1,389 research outputs found

    The Influence of Race in Residential Mortgage Closings

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    This study examines how applicants identified as Asian, Black or Hispanic differ in mortgage closing outcomes compared to the remaining applicants. First, the findings show that minority applicants are somewhat less likely to close a loan for purchase, but equally likely to close a loan for refinance. A more important question this study addresses is whether minority borrowers have less efficient closing outcomes. The findings show no statistical difference between minority and non-minority applicants. This indicates that originators do not demonstrate a ‘‘taste for discrimination’’ by basing their loan approval for minorities on whether the loan can be profitably sold.

    Complicating the Narrative: Labor, Feminism, and Civil Rights in the United Teachers of New Orleans Strike of 1990

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    In 1990, over 3,000 of 4,500 New Orleans public school teachers refused to enter their classrooms over a contract dispute with their employer, the Orleans Parish School Board. For three weeks, teachers picketed while the negotiating team for their union, The United Teachers of New Orleans, worked to reach a contract agreement. Using interviews with striking teachers and union leaders, this paper aims to tell this story from their perspective. The interviews shed light on the ways that minorities and women used UTNO, with the incorporated ideologies and strategies of civil rights and feminism, as a platform to combat economic, political, and social inequalities in New Orleans at the end of the 20th century. An analysis of this strike also aims to complicate the current historiography of the union—filling the gap between its activism in the 1970s to its near dismantling after Hurricane Katrina

    Complicating the Narrative: Labor, Feminism, and Civil Rights in the United Teachers of New Orleans Strike of 1990

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    In 1990, over 3,000 of 4,500 New Orleans public school teachers refused to enter their classrooms over a contract dispute with their employer, the Orleans Parish School Board. For three weeks, teachers picketed while the negotiating team for their union, The United Teachers of New Orleans, worked to reach a contract agreement. Using interviews with striking teachers and union leaders, this paper aims to tell this story from their perspective. The interviews shed light on the ways that minorities and women used UTNO, with the incorporated ideologies and strategies of civil rights and feminism, as a platform to combat economic, political, and social inequalities in New Orleans at the end of the 20th century. An analysis of this strike also aims to complicate the current historiography of the union—filling the gap between its activism in the 1970s to its near dismantling after Hurricane Katrina

    Razionalit\ue0 democratica e critica femminista nella Francia del XIX secolo: l\u2019eredit\ue0 di Condorcet

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    Il saggio parte dal cosiddetto 'femminismo' di Condorcet per spingersi ben oltre il Settecento e indagare il riformismo democratico della Terza repubblica francese, all'interno del quale le scienze sociali in generale, e quella medica in particolare, la faranno da padrone connotando la 'police des femmes' in termini di inclusione controllata delle donne

    4+2 Cycloadducts Between Enantiopure Tetramathyl-BEDT-TTF and Ortho-Chloranil: Conformational Issues in the Solid State

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    The unexpected formation, in electrocrystallization experiments, and structural characterization of enantiopure [4+2] cycloadducts between the enantiopure donors tetramethyl-bis(ethylenedithio)-tetrathiafulvalene (TMBEDT-TTF) as (R,R,R,R) and (S,S,S,S) enantiomers and ortho-chloranil are described. Single crystal X-ray analysis reveals the presence of axial and equatorial methyl groups within the same molecule in the solid state, and the establishment of intermolecular hydrogen bonds of Cl center dot center dot center dot H3Ceq type

    Les droits politiques dans la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme

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    Political rights are rights which cultivate duality : duality between subjectivity and objectivity, duality between individual and collective rights. These totally ambivalent rights significantly influence the type of political regime and henceforth the global protection of human rights. Missing in the text signed at Rome in 1950, the right to free elections made a noteworthy appearance in the European judicial order concerning the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms with the passing of the first additional protocol, article 3, in 1952. On the basis of this original provision linked to the rights of political nature – freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of peaceful assembly and association with others – the European judge of human rights has progressively built a real political and democratic order which is distinct from the European public order. This part of the litigation thus confronts the democratic and constitutional political issues to an order which is justified by the protection of human rights and the preeminence of law. As the European Court of Human Rights is the main cog of a daring mecanism of supranational control over the enforcement of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the Court’s caselaw now carries a vast project of change and transformation of the national political orders. It has created a real European political model which has enabled Article 3 of Protocol n°1 to produce unsuspected effects in its origin, if this article is set within the prospect of the other provisions of the Convention and the rights of political nature

    La précognition est-elle démontrée ?

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    International audienceEn général, quand quelqu'un dit avoir la preuve que les " dons psychiques " existent, telles la télépathie ou la prémonition, la réaction du monde académique se résume à un haussement d'épaule. Quand réaction il y a, évidemment. Le débat actuel a été lancé par Daryl J. Bem, professeur émérite [1] de psychologie à Cornell University dans The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (une revue tout à fait respectable). Il décrit les expériences qu'il a faites afin, dit-il, d'amener ses collègues à au moins considérer la possibilité de l'existence de tels pouvoirs. Du coup, les uns crient au scandale dans le New York Times. D'autres à la mauvaise utilisation généralisée des statistiques en sciences sociales. Et d'autres encore subodorent un canular
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