7,649 research outputs found

    A Lee-Yang--inspired functional with a density--dependent neutron-neutron scattering length

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    Inspired by the low--density Lee-Yang expansion for the energy of a dilute Fermi gas of density ρ\rho and momentum kFk_F, we introduce here a Skyrme--type functional that contains only ss-wave terms and provides, at the mean--field level, (i) a satisfactory equation of state for neutron matter from extremely low densities up to densities close to the equilibrium point, and (ii) a good--quality equation of state for symmetric matter at density scales around the saturation point. This is achieved by using a density--dependent neutron-neutron scattering length a(ρa(\rho) which satisfies the low--density limit (for Fermi momenta going to zero) and has a density dependence tuned in such a way that the low--density constraint ∣a(ρ)kFâˆŁâ‰€1|a(\rho) k_F| \le 1 is satisfied at all density scales.Comment: 5 figure

    From dilute matter to the equilibrium point in the energy--density--functional theory

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    Due to the large value of the scattering length in nuclear systems, standard density--functional theories based on effective interactions usually fail to reproduce the nuclear Fermi liquid behavior both at very low densities and close to equilibrium. Guided on one side by the success of the Skyrme density functional and, on the other side, by resummation techniques used in Effective Field Theories for systems with large scattering lengths, a new energy--density functional is proposed. This functional, adjusted on microscopic calculations, reproduces the nuclear equations of state of neutron and symmetric matter at various densities. Furthermore, it provides reasonable saturation properties as well as an appropriate density dependence for the symmetry energy.Comment: 4 figures, 2 table

    From bare interactions, low--energy constants and unitary gas to nuclear density functionals without free parameters: application to neutron matter

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    We further progress along the line of Ref. [Phys. Rev. {\bf A 94}, 043614 (2016)] where a functional for Fermi systems with anomalously large ss-wave scattering length asa_s was proposed that has no free parameters. The functional is designed to correctly reproduce the unitary limit in Fermi gases together with the leading-order contributions in the s- and p-wave channels at low density. The functional is shown to be predictive up to densities ∌0.01\sim0.01 fm−3^{-3} that is much higher densities compared to the Lee-Yang functional, valid for ρ<10−6\rho < 10^{-6} fm−3^{-3}. The form of the functional retained in this work is further motivated. It is shown that the new functional corresponds to an expansion of the energy in (askF)(a_s k_F) and (rekF)(r_e k_F) to all orders, where rer_e is the effective range and kFk_F is the Fermi momentum. One conclusion from the present work is that, except in the extremely low--density regime, nuclear systems can be treated perturbatively in −(askF)−1-(a_s k_F)^{-1} with respect to the unitary limit. Starting from the functional, we introduce density--dependent scales and show that scales associated to the bare interaction are strongly renormalized by medium effects. As a consequence, some of the scales at play around saturation are dominated by the unitary gas properties and not directly to low-energy constants. For instance, we show that the scale in the s-wave channel around saturation is proportional to the so-called Bertsch parameter Ο0\xi_0 and becomes independent of asa_s. We also point out that these scales are of the same order of magnitude than those empirically obtained in the Skyrme energy density functional. We finally propose a slight modification of the functional such that it becomes accurate up to the saturation density ρ≃0.16\rho\simeq 0.16 fm−3^{-3}

    Magnetic blackbody shift of hyperfine transitions for atomic clocks

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    We derive an expression for the magnetic blackbody shift of hyperfine transitions such as the cesium primary reference transition which defines the second. The shift is found to be a complicated function of temperature, and has a T^2 dependence only in the high-temperature limit. We also calculate the shift of ground-state p_1/2 hyperfine transitions which have been proposed as new atomic clock transitions. In this case interaction with the p_3/2 fine-structure multiplet may be the dominant effect

    Anomalous Hall Effect due to the spin chirality in the Kagom\'{e} lattice

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    We consider a model for a two dimensional electron gas moving on a kagom\'{e} lattice and locally coupled to a chiral magnetic texture. We show that the transverse conductivity σ_xy\sigma\_{xy} does not vanish even if spin-orbit coupling is not present and it may exhibit unusual behavior. Model parameters are the chirality, the number of conduction electrons and the amplitude of the local coupling. Upon varying these parameters, a topological transition characterized by change of the band Chern numbers occur. As a consequence, σ_xy\sigma\_{xy} can be quantized, proportional to the chirality or have a non monotonic behavior upon varying these parameters.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Magnetoresistance and collective Coulomb blockade in super-lattices of ferromagnetic CoFe nanoparticles

