6 research outputs found

    Detection of erroneous values in the measurement of local geodetic networks

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    For processing the results of local geodetic network (LGN) measurement with possible erroneous values and coordinates:d (slope distances between the points), ω (horizontal angles), z (zenith distances). CDB = [X ,Y]DB (coordinates of the datumpoints), CU0B = [X 0 ,Y 0 ]UB (coordinates of approximately determined points) and detecting the errors it is appropriate to usea technique that will be further demonstrated in a real situation of the trilateration LGN (fig. 1) with a massive contaminationof the simulated errors in the measured elements and numerically determined values

    Return on shares of steel companies under the influence of mergers and acquisitions

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    The present article intends to asses returns on shares of the steel companies that were formed based on either merger or acquisition. The analysis included 14 operations in the steel industry. Attention was paid to returns of the companies performing acquisitions, as well as to the returns on shares that presented the acquisition target. The analysis was performed based on the “event study” method, and the analysed event was the announcement or notification of realization of an acquisition. Shares of the target steel companies as well as acquirers are attaining higher returns, but the change was not statistical significant.Web of Science54130630

    Vplyvy meračských a výpočtových chyb v MNŠ vyrovnaní lokálnej geodetickej siete

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    The Local Geodetic Network (LGN) adjustment is affected by various errors, whether arisen from measuring or calculating works. The measuring errors occurred in the consistent LGS measuring can be detected by control calculations in dL using redundant measurements. The numerical errors may be detected, or the accuracy of the formulas used can be verified by control calculations in a configuration matrix A and control relations, which should show zero values.Na vyrovnanie lokálnej geodetickej siete (LGS) vplývajú rôzne chyby, ktoré vznikli či už pri meracích alebo počtárskych prácach. Meračské chyby vzniknuté pri dôslednom zameraní LGS sa dajú odhaliť kontrolnými výpočtami v dL pomocou nadbytočných meraní. Výpočtové chyby sa môžu odhaliť, resp. overiť správnosť použitých vzorcov pomocou kontrolných výpočtov v konfiguračnej matici A a kontrolných vzťahov, ktoré by mali vykazovať nulové hodnoty