184 research outputs found

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    Catalan industrial architecture in the last quarter of the 19th century and first quarter of the 20th century

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    The economy of Catalonia experienced a major surge from the mid-19th to the early 20th centuries, primarily because of two crucial factors: first, the industrialisation process, chiefly with the development of the textile sector, and secondly the revival of the agricultural sector, with the extensive cultivation of vineyards around the land. In both cases, non-traditional architectural typologies had to be “reinvented” or built in Catalonia: the factories that manufactured textiles or other products, industrial colonies, the wineries where wine and its spirits were crafted, and the flour mills

    Arquitectura industrial catalana en el darrer quart del segle XIX i primer quart del segle XX

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    L’economia de Catalunya va experimentar un fort impuls des de mitjan segle XIX i a l’inici del XX a causa, fonamentalment, de dos factors que foren definitius: d’una banda, el procés d’industrialització, bàsicament amb el desenvolupament del sector del tèxtil, i de l’altra, la recuperació del sector agrari amb el conreu, força extensiu al país, de la vinya. En tots dos casos calgué la «reinvenció» o construcció d’unes tipologies arquitectòniques no tradicionals al territori català: les fàbriques tèxtils o d’altres productes i les colònies industrials, i els cellers per a l’elaboració del vi i els seus destil·lats, a més de les farineres

    L'art al monestir, abans i ara

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    L'efecte escenogràfic: les pintures murals

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    Carlos Flores Marini (1937-2015) i la passió pels monuments

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    Jeroni Martorell, arquitecte de l'administració pública

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    A New Online Tool to Evaluate Transferable Skills in the European Framework

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    According to the European classification of skills, competencies, qualifications, and occupations (ESCO), transversal knowledge, skills, and competencies are pertinent to a wide array of occupations and sectors. Transversal knowledge, skills, and competencies are the foundational elements for developing the “hard” skills and competencies necessary for success in the labor market. In this paper, we introduce an online platform for assessing the attainment of transversal and soft skills. This tool allows us to define levels of competency acquisition and measure students’ development. The use of these competency levels helps improve the understanding of these skills and the evaluation process. The tool also enhances coordination among courses and teachers. The evaluation process can be established on three different levels: self-evaluation, peer evaluation, and teacher assessment. Developers, students, and teachers have assessed the tool has been developed following a lifecycle of evolutionary prototypes with successive refinements