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    Penggunaan Media Gambar untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

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    Of Yustina Ladu 2012 using picture media of increasing of students study resuit in science 4 elementary 48 Ketanjak This observation held to know result of study of studenst by science program by picture media. Observations method that used is descriptive by form of research in class oktion.Rresearch subjects are eleven students in SDN 48 Ketanjak Meliau district Sanggau regency. Students indudes five men and six women. Synergy Indiator in this research is seventy percent student increase study activity and result of study with get sexty become eighty grades instrument of score colletion is researchs paper and test of study result