614 research outputs found


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    Entrepreneurial orientation is a theoretical concept defined by three dimensions: innovativeness, proactivity and risk-taking. Entrepreneurial orientation researchers suggest that entrepreneurial orientation is a concept that pervades through all organizational levels of the company (Wiklund and Shepherd, 2005; Wales, Monsen and McKelvie, 2011). Although focus of early research on the concept has been oriented on the company level and its influence on profitability, cotemporary research has put much accent both on research of individual entrepreneurial orientation, as well as on research of entrepreneurial orientation of non-profit companies. Having on mind the fact that contemporary university should be an incubator of practical and applicable knowledge, but also being aware of many practical dimensions related to university management, in this paper we will focus on investigating whether there is a rationale for incentives for universities and students to be more entrepreneurially oriented by systematizing the findings of research papers whose focus has been on measuring individual entrepreneurial orientation of students and on researching different dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation of universities

    Stanje i trendovi u implementaciji cjelovitog upravljanja kvalitetom u tranzicijskim uvjetima

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    Rapid technological development, as well as stronger competition have increased the importance of product quality. At the same time, the quality has been prescribed by adequate norms or standards. The implementation of quality systems is extremely important for companies that seek their position on the global market. In the European Union, quality systems of the international ISO standard are being applied, which are based on the principles of the Total Quality Management. On the other hand, Croatia and other transitional countries still need to strive to achieve the culture of quality management in their economies. This paper reviews the state of the ISO standard implementation in the transitional countries, as well as in the world.Brz tehnološki razvoj i sve snažnija konkurencija naglašavaju značaj kvalitete proizvoda. Istovremeno se kvaliteta preskriptivno iskazuje odgovarajućim normama/standardima, a implementacija sustava upravljanja kvalitetom je od iznimnog značaja za poduzeća koja traže svoje mjesto na globalnom tržištu. U Europskoj uniji koristi se međunarodni ISO sustav, zasnovan na principima cjelovitog upravljanja kvalitetom. S druge strane, Hrvatska i druge tranzicijske zemlje i dalje trebaju težiti kulturi upravljanja kvalitetom. U ovom se radu pregledno iskazuje stanje implementacije ISO sustava u tranzicijskim zemljama i u svijetu


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    The application of big data technology in various industries and sectors has been a significant area of research interest lately. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the field by summarizing existing knowledge on the topic of big data and explore its application in the domain of marketing with special emphasis on banking institutions. The reason for this is the fact that banks, with their turbulent environment characterised by high competition, strict regulatory requirements and consumer centricity, are especially eligible for absorbing benefits of big data technology adoption. The paper is structured in a way that general big data characteristics are presented after the introductory notes. Following is the section related to big data application in marketing. In the fourth section authors discuss banking environment and potential for big data application in the marketing of banks

    Evaluación subjetiva de la calidad de la imagen usando métodos de doble estímulo y comparación con medidas objetivas

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    In this project was created a simulation of a radio-communication channel in Simulink (Matlab). It is a graphical tool that allows modeling, simulation and analysis of dynamic systems. The radio-communication channel includes: JPEG coder and decoder, BPSK modulator and demodulator, AWGN channel and some additional boxes to adjust the flow of data. Group of images have been sent through the channel and while changing the parameters of each box the image distortion changes. There were used two subjective methods for image evaluation: DSIS and DSCQS. The methods correlate well. Correlation with the objective methods depended on each method and a type of image distortion. Subjective and objective methods are both equally important for evaluation of image qualityEscuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de TelecomunicaciónUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Quality of Service Aware Call Admission Control in Cell Based Multi-Service Photonic Network

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    The article tackles the problem of quality of service assurance in photonic networks. The idea of multi-service photonic network model with the coexistence of optical circuit and packet switching mechanisms and cell communication is used as a basis for service differentiation in the optical domain. Cell loss ratio as a key performance indicator determines the required optical switching mechanism. Service provisioning is performed using call admission control mechanism with real-time cell loss ratio estimation procedure. Service blocking probability calculation utilizes discrete event simulation of service provision and teardown requests applied to core network topology from COST 266 project. Three simulation scenarios are included in the analysis – pure optical packet switching network, and coexistence of optical packet and circuit switching with and without possibility of communication redirection between the switching mechanisms. Simulation scenarios are additionally altered with the cell loss ratio constraint and number of delay lines

