231 research outputs found

    Civil Engineering's Reeingineering as an Essential Factor of Corporate Business Stability

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    The article deals with a new approach to the business system’s managemental process improvement thru reengineering. Essentially, it pertains to the radical changes, whereby the new managemental, organizational, and especially decision-making methods are being applied. Thus, the topic contextually deals with the phenomenon, objective, and strategic behavior, i.e., concept, definition. It has been upgraded by process virtualization and an activity method development. In the sense applied, the very process pertains to the construction industry activities, which deserve it due to their dynamics in any case.reengineering, process, organization, development, virtualization

    Genus Dimerella (Coenogoniaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in Slovakia

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    The genus Dimerella, comprising ca 25 species worldwide, was studied to clarify its occurrence in Slovakia. The paper, based on literature review, revision of collections (BP, BRA, PR, PRC, SAV, W, herb. Vfezda, herb. Pi{út) and fieldwork, brings together evidence of two species, D. pineti and D. lutea. The first voucher specimens and published data for D. pineti date back to the second half of 19th century; 20th century records are only occasional, therefore the species was regarded as rare. However, this investigation shows that it is widely distributed throughout Slovakia, mainly on tree bases, stumps or mossy soil in forests. The sub-oceanic D. lutea is recorded from Slovakia for the first time. Its historical occurrence in the Vihorlat Mounts complements our current observation in the Eastern Carpathians (Bukovské vrchy Mts) in 2002. From an investigation of its ecological requirements, it is evident that the species is confined to humid, well preserved forest biotopes. Within the studied territory the species has not been overlooked, but is extremely rare, which is the reason for including it in the Red List of Lichens of Slovakia as critically endangered. Vernacular names for both the species are introduced

    Selbstoffenbarung gegenüber verschiedenen Personen und diesbezügliche alters- und geschlechtsbedingte Unterschiede zwischen Adoleszenten

