862 research outputs found

    Scaling and the Metal-Insulator Transition in Si/SiGe Quantum Wells

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    The existence of a metal-insulator transition at zero magnetic field in two- dimensional electron systems has recently been confirmed in high mobility Si-MOSFETs. In this work, the temperature dependence of the resistivity of gated Si/SiGe/Si quantum well structures has revealed a similar metal- insulator transition as a function of carrier density at zero magnetic field. We also report evidence for a Coulomb gap in the temperature dependence of the resistivity of the dilute 2D hole gas confined in a SiGe quantum well. In addition, the resistivity in the insulating phase scales with a single parameter, and is sample independent. These results are consistent with the occurrence of a metal-insulator transition at zero magnetic field in SiGe square quantum wells driven by strong hole-hole interactions.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    Galacto-Oligosaccharides Modulate the Juvenile Gut Microbiome and Innate Immunity To Improve Broiler Chicken Performance

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    Copyright © 2020 Richards et al Improvements in growth performance and health are key goals in broiler chicken production. Inclusion of prebiotic galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) in broiler feed enhanced the growth rate and feed conversion of chickens relative to those obtained with a calorie-matched control diet. Comparison of the cecal microbiota identified key differences in abundances of Lactobacillus spp. Increased levels of Lactobacillus johnsonii in GOS-fed juvenile birds at the expense of Lactobacillus crispatus were linked to improved performance (growth rate and market weight). Investigation of the innate immune responses highlighted increases of ileal and cecal interleukin-17A (IL-17A) gene expression counterposed to a decrease in IL-10. Quantification of the autochthonous Lactobacillus spp. revealed a correlation between bird performance and L. johnsonii abundance. Shifts in the cecal populations of key Lactobacillus spp. of juvenile birds primed intestinal innate immunity without harmful pathogen challenge. IMPORTANCE Improvements in the growth rate of broiler chickens can be achieved through dietary manipulation of the naturally occurring bacterial populations while mitigating the withdrawal of antibiotic growth promoters. Prebiotic galactooligosaccharides (GOS) are manufactured as a by-product of dairy cheese production and can be incorporated into the diets of juvenile chickens to improve their health and performance. This study investigated the key mechanisms behind this progression and pinpointed L. johnsonii as a key species that facilitates the enhancements in growth rate and gut health. The study identified the relationships between the GOS diet, L. johnsonii intestinal populations, and cytokine immune effectors to improve growth

    NASA SPoRT Initialization Datasets for Local Model Runs in the Environmental Modeling System

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    The NASA Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center has developed several products for its National Weather Service (NWS) partners that can be used to initialize local model runs within the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Environmental Modeling System (EMS). These real-time datasets consist of surface-based information updated at least once per day, and produced in a composite or gridded product that is easily incorporated into the WRF EMS. The primary goal for making these NASA datasets available to the WRF EMS community is to provide timely and high-quality information at a spatial resolution comparable to that used in the local model configurations (i.e., convection-allowing scales). The current suite of SPoRT products supported in the WRF EMS include a Sea Surface Temperature (SST) composite, a Great Lakes sea-ice extent, a Greenness Vegetation Fraction (GVF) composite, and Land Information System (LIS) gridded output. The SPoRT SST composite is a blend of primarily the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) infrared and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for Earth Observing System data for non-precipitation coverage over the oceans at 2-km resolution. The composite includes a special lake surface temperature analysis over the Great Lakes using contributions from the Remote Sensing Systems temperature data. The Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Ice Percentage product is used to create a sea-ice mask in the SPoRT SST composite. The sea-ice mask is produced daily (in-season) at 1.8-km resolution and identifies ice percentage from 0 100% in 10% increments, with values above 90% flagged as ice

    Vertical integration and firm boundaries : the evidence

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    Since Ronald H. Coase's (1937) seminal paper, a rich set of theories has been developed that deal with firm boundaries in vertical or input–output structures. In the last twenty-five years, empirical evidence that can shed light on those theories also has been accumulating. We review the findings of empirical studies that have addressed two main interrelated questions: First, what types of transactions are best brought within the firm and, second, what are the consequences of vertical integration decisions for economic outcomes such as prices, quantities, investment, and profits. Throughout, we highlight areas of potential cross-fertilization and promising areas for future work

    Prebiotic Driven Increases in IL-17A Do Not Prevent Campylobacter jejuni Colonization of Chickens