    A Review of Selected Aspects of Big Data Usage in Banks’ Risk Management

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    Contemporary banks operate in a changing environment influenced by regulatory requirements, emerging new risk types and high competition on the market. At the same time banks have on their disposal large datasets from internal and external sources – the question arising is whether banks are using adequate analytics to gain value from big data. Big data has been used in banking for some time, mostly in the marketing field, but the usage of big data in banks’ risk management has not been a subject of extensive scientific research. The goals of this paper are twofold. Firstly, the authors are presenting an overview of existing research on the topic of big data usage in banks’ risk management by discussing selected aspects of this topic. Secondly, the authors are formulating a proposal on how to strategically use big data in risk management in banks by merging literature based extracted usage of big data with risk management phases. Expected contributions of this paper are systematization of knowledge from available literature and increasing scientific and professional awareness on the topic and potential of big data in banks’ risk management


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    Background: Atropa belladonna (Engl. deadly nightshade, Cro. velebilje, bunika) is a plant containing pharmacologically active, potentially toxic alkaloids: atropine, hyocyamine and scopolamine. The risk of poisoning in children is important because of possible confusion of black/dark blue belladonna fruit berries with other edible berries. There are many reports in literature of accidental intoxication but no report on traditional intentional usage to achieve hallucinogenic effects. Subjects and methods: Here we report purposeful ingestion of Atropa belladonna berries for hallucinatory effects among adolescents in Bjelovar region in north part of Croatia. This has been happening among children/adolescents while they were grazing animals. We visited a dozen villages in the region and spoke to the oldest mostly to the elderly residents. Results: The existence of such abuse of Atropa belladonna berries in the first part of XX century was confirmed by eight narrators from five distinct places in the region. Interestingly this type of behavior had a specific name "bunanje", unknown in Croatian language, but clearly associated with local plant name bun or bunika. According to informants consumers of berries would develop delirium or hallucinations associated behavior, incoherent and meaningless speech. However nobody remembers any severe case of poisoning. At the regional hospital in Bjelovar in the Pediatric department, there is no record of poisoning with Atropa belladonna. To our knowledge this is the first report of intentional consumption of belladonna berries to achieve the hallucinogenic effect. Conclusions: The fact that the custom was observed in five distinct spots and it had its specific name "bunanje" suggest that those are not isolated random events but the type of practices; seasonal abuse of hallucinogenic berries of Atropa belladonna, among rural adolescents in the first part of XX century