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    Provedeno je ispitivanje u 139 srednjoškolaca i 287 studenata s ciljem utvrđivanja faktorske strukture Jourardova upitnika samootkrivanja (SDQ), posebno za samootkrivanje majci, ocu, najboljem prijatelju, najboljoj prijateljici, partneru i strancu. Željelo se provjeriti postoje li dobne i spolne razlike u tome samootkrivanju te kakav je odnos između samootkrivanja i sramežljivosti. Utvrđena je jednofaktorska struktura samootkrivanja majci i najboljoj prijateljici, što znači da se tim osobama adolescenti podjednako otkrivaju u više i u manje intimnim područjima. U samootkrivanju ocu, najboljem prijatelju, partneru i strancu utvrđena je dvofaktorska struktura: jedan faktor se odnosi na intimnija, a drugi na manje intimna područja. Adolescenti se ovim osobama manje otkrivaju u intimnijim područjima. Pokazalo se da se sramežljiviji manje otkrivaju ocu i najboljem prijatelju, a samootkrivanje majci i najboljoj prijateljici nije povezano sa sramežljivošću. Djevojke se više otkrivaju majci, najboljoj prijateljici i partneru od mladića, što je sukladno s nalazima o većem samootkrivanju odraslih žena u usporedbi s odraslim muškarcima. Srednjoškolci se općenito manje otkrivaju partneru u intimnijim područjima, nego studenti. Muški se srednjoškolci manje otkrivaju ocu, majci i najboljoj prijateljici od studenata muškog spola.An investigation was carried out on 139 high school students and 287 university students. The aim of this study was to examine the factor structure of Jourard\u27s self-disclosure questionnaire (SDQ), separately for self-disclosure to six different persons (mother, father, the best male friend, the best female friend, partner and stranger). The other aims were to examine the age and gender differences in self-disclosure as well as relationships among self-disclosure and shyness. For the self-disclosure to mother and the best female friend one interpretable factor was excluded. That means that adolescents disclose themselves to these persons similarly in more intimate and less intimate spheres. For the self-disclosure to father, the best male friend, stranger and partner two factors were extracted. One factor is related to more intimate, and the other to less intimate spheres of life. Adolescents disclose themselves to these persons in more intimate spheres less than to mother and the best female friend. Shyer adolescents disclose themselves less to father and the best male friend, while there is no significant correlation among shyness and self-disclosure to mother and the best female friend. Girls disclose themselves to mother, the best female friend and partner more than young men do. This is related with the findings that adult women disclose themselves more than adult men do. High school students in intimate spheres, generally speaking, disclose themselves less to partner in comparison with university students. Similarly to that, male high school students disclose themselves less to father, mother and the best female friend in comparison with university students.Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung, die unter 139 Mittelschülern* und 287 Studenten in Kroatien durchgeführt wurde, um die Faktorenstruktur des Jourard\u27schen Fragebogens zur Selbstoffenbarung (SDQ) zu ermitteln. Im Vordergrund des Interesses stand die Selbstoffenbarung von Adoleszenten gegenüber der Mutter, dem Vater, dem besten Freund, der besten Freundin, dem Partner sowie gegenüber Unbekannten. Man wollte feststellen, ob es diesbezüglich alters- und geschlechtsbedingte Unterschiede gebe. Außerdem sollte das Verhältnis zwischen Selbstoffenbarung und Schüchternheit ermittelt werden. Es erwies sich, dass die Selbstoffenbarung gegenüber der Mutter und der besten Freundin eine Ein-Faktoren-Struktur hat: Heranwachsende junge Menschen vertrauen sich diesen beiden Personengruppen gleichermaßen an, um mehr oder weniger intime Probleme zu besprechen. In der Selbstoffenbarung gegenüber dem Vater, dem besten Freund, dem Partner sowie gegenüber einer unbekannten Person konnte eine Zwei-Faktoren-Struktur offen gelegt werden: Einen Faktor stellen intime Persönlichkeitsbereiche dar, den zweiten Faktor weniger intime Themen. D.h., Adoleszenten vertrauen sich diesen Personengruppen bei intimeren Problemen weniger an. Die Schüchternen unter den Befragten sagten aus, dass sie sich dem Vater und dem besten Freund weniger offenbarten; hingegen ergab sich kein Zusammenhang zwischen Schüchternheit und der Selbstoffenbarung gegenüber der Mutter und der besten Freundin. Mädchen vertrauen sich ihren Müttern, ihrer besten Freundin und dem Partner eher an, als dies bei Knaben und jungen Männern der Fall ist. Dieses Verhältnis stimmt überein mit Werten, die über das entsprechende Verhalten von erwachsenen Frauen und Männern ermittelt wurden. Allgemein gilt, dass Mittelschüler und Gymnasiasten sich bei Problemen intimerer Natur ihren Partnern in weit geringerem Maße anvertrauen als Studenten. Mittelschüler und Gymnasiasten männlichen Geschlechts vertrauen sich zudem ihren Vätern und Müttern sowie ihrer besten Freundin weniger an, als dies bei männlichen Studenten der Fall ist. * Das Kroatische Schulsystem sieht nach der abgeschlossenen Grundschule (1.– 8. Klasse) den Besuch einer sog. Mittelschule oder eines Gymnasiums vor (1.– 4. ”Mittelschul-” bzw. ”Gymnasialklasse”)

    Some Geological Observations in Slovačka jama Cave (-1268m) in Velebit Mountain, Croatia

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    Tekom zadnjih treh speleoloških odprav je bila Slovaška jama raziskana do globine 1268 m. V njej je več rovov freatičnih oblik. Hipsometrično najvišji ostanki takih rovov so najbrž v zvezi s ponori iz časa, ko je nastajala uvala Veliki Lubenovac. Spodnji, recentni in subrecentni freatični horizonti v jamskem “dnu” so verjetno del kanalov podzemeljske reke Like, ki ponika na severovzhodni strani Velebita in teče skozenj v podmorske izvire v Jadranskem morju. Ostali rovi so predvsem brezna in meandri z vadoznimi oblikami. Analize izotopa 14C dokazujejo, da so najstarejše sige v obojih, v starih in v subrecentnih freatičnih rovih, medtem ko so mlajše sige v vadoznih meandrihDuring three speleological expeditions the Slovačka jama cave has been explored to the depth of 1268m. In the cave there are several channels with phreatic forms. The highest relict phreatic channel is probably due to sinkholes formed on the karst uvala Veliki Lubenovac at the time of uvala formation. Lower, recent and subrecent, phreatic horizons at the cave bottom are probably a part of the underground route of the Lika river which sinks on the north-eastern side of Velebit mountain and flows through the mountain to the submarine springs in the Adriatic sea. Other channels are mostly shafts and channels with meandering vadose forms. 14C isotope analysis of speleothems shows that the oldest are situated in both ancient and subrecent phreatic channels, while younger ones are found in the vadose meandering channel