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    © Copyright © 2020 Flaujac Lafontaine, Richards, Connerton, O’Kane, Ghaffar, Cummings, Fish and Connerton. Worldwide Campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of foodborne disease. Contamination of chicken meat with digesta from C. jejuni-positive birds during slaughter and processing is a key route of transmission to humans through the food chain. Colonization of chickens with C. jejuni elicits host innate immune responses that may be modulated by dietary additives to provide a reduction in the number of campylobacters colonizing the gastrointestinal tract and thereby reduce the likelihood of human exposure to an infectious dose. Here we report the effects of prebiotic galacto-oligosaccharide (GOS) on broiler chickens colonized with C. jejuni when challenged at either an early stage in development at 6 days of age or 20 days old when campylobacters are frequently detected in commercial flocks. GOS-fed birds had increased growth performance, but the levels of C. jejuni colonizing the cecal pouches were unchanged irrespective of the age of challenge. Dietary GOS modulated the immune response to C. jejuni by increasing cytokine IL-17A expression at colonization. Correspondingly, reduced diversity of the cecal microbiota was associated with Campylobacter colonization in GOS-fed birds. In birds challenged at 6 days-old the reduction in microbial diversity was accompanied by an increase in the relative abundance of Escherichia spp. Whilst immuno-modulation of the Th17 pro-inflammatory response did not prevent C. jejuni colonization of the intestinal tract of broiler chickens, the study highlights the potential for combinations of prebiotics, and specific competitors (synbiotics) to engage with the host innate immunity to reduce pathogen burdens

    High-Field ESR Measurements of S=1/2 Kagome Lattice Antiferromagnet BaCu3_3V2_2O8_8(OH)2_2

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    High-field electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements have been performed on vesignieite BaCu3_3V2_2O8_8(OH)2_2, which is considered as a nearly ideal model substance of SS=1/2 kagome antiferromagnet, in the temperature region from 1.9 to 265 K. The frequency region is from 60 to 360 GHz and the applied pulsed magnetic field is up to 16 T. Observed g-value and linewidth show the increase below 20 K, which suggest the development of the short range order. Moreover, a gapless spin liquid ground state is suggested from the frequency-field relation at 1.9 K.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, jpsj2 class file, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    GRISOTTO: A greedy approach to improve combinatorial algorithms for motif discovery with prior knowledge

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Position-specific priors (PSP) have been used with success to boost EM and Gibbs sampler-based motif discovery algorithms. PSP information has been computed from different sources, including orthologous conservation, DNA duplex stability, and nucleosome positioning. The use of prior information has not yet been used in the context of combinatorial algorithms. Moreover, priors have been used only independently, and the gain of combining priors from different sources has not yet been studied.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We extend RISOTTO, a combinatorial algorithm for motif discovery, by post-processing its output with a greedy procedure that uses prior information. PSP's from different sources are combined into a scoring criterion that guides the greedy search procedure. The resulting method, called GRISOTTO, was evaluated over 156 yeast TF ChIP-chip sequence-sets commonly used to benchmark prior-based motif discovery algorithms. Results show that GRISOTTO is at least as accurate as other twelve state-of-the-art approaches for the same task, even without combining priors. Furthermore, by considering combined priors, GRISOTTO is considerably more accurate than the state-of-the-art approaches for the same task. We also show that PSP's improve GRISOTTO ability to retrieve motifs from mouse ChiP-seq data, indicating that the proposed algorithm can be applied to data from a different technology and for a higher eukaryote.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The conclusions of this work are twofold. First, post-processing the output of combinatorial algorithms by incorporating prior information leads to a very efficient and effective motif discovery method. Second, combining priors from different sources is even more beneficial than considering them separately.</p

    Stress-driven instability in growing multilayer films

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    We investigate the stress-driven morphological instability of epitaxially growing multilayer films, which are coherent and dislocation-free. We construct a direct elastic analysis, from which we determine the elastic state of the system recursively in terms of that of the old states of the buried layers. In turn, we use the result for the elastic state to derive the morphological evolution equation of surface profile to first order of perturbations, with the solution explicitly expressed by the growth conditions and material parameters of all the deposited layers. We apply these results to two kinds of multilayer structures. One is the alternating tensile/compressive multilayer structure, for which we determine the effective stability properties, including the effect of varying surface mobility in different layers, its interplay with the global misfit of the multilayer film, and the influence of asymmetric structure of compressive and tensile layers on the system stability. The nature of the asymmetry properties found in stability diagrams is in agreement with experimental observations. The other multilayer structure that we study is one composed of stacked strained/spacer layers. We also calculate the kinetic critical thickness for the onset of morphological instability and obtain its reduction and saturation as number of deposited layers increases, which is consistent with recent experimental results. Compared to the single-layer film growth, the behavior of kinetic critical thickness shows deviations for upper strained layers.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures; Phys. Rev. B, in pres
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