    Biomedicinsko inženjerstvo – prošlost, sadašnjost, budućnost

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    Medicine and health care have changed dramatically in the past few decades and they depend on high technology for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and for patient rehabilitation. Modern biomedical research and health care are provided by multidisciplinary teams in which biomedical engineers contribute to the advancement of knowledge equally as medical professions. Biomedical engineering represents one (out of two) the most rapidly growing branches of industry in the developed world [1] (the other are sustainable and renewable energy sources). The new knowledge gained by basic biomedical engineering research (at gene, molecular, cellular, organ and system level) has high impact on the growth of new medical products and boosts industries, including small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). SMEs are expected to bring to the market new products and services for health care delivery [2]. Health is the major theme of the specific Programme on Cooperation under the European Seventh Framework Programme, with a total budget of e6.1 billion over the duration of FP7. The objective of health research under FP7 is to improve the health of European citizens and stir up the competitiveness of health-related industries and businesses, while addressing global health issues, life improving and develop life saving technologies. Hospitals and other medical institutions have a commitment to take care of all kinds of high technology devices including the hospital information systems, networks and their safety and security. Growing technological participation in health services enforces the support of technologically specialized personnel, trained clinical engineers. Worldwide, the educational system has adopted the curricula of biomedical engineering and of clinical engineering. Professional organizations are building certification system for biomedical and clinical engineers and the continuous education (life long learning) structures. The development of biomedical engineering and its affirmation has mainly appeared in the last 50 years, first as a result of development in electronic industry while later it started developing at its own pace. In the first part of this paper, we address the development of biomedical engineering in that period and present our views on the development of biomedical engineering in the future. The second part is devoted to the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), the largest organization of biomedical engineers in the world which celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2009. In the third part, we recall our memories to the founder of biomedical engineering in Croatia, prof. Ante Šantic and his achievements in biomedical engineering, and present the state of art of biomedical engineering research and education in Croatia.Medicina i zdravstvena zaštita su se dramatično promijenile u posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća, i ovise o visokoj tehnologiji za prevenciju, dijagnostiku i liječenje bolesti, i za rehabilitaciju pacijenata. Moderna biomedicinska istraživanja i zdravstvena zaštita osigurava se multidisciplinarnim timovima u kojima biomedicinski inženjeri doprinose unapređenju znanja jednako kao i medicinski stručnjaci. Biomedicinsko inženjerstvo predstavlja jedno (od dvije) najbrže rastuće grane industrije u razvijenom svijetu [1] (druga grana su održivi i obnovljivi izvori energije). Nova znanja stečena temeljnim istraživanjima u biomedicinskom inženjerstvu (na razini gena, molekula, stanice, organa i na razini sustava) imaju velik utjecaj na razvoj novih medicinskih proizvoda i jačanje industrije, uključujući i mala i srednja poduzeća (MSP). Očekuje se da mala i srednja poduzeća na tržište donesu nove proizvode i usluge za zdravstvenu skrb [2]. Zdravlje je glavna tema specifičnog programa o suradnji u okviru europskog sedmog okvirnog programa (FP7), s ukupnim proračunom od 6,1 milijarde eura tijekom trajanja FP7. Cilj istraživanja u području zdravstva u okviru FP7 je poboljšati zdravlje europskih građana i povećati konkurenciju u okviru zdravstvene djelatnosti i industrije, a istovremeno voditi računa o globalnim zdravstvenim problemima, poboljšanju života i razvoju tehnologija za spašavanje života. Bolnice i druge medicinske ustanove imaju obvezu voditi brigu o svim vrstama uređaja visoke tehnologije, uključujući bolničke informatičke sustave, mreže i te o njihovoj sigurnosti. Povećanje udjela tehnologije u zdravstvu proizvelo je potrebu za tehnološki specijaliziranim osobljem, kliničkim inženjerima. Diljem svijeta, obrazovni sustav je usvojio visokoškolske programe biomedicinskog inženjerstva i kliničkog inženjerstva. Profesionalne organizacije su izgradile sustav potvrđivanja za biomedicinske i kliničke inženjere i za njihovo kontinuirano obrazovanje (cjeloživotno učenje). Razvoj biomedicinskog inženjerstva i njegova afirmacija je započela u posljednjih 50 godina, kao rezultat razvoja elektroničke industrije, a kasnije se biomedicinsko inženjerstvo nastavilo razvijati vlastitim tempom. U prvom dijelu ovog rada, govorimo o razvoju biomedicinskog inženjerstva u početnom razdoblju i predstavljamo naše poglede na razvoj biomedicinskog inženjerstva u budućnosti. Drugi dio posvećen je Međunarodnoj federaciji za medicinsko i biološko inženjerstvo (IFMBE), najvećoj organizaciji biomedicinskih inženjera u svijetu koji je proslavila svoju 50. godišnjicu u 2009. godini. U trećem dijelu, podsjećamo se na utemeljitelja biomedicinskog inženjerstva u Hrvatskoj, prof. Antu Šantića i njegova dostignuca u području biomedicinskog inženjerstva. Konačno, predstavljamo sadašnje stanje istraživanja i obrazovanja u području biomedicinskog inženjerstva u Hrvatskoj


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