    Ekološki parametri populacije zeca običnog (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) na području Međimurja nakon pada brojnosti posljednjih 40 godina

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    A total of 383 European hares (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) were sampled from three separate hunting grounds within the Međimurje region from 2004 to 2006 including, Čakovec, Hodošan and Mala Subotica. Based on the eye lens mass the age structure of hares was determined. Reproductive effort per capita varied from 0.62 to 1.54 leverets per hare with female reproductive effort varying from 0.62 to 3.40 leverets per female. On average 46.7% of the hunting bag consisted of yearlings. The sex ratio varied between years from 0.39 to 0.69 females:males. Weight varied significantly between juveniles and adults regardless of sex (p<0.05) and ranged from 3.64 to 4.17 kg. Spring densities varied from 15-23 hares/km2 between hunting grounds. Analysis of data from the management plans of Međimurje region over the last 38 years showed that game bag record decreased approximately 9-fold and the relative hare abundance declined by 56% from 1967 to 2005. According to management plans the area productive for hunting hares declined by 62% in that period and this is probably one of the main reasons for the current trend of population decline in Međimurje.U razdoblju od 2004.-2006. god. provedeno je istraživanje zeca običnog (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) na tri lovna područja Međimurja (Mala Subotica, Hodošan, Čakovec). Nakon odstrjela obrađena su 383 zeca. Temeljem mase očnih leća određivana je dobna struktura zečeva. Za istraživana lovna područja prosječan udio mladih jedinki iznosio je 46.7 % od ukupne populacije zečeva. Reprodukcijski indeks varirao je od 0.62 do 3.40, a koeficijent reprodukcije od 0.62 do 1.54. Proljetna gustoća populacije kretala se od 15 do 23 jedinki/100 ha lovno-produktivne površine. Omjer spolova ovisno o godini varirao je od 0.39-0.69. Razlika u težini mladih i starih jedinki oba spola bila je statistički značajna (P<0.05). Utvrđena prosječna težina zečeva prema dobi i spolu kretala se od 3.64 kod mladih do 4.17 kg kod odraslih. Analiza podataka iz planova gospodarenja za posljednjih 40 godina pokazala je da je odstrjel zečeva na istom području smanjen za 9 puta, a brojnost populacije 2005. god. u odnosu na 1967. god. smanjena je za 56 %. Analizom veličine lovno-produktivne površine iz planova gospodarenja utvrđeno je njeno smanjenje za navedeno razdoblje za 62 % pa je to vjerojatno i glavni razlog sadašnjem trendu pada brojnosti populacije u Međimurju

    Einsamkeit und Alleinsein unter Studenten: die Rolle affiliativer Motivierung und bestimmter Persönlichkeitsmerkmale

