8,432 research outputs found

    A Lee-Yang--inspired functional with a density--dependent neutron-neutron scattering length

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    Inspired by the low--density Lee-Yang expansion for the energy of a dilute Fermi gas of density ρ\rho and momentum kFk_F, we introduce here a Skyrme--type functional that contains only ss-wave terms and provides, at the mean--field level, (i) a satisfactory equation of state for neutron matter from extremely low densities up to densities close to the equilibrium point, and (ii) a good--quality equation of state for symmetric matter at density scales around the saturation point. This is achieved by using a density--dependent neutron-neutron scattering length a(ρa(\rho) which satisfies the low--density limit (for Fermi momenta going to zero) and has a density dependence tuned in such a way that the low--density constraint ∣a(ρ)kFâˆŁâ‰€1|a(\rho) k_F| \le 1 is satisfied at all density scales.Comment: 5 figure

    From dilute matter to the equilibrium point in the energy--density--functional theory

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    Due to the large value of the scattering length in nuclear systems, standard density--functional theories based on effective interactions usually fail to reproduce the nuclear Fermi liquid behavior both at very low densities and close to equilibrium. Guided on one side by the success of the Skyrme density functional and, on the other side, by resummation techniques used in Effective Field Theories for systems with large scattering lengths, a new energy--density functional is proposed. This functional, adjusted on microscopic calculations, reproduces the nuclear equations of state of neutron and symmetric matter at various densities. Furthermore, it provides reasonable saturation properties as well as an appropriate density dependence for the symmetry energy.Comment: 4 figures, 2 table

    A frequency-adjustable electromagnet for hyperthermia measurements on magnetic nanoparticles

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    We describe a low-cost and simple setup for hyperthermia measurements on colloidal solutions of magnetic nanoparticles (ferrofluids) with a frequency-adjustable magnetic field in the range 5-500 kHz produced by an electromagnet. By optimizing the general conception and each component (nature of the wires, design of the electromagnet), a highly efficient setup is obtained. For instance, in a useful gap of 1.1 cm, a magnetic field of 4.8 mT is generated at 100 kHz and 500 kHz with an output power of 3.4 W and 75 W, respectively. A maximum magnetic field of 30 mT is obtained at 100 kHz. The temperature of the colloidal solution is measured using optical fiber sensors. To remove contributions due to heating of the electromagnet, a differential measurement is used. In this configuration the sensitivity is better than 1.5 mW at 100 kHz and 19.3 mT. This setup allows one to measure weak heating powers on highly diluted colloidal solutions. The hyperthermia characteristics of a solution of Fe nanoparticles are described, where both the magnetic field and the frequency dependence of heating power have been measured

    Density-matrix functionals for pairing in mesoscopic superconductors

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    A functional theory based on single-particle occupation numbers is developed for pairing. This functional, that generalizes the BCS approach, directly incorporates corrections due to particle number conservation. The functional is benchmarked with the pairing Hamiltonian and reproduces perfectly the energy for any particle number and coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, revised versio

    Anomalous Hall Effect due to the spin chirality in the Kagom\'{e} lattice

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    We consider a model for a two dimensional electron gas moving on a kagom\'{e} lattice and locally coupled to a chiral magnetic texture. We show that the transverse conductivity σ_xy\sigma\_{xy} does not vanish even if spin-orbit coupling is not present and it may exhibit unusual behavior. Model parameters are the chirality, the number of conduction electrons and the amplitude of the local coupling. Upon varying these parameters, a topological transition characterized by change of the band Chern numbers occur. As a consequence, σ_xy\sigma\_{xy} can be quantized, proportional to the chirality or have a non monotonic behavior upon varying these parameters.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Magnetic anisotropy determination and magnetic hyperthermia properties of small Fe nanoparticles in the superparamagnetic regime