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    We report on transport properties of millimetric super-lattices of CoFe nanoparticles surrounded by organic ligands. R(T)s follow R(T) = R_0.exp(T/T_0)^0.5 with T_0 ranging from 13 to 256 K. At low temperature I(V)s follow I=K[(V-V_T)/V_T]^ksi with ksi ranging 3.5 to 5.2. I(V) superpose on a universal curve when shifted by a voltage proportional to the temperature. Between 1.8 and 10 K a high-field magnetoresistance with large amplitude and a strong voltage-dependence is observed. Its amplitude only depends on the magnetic field/temperature ratio. Its origin is attributed to the presence of paramagnetic states present at the surface or between the nanoparticles. Below 1.8 K, this high-field magnetoresistance abruptly disappears and inverse tunnelling magnetoresistance is observed, the amplitude of which does not exceed 1%. At this low temperature, some samples display in their I(V) characteristics abrupt and hysteretic transitions between the Coulomb blockade regime and the conductive regime. The increase of the current during these transitions can be as high as a factor 30. The electrical noise increases when the sample is near the transition. The application of a magnetic field decreases the voltage at which these transitions occur so magnetic-field induced transitions are also observed. Depending on the applied voltage, the temperature and the amplitude of the magnetic field, the magnetic-field induced transitions are either reversible or irreversible. These abrupt and hysteretic transitions are also observed in resistance-temperature measurements. They could be the soliton avalanches predicted by Sverdlov et al. [Phys. Rev. B 64, 041302 (R), 2001] or could also be interpreted as a true phase transition between a Coulomb glass phase to a liquid phase of electrons

    Pairing dynamics in particle transport

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    We analyze the effect of pairing on particle transport in time-dependent theories based on the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) or BCS approximations. The equations of motion for the HFB density matrices are unique and the theory respects the usual conservation laws defined by commutators of the conserved quantity with the Hamiltonian. In contrast, the theories based on the BCS approximation are more problematic. In the usual formulation of TDHF+BCS, the equation of continuity is violated and one sees unphysical oscillations in particle densities. This can be ameliorated by freezing the occupation numbers during the evolution in TDHF+BCS, but there are other problems with the BCS that make it doubtful for reaction dynamics. We also compare different numerical implementations of the time-dependent HFB equations. The equations of motion for the UU and VV Bogoliubov transformations are not unique, but it appears that the usual formulation is also the most efficient. Finally, we compare the time-dependent HFB solutions with numerically exact solutions of the two-particle Schrodinger equation. Depending on the treatment of the initial state, the HFB dynamics produces a particle emission rate at short times similar to that of the Schrodinger equation. At long times, the total particle emission can be quite different, due to inherent mean-field approximation of the HFB theory.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Out of equilibrium transport through an Anderson impurity: Probing scaling laws within the equation of motion approach

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    We study non-equilibrium electron transport through a quantum impurity coupled to metallic leads using the equation of motion technique at finite temperature T. Assuming that the interactions are taking place solely in the impurity and focusing in the infinite Hubbard limit, we compute the out of equilibrium density of states and the differential conductance G_2(T,V) to test several scaling laws. We find that G_2(T,V)/G_2(T,0) is a universal function of both eV/T_K and T/T_K, being T_K the Kondo temperature. The effect of an in plane magnetic field on the splitting of the zero bias anomaly in the differential conductance is also analyzed. For a Zeeman splitting \Delta, the computed differential conductance peak splitting depends only on \Delta/T_K, and for large fields approaches the value of 2\Delta . Besides the traditional two leads setup, we also consider other configurations that mimics recent experiments, namely, an impurity embedded in a mesoscopic wire and the presence of a third weakly coupled lead. In these cases, a double peak structure of the Kondo resonance is clearly obtained in the differential conductance while the amplitude of the highest peak is shown to decrease as \ln(eV/T_K). Several features of these results are in qualitative agreement with recent experimental observations reported on quantum dots.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Application of the S=1 underscreened Anderson lattice model to Kondo uranium and neptunium compounds

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    Magnetic properties of uranium and neptunium compounds showing the coexistence of Kondo screening effect and ferromagnetic order are investigated within the Anderson lattice Hamiltonian with a two-fold degenerate ff-level in each site, corresponding to 5f25f^2 electronic configuration with S=1S=1 spins. A derivation of the Schrieffer-Wolff transformation is presented and the resulting Hamiltonian has an effective ff-band term, in addition to the regular exchange Kondo interaction between the S=1S=1 ff-spins and the s=1/2s=1/2 spins of the conduction electrons. The obtained effective Kondo lattice model can describe both the Kondo regime and a weak delocalization of 5f5f-electron. Within this model we compute the Kondo and Curie temperatures as a function of model parameters, namely the Kondo exchange interaction constant JKJ_K, the magnetic intersite exchange interaction JHJ_H and the effective ff-bandwidth. We deduce, therefore, a phase diagram of the model which yields the coexistence of Kondo effect and ferromagnetic ordering and also accounts for the pressure dependence of the Curie temperature of uranium compounds such as UTe.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
