7 research outputs found

    A Review and Expert Opinion on the Neuropsychiatric Assessment of Motor Functional Neurological Disorders

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    Functional neurological (conversion) disorder (FND) is a prevalent and disabling condition at the intersection of neurology and psychiatry. Advances have been made in elucidating an emerging pathophysiology for motor FND, as well as in identifying evidenced-based physiotherapy and psychotherapy treatments. Despite these gains, important elements of the initial neuropsychiatric assessment of functional movement disorders (FND-movt) and functional limb weakness/paresis (FND-par) have yet to be established. This is an important gap from both diagnostic and treatment planning perspectives. In this article, the authors performed a narrative review to characterize clinically relevant variables across FND-movt and FND-par cohorts, including time course and symptom evolution, precipitating factors, medical and family histories, psychiatric comorbidities, psychosocial factors, physical examination signs, and adjunctive diagnostic tests. Thereafter, the authors propose a preliminary set of clinical content that should be assessed during early-phase patient encounters, in addition to identifying physical signs informing diagnosis and potential use of adjunctive tests for challenging cases. Although clinical history should not be used to make a FND diagnosis, characteristics such as acute onset, precipitating events (e.g., injury and surgery), and a waxing and waning course (including spontaneous remissions) are commonly reported. Active psychiatric symptoms (e.g., depression and anxiety) and ongoing psychosocial stressors also warrant evaluation. Positive physical examination signs (e.g., Hoover's sign and tremor entrainment) are key findings, as one of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. The neuropsychiatric assessment proposed emphasizes diagnosing FND by using "rule-in" physical signs while also considering psychiatric and psychosocial factors to aid in the development of a patient-centered treatment plan

    Multicenter clinical assessment of improved wearable multimodal convulsive seizure detectors

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    Objective New devices are needed for monitoring seizures, especially those associated with sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). They must be unobtrusive and automated, and provide false alarm rates (FARs) bearable in everyday life. This study quantifies the performance of new multimodal wrist-worn convulsive seizure detectors. Methods Hand-annotated video-electroencephalographic seizure events were collected from 69 patients at six clinical sites. Three different wristbands were used to record electrodermal activity (EDA) and accelerometer (ACM) signals, obtaining 5,928 h of data, including 55 convulsive epileptic seizures (six focal tonic–clonic seizures and 49 focal to bilateral tonic–clonic seizures) from 22 patients. Recordings were analyzed offline to train and test two new machine learning classifiers and a published classifier based on EDA and ACM. Moreover, wristband data were analyzed to estimate seizure-motion duration and autonomic responses. Results The two novel classifiers consistently outperformed the previous detector. The most efficient (Classifier III) yielded sensitivity of 94.55%, and an FAR of 0.2 events/day. No nocturnal seizures were missed. Most patients had <1 false alarm every 4 days, with an FAR below their seizure frequency. When increasing the sensitivity to 100% (no missed seizures), the FAR is up to 13 times lower than with the previous detector. Furthermore, all detections occurred before the seizure ended, providing reasonable latency (median = 29.3 s, range = 14.8–151 s). Automatically estimated seizure durations were correlated with true durations, enabling reliable annotations. Finally, EDA measurements confirmed the presence of postictal autonomic dysfunction, exhibiting a significant rise in 73% of the convulsive seizures. Significance The proposed multimodal wrist-worn convulsive seizure detectors provide seizure counts that are more accurate than previous automated detectors and typical patient self-reports, while maintaining a tolerable FAR for ambulatory monitoring. Furthermore, the multimodal system provides an objective description of motor behavior and autonomic dysfunction, aimed at enriching seizure characterization, with potential utility for SUDEP warning

    Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures and psychogenic movement disorders: two sides of the same coin?

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    Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) and psychogenic movement disorders (PMD) are commonly seen in Neurology practice and are categorized in the DSM-5 as functional neurological disorders/conversion disorders. This review encompasses historical and epidemiological data, clinical aspects, diagnostic criteria, treatment and prognosis of these rather challenging and often neglected patients. As a group they have puzzled generations of neurologists and psychiatrists and in some ways continue to do so, perhaps embodying and justifying the ultimate and necessary link between these specialties

    How to distinguish seizures from non-epileptic manifestations

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    The first and most important step in establishing diagnosis of epilepsy consists of careful history taking from patients and witnesses. The clinical evaluation of the event will lead the indication for further diagnostic tests including e.g. EEG and MRI. Hence, identifying the paroxysmal event as epileptic or non-epileptic is the very first step in the diagnostic process. Paroxysmal events pose a clinical challenge, as these are unpredictable and do not usually occur in the doctor's office. History taking, hunting for witness reports and home-video recordings are the main tools to conclude whether a paroxysmal event is a seizure or not. In this review, we describe the most common differential diagnoses of epileptic seizures, including syncope, psychogenic non-epileptic seizures, as well as a variety of paroxysmal conditions and behaviours of all age groups. Misdiagnosis of non-epileptic events as epilepsy may not only defer the correct diagnosis and treatment but also poses additional risk by prescribing antiepileptic drugs unnecessarily. Moreover, missing the diagnosis of epilepsy implies risk of additional seizures and therefore possibly injuries, sudden death in people with epilepsy, or status epilepticus. Studies have shown that patient and witness accounts are unreliable in a high percentage of cases. Therefore, the core competency of doctors and medical professionals assessing paroxysmal events is knowledge of the clinical features that help define the different aetiologies, thus empowering them to establish the most accurate appraisal of an event. [Published with video sequences]

    Corticolimbic structural alterations linked to health status and trait anxiety in functional neurological disorder

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    Objective Affective symptoms influence health status (health-related quality of life) in functional neurological disorder (FND), and the salience network is implicated in the pathophysiology of FND and mood/anxiety disorders. We hypothesised that self-reported health status and affective symptoms would map onto salience network regions and that patients with FND would show decreased insular volumes compared with controls. Methods This voxel-based morphometry study investigated volumetric differences in 26 patients with FND (21 women, 5 men; mean age=40.3±11.5) compared with 27 healthy controls (22 women, 5 men; mean age=40.5±10.8). Post hoc analyses stratified patients with FND by mental and physical health scores (Short Form Health Survey-36). Within-group analyses investigated associations with mental health, physical health, trait anxiety and depression in patients with FND. Results There were no volumetric differences between the complete FND cohort and controls. In stratified analyses, however, patients with FND reporting the most severe physical health impairments showed reduced left anterior insular volume compared with controls. In within-group analyses, impaired mental health and elevated trait anxiety were associated with increased right amygdalar volumes in patients with FND. The relationship between amygdalar volume and mental health, driven by emotional well-being deficits and role limitations due to emotional problems, was independent of sensorimotor functional neurological symptom severity and motor FND subtype. In secondary within-group analyses, increased periaqueductal grey volume was associated with role limitations due to emotional problems. Impaired physical functioning correlated with decreased left anterior insular volumes. Conclusions These findings support roles for several regions of the salience network in the pathophysiology of FND