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    We report on the magnetic and hyperthermia properties of iron nanoparticles synthesized by organometallic chemistry. They are 5.5 nm in diameter and display a saturation magnetization close to the bulk one. Magnetic properties are dominated by the contribution of aggregates of nanoparticles with respect to individual isolated nanoparticles. Alternative susceptibility measurements are been performed on a low interacting system obtained after eliminating the aggregates by centrifugation. A quantitative analysis using the Gittleman s model allow a determination of the effective anisotropy Keff = 1.3 * 10^5 J.m^{-3}, more than two times the magnetocristalline value of bulk iron. Hyperthermia measurements are performed on agglomerates of nanoparticles at a magnetic field up to 66 mT and at frequencies in the range 5-300 kHz. Maximum measured SAR is 280 W/g at 300 kHz and 66 mT. Specific absorption rate (SAR) displays a square dependence with the magnetic field below 30 mT but deviates from this power law at higher value. SAR is linear with the applied frequency for mu_0H=19 mT. The deviations from the linear response theory are discussed. A refined estimation of the optimal size of iron nanoparticles for hyperthermia applications is provided using the determined effective anisotropy value

    Magnetoresistance and collective Coulomb blockade in super-lattices of ferromagnetic CoFe nanoparticles

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    We report on transport properties of millimetric super-lattices of CoFe nanoparticles surrounded by organic ligands. R(T)s follow R(T) = R_0.exp(T/T_0)^0.5 with T_0 ranging from 13 to 256 K. At low temperature I(V)s follow I=K[(V-V_T)/V_T]^ksi with ksi ranging 3.5 to 5.2. I(V) superpose on a universal curve when shifted by a voltage proportional to the temperature. Between 1.8 and 10 K a high-field magnetoresistance with large amplitude and a strong voltage-dependence is observed. Its amplitude only depends on the magnetic field/temperature ratio. Its origin is attributed to the presence of paramagnetic states present at the surface or between the nanoparticles. Below 1.8 K, this high-field magnetoresistance abruptly disappears and inverse tunnelling magnetoresistance is observed, the amplitude of which does not exceed 1%. At this low temperature, some samples display in their I(V) characteristics abrupt and hysteretic transitions between the Coulomb blockade regime and the conductive regime. The increase of the current during these transitions can be as high as a factor 30. The electrical noise increases when the sample is near the transition. The application of a magnetic field decreases the voltage at which these transitions occur so magnetic-field induced transitions are also observed. Depending on the applied voltage, the temperature and the amplitude of the magnetic field, the magnetic-field induced transitions are either reversible or irreversible. These abrupt and hysteretic transitions are also observed in resistance-temperature measurements. They could be the soliton avalanches predicted by Sverdlov et al. [Phys. Rev. B 64, 041302 (R), 2001] or could also be interpreted as a true phase transition between a Coulomb glass phase to a liquid phase of electrons

    Magnetic hyperthermia in single-domain monodisperse FeCo nanoparticles: Evidences for Stoner-Wohlfarth behaviour and large losses

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    We report on hyperthermia measurements on a colloidal solution of 15 nm monodisperse FeCo nanoparticles (NPs). Losses as a function of the magnetic field display a sharp increase followed by a plateau, which is what is expected for losses of ferromagnetic single-domain NPs. The frequency dependence of the coercive field is deduced from hyperthermia measurement and is in quantitative agreement with a simple model of non-interacting NPs. The measured losses (1.5 mJ/g) compare to the highest of the literature, though the saturation magnetization of the NPs is well below the bulk one.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Transport Model Simulations of Projectile Fragmentation Reactions at 140 MeV/nucleon

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    The collisions in four different reaction systems using 40,48^{40,48}Ca and 58,64^{58,64}Ni isotope beams and a Be target have been simulated using the Heavy Ion Phase Space Exploration and the Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics models. The present study mainly focuses on the model predictions for the excitation energies of the hot fragments and the cross sections of the final fragments produced in these reactions. The effects of various factors influencing the final fragment cross sections, such as the choice of the statistical decay code and its parameters have been explored. The predicted fragment cross sections are compared to the projectile fragmentation cross sections measured with the A1900 mass separator. At E/A=140E/A=140 MeV, reaction dynamics can significantly modify the detection efficiencies for the fragments and make them different from the efficiencies applied to the measured data reported in the previous work. The effects of efficiency corrections on the validation of event generator codes are discussed in the context of the two models.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figure
