innovation strategies. Managerial implications highlight the relevance of innovation competences orientation versus market orientation. Furthermore, firms seem to use proactive market orientation ineffectively, a finding that signals a structural marketing handicap.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Fostering knowledge creation to improve performance: the mediation role of manufacturing flexibility

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    Purpose This study examines the mediating role of manufacturing flexibility in the relationship between knowledge creation, technological turbulence, and performance. In an increasingly competitive and changing environment, firms need to boost their technological and management know-how to adequately develop manufacturing flexibility. Design/methodology/approach The study analyzes survey data collected from 370 manufacturing firms. Validity and reliability analyses were conducted using SPSS and Amos. The research hypotheses were tested using covariance-based structural equation modeling. Findings The main findings show that knowledge creation positively and significantly affects business and operational performances directly, and indirectly, through manufacturing flexibility. Moreover, technological turbulence has a positive and significant effect on it. This finding contributes to understanding why some firms get better outcomes from manufacturing flexibility than others, a disputed issue in the literature. Practical implications This study highlights the need for manufacturing firms to foster cultures of knowledge creation, to better educate and train employees, and to develop other instruments of knowledge creation. Originality/value This study makes several contributions to manufacturing flexibility literature: (i) establishing a link between technological turbulence and knowledge creation develop manufacturing flexibility; (ii) add empirical evidence on the relation between manufacturing flexibility and performance; (iii) contributes to consolidating the mediation role of manufacturing flexibility in the relations between knowledge creation and business performance, as studies focusing on such a role are scarce in the literature.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Effects of absorptive capacity and innovation spillover on manufacturing flexibility

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    Shifting demand and ever-shorter production cycles pressure manufacturing flexibility. Although the literature has established the positive effect of the firm’s absorptive capacity on manufacturing flexibility, the separate role of the innovation competencies of exploitation and exploration in such a relationship is still under-investigated. In this study, we examine how these competencies affect manufacturing flexibility. We use survey data from 370 manufacturing firms and analyze them using covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM). The results indicate that absorptive capacity has a strong, positive, and direct effect on exploitative and exploratory innovation competencies, proactive and responsive market orientations, and manufacturing flexibility. Our findings also demonstrate that the exploratory innovation competencies mediate the relation between responsive market orientation and manufacturing flexibility. Essentially, these exploitative innovation competencies produce a direct positive effect on manufacturing flexibility while simultaneously being a vehicle for absorptive capacity’s indirect effects on it. An exploration innovation strategy does not significantly affect manufacturing flexibility. This study contributes by combining key strategic features of firms with manufacturing flexibility, while providing new empirical evidence of the mediation of the exploratory innovation competencies in the relation between responsive market orientation and manufacturing flexibility.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Cooper problem in the vicinity of Anderson transition

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    We study numerically the ground state properties of the Cooper problem in the three-dimensional Anderson model. It is shown that attractive interaction creates localized pairs in the metallic noninteracting phase. This localization is destroyed at sufficiently weak disorder. The phase diagram for the delocalization transition in the presence of disorder and interaction is determined.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, 4 figure

    Crustal controls on light noble gas isotope variability along the andean volcanic arc

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    This study combines new noble gas data from fluid inclusions in minerals from Sabancaya, Ubinas, and El Misti (CVZ, Peru) and Villarica (South Chile, SVZ) with a revised noble gas compilation in the Andes, to identify systematic along arc variations in helium isotope compositions. We find 3He/4He ratios varying from 8.8 RA (Colombia) to 7.4 RA (Ecuador) within the NVZ, and only as high as 6.4 RA in the CVZ (RA is the atmospheric 3He/4He ratio of 1.39 × 10-6). These distinct isotope compositions cannot be explained by variable radiogenic 4He production via slab fluid transport of U and Th in the mantle wedge, since both NVZ and CVZ share similar slab sediment inputs (Th/La ≈ 0.08-0.13). Instead, the progressively more radiogenic 3He/4He signatures in Ecuador and Peru reflect 4He addition upon magma ascent/ storage in the crust, this being especially thick in Peru (>70 km) and Ecuador (>50 km) relative to Colombia (∼30-45 km). The intermediate compositions in the North (8.0 RA) and South (7.9 RA) Chile, both high sediment flux margins, mostly reflect a more efficient delivery of radiogenic He in the wedge from the subducted (U-Th-rich) terrigenous sediments. Our results bring strong evidence for the major role played by crustal processes in governing noble gas compositions along continental arcs

    Excess degassing drives long-term volcanic unrest at Nevado del Ruiz

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    This study combines volcanic gas compositions, SO2 flux and satellite thermal data collected at Nevado del Ruiz between 2018 and 2021. We find the Nevado del Ruiz plume to have exhibited relatively steady, high CO2 compositions (avg. CO2/ST ratios of 5.4 ± 1.9) throughout. Our degassing models support that the CO2/ST ratio variability derives from volatile exsolution from andesitic magma stored in the 1–4 km depth range. Separate ascent of CO2-rich gas bubbles through shallow (< 1 km depth), viscous, conduit resident magma causes the observed excess degassing. We infer that degassing of ~ 974 mm3 of shallow (1–4 km) stored magma has sourced the elevated SO2 degassing recorded during 2018–2021 (average flux ~ 1548 t/d). Of this, only < 1 mm3 of magma have been erupted through dome extrusion, highlighting a large imbalance between erupted and degassed magma. Escalating deep CO2 gas flushing, combined with the disruption of passive degassing, through sudden accumulation and pressurization of bubbles due to lithostatic pressure, may accelerate volcanic unrest and eventually lead to a major eruption

    Anesthesiology Consensus in the Management of the Airway

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    Os consensos na gestão clínica da via aérea em anestesiologia pretendem disponibilizar informação, baseada na evidência atual ou, na falta desta, na opinião de peritos, no que respeita à abordagem da via aérea difícil previsível ou não previsível. Reforçamos a importância da avaliação da via aérea e da identificação de potenciais problemas que possam condicionar dificuldade na sua abordagem e a adoção de uma estratégia segura que permita identificar e responder em crescendo de intervenção às dificuldades encontradas. Na impossibilidade de intubação traqueal (não intubo) otimizada e limitada a 4 tentativas, da impossibilidade de ventilar e oxigenar (não oxigeno) após 2 tentativas de usar um dispositivo supraglótico ou de uso de máscara facial inicialmente adequada é importante realizar, em tempo útil, uma cricotirotomia para assegurar oxigenação. As situações clínicas de exceção só com planos simples, conhecidos por todos e regularmente treinados e adaptados à nossa atividade clinica podem assegurar melhores “outcomes”. O registo destes eventos e a informação ao nosso doente da dificuldade encontrada e modo como foi resolvido o problema é essencial e constitui ainda um desafio a alargar a uma base nacional.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio