3 research outputs found

    Several notes about food e-commerce in the Czech Republic

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    The contribution concentrates on a special form of food sale. It solves several attributes of connection of food sale and electronic commerce. Firstly it describes experiences got by foreign companies like Tesco or Ahold – leaders of food commerce. Strategies and achievements in the field of electronic commerce of theirs were introduced.Following part of the work is devoted to leading Czech e-shops. Vltava e-shop and e-shops of its group (Cybex.cz and others) were assessed. Several market researches were introduced (about number of internet accesses in the Czech Republic, about time dedicated to PC and internet, knowing e-commerce or its use in practice). In the last part of the first section are mentioned foreign e-shop targeting Czech e-commerce market.In the third part are advantages of e-shopping summarized. Time saving, opening time, goods comparisons are briefly mentioned.The application part was aimed to Jednota’s future e-shop. That means that existing retail chain was chosen. So the foundation of e-shop is rather easier. Than the assortment of Czech e-shops was described, especially in connection with customers’ preferences. Customers’ shopping behavior was exa­mi­ned. So possible ways out could be founded.Following part takes care of implementation of food e-shop. Supply, logistic solution, payment solution, strategy of gaining and maintenance customers, contracting, information technologies, solutions and investment return were mentioned or solved.Results of the contribution are summarized in the conclusion. Relationship between theory of e-commerce and its application was highlighted as a necessary condition of its functioning in real world

    Assessment of the results of the strategic orientation on regional and local products in food retail

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    The aim of this paper is to assess if there is a difference in food choice behaviour between regular customers of stores of the retail chain Terno and other consumers. Consequently, the paper aims to discover, if the strategy formulated by the consumer co-operative Jednota České Budějovice was a good strategy. The core of this strategy is the orientation on the region, local and regional food and food products and the co-operation with local small and medium suppliers. Another part of this strategy is also the permanent control of quality of these products and creation of the special private label – Quality food from our region. The consumer co-operative co-operates also with the regional grouping under another label – Tastes great. Southbohemian. The assessment is done by means of the analysis of a questionnaire survey that was done among consumers in the South Bohemia in 2011. The strongest factor differentiating customers of the retail chain TERNO from other consumer is the orientation on regional or local products, which explains about 41% of variability. Other differentiating factors are environment-friendly production and selling and quality of food. All these three factors explain in total 66.5% of variability of the data set