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    Istraživanje je imalo nekoliko ciljeva.1 Glavni cilj bio je utvrditi konceptualnu distinktivnost usamljenosti i samoće, njihov međusobni odnos te njihovu povezanost s varijablama rasta iz Maslowljeva hijerarhijskog modela motivacije. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 124 studenta i 176 studentica splitskog sveučilišta. U ispitivanju su rabljene sljedeće skale: kratka forma UCLA, skala preferirane samoće, samopoštovanja, kratki indeks samoaktualizacije, Hillove skale afilijativne motivacije, skala sramežljivosti i skala “master orientation” (Nurmi i sur., 1996.). Rezultati su potvrdili konceptualnu odvojenost usamljenosti i samoće, ali i njihovu umjerenu pozitivnu povezanost, što indicira da se željena samoća rabi za suočavanje s usamljenošću, a ne samo za kreativne aktivnosti kao što se pretpostavilo na osnovi koncepta samoaktualizacije. Najboljim prediktorima usamljenosti pokazale su se varijable Maslowljeva modela (negativna povezanost s afilijativnom motivacijom, samopoštovanjem i samoaktualizacijom), ali i sa spolom (u smislu da su mladići usamljeniji). Navedene varijable objasnile su značajno manji postotak varijance samoće što upućuje na potrebu daljnjih istraživanja samoće kao važnog dijela adolescentskog iskustva.The aim of this study was to examine the conceptual distinction between loneliness and solitude, their interrelationship, and their relations with growth variables of the Maslow hierarchical model. 124 male and 176 female students of the University of Split participated in the study. The instruments used in this study were: short form of UCLA loneliness scale (Allen & Oshagan, 1995), preference for solitude scale, Rosenberg self-esteem scale, short index of self-actualization, Hills affiliative motivation scales, shyness scale and mastery orientation scale (Nurmi et al, 1996). The results confirm the conceptual distinction between loneliness and solitude, and their moderate positive correlation. Although, according to the conceptualization of self actualization, solitude could be used for creative activities, this correlation indicates that solitude could be used as well as a coping mechanism when people are lonely. The best predictors of loneliness are variables from Maslow’s model (negative correlations with affiliative motivation, self-esteem and self-actualization) as well as gender (young men are more lonely in comparison with young women). The variables used explain significantly less variance of solitude, indicating that further research related to solitude, will probably shed more light on that part of the adolescents’ experience.Die vorliegende Untersuchung hatte mehrere Ziele. Das Hauptziel war, die konzeptuelle Disktinktion zwischen Einsamkeit und Alleinsein, das Verhältnis zwischen diesen Phänomenen sowie ihren Zusammenhang mit den Wachstumsvariablen des Maslowschen hierarchischen Motivationsmodells herauszuarbeiten. Die Untersuchung wurde unter 124 Studenten und 176 Studentinnen der Universität Split durchgeführt. Dabei wurden folgende Skalen angewandt: eine Kurzversion der UCLA-Skala, Skalen zur Bestimmung des Selbstwertgefühls und des selbstgewählten Alleinseins, ein kurzer Index der Selbstverwirklichung, die Hillsche Skala affiliativer Motivierung, eine Skala zur Ermittlung von Schüchternheit sowie die "Master orientation"- Skala (Nurmi et al., 1996). Die Untersuchungsergebnisse bestätigten die konzeptuelle Trennung von Einsamkeit und Alleinsein, ebenso aber auch die Tatsache des gemäßigten positiven Bezugs dieser Phänomene zueinander. Das bedeutet, daß selbstgewähltes Alleinsein zur Konfrontierung mit Einsamkeit genutzt wird, also nicht nur für kreative Aktivitäten, wie dies aufgrund der Selbstverwirklichungs- Konzeption angenommen wurde. Als die besten Prädiktoren von Einsamkeit erwiesen sich die Variablen des Maslowschen Modells (negativer Bezug zu affiliativer Motivierung, Selbstwertgefühl und Selbstverwirklichung). Ein weiterer Prädiktor ist die Geschlechtszugehörigkeit (d. h., unter männlichen Testpersonen war die Vereinsamung ausgeprägter). Die angeführten Variablen erklärten den wesentlich niedrigeren Prozentsatz der Varianz des Alleinseins, was auf das Bedürfnis verweist, das Phänomen des Alleinseins als wichtigen Bestandteil der Adoleszenz weiter zu untersuchen


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    Graditeljstvo je gospodarska djelatnost, koja bitno sudjeluje u obnovi i razvitku. Autor iznosi da se glavna posebnost odnosi na proizvod kao element marketing miksa. Proizvodu u graditeljstvu potrebno je posvetiti posebnu pozornost i to osobito kvaliteteti, a osobito razvoju proizvoda.Architecture is economic activity, especially in countries in transition, which considerably participates in renewal and development. This activity has more specific characteristics in relation to the rest of economy. The main particularity refers to product as the element of marketing mixture. Therefore a special attention should be paid to product in architecture, especially to quality and other characteristics, especially development of product

    Animal Assisted Therapy and Perception of Loneliness in Geriatric Nursing Home Residents

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    Use of animals for therapeutic purposes, animal assisted therapy or AAT is a method for improving quality of life for long-term inpatients. The object of this paper was to evaluate dog companionship as a form of AAT and its effects on per- ception of loneliness in geriatric nursing home residents. The participants were involved in a six-month program of dog companionship three times weekly for 90 minutes. There were 21 residents included in the program, with a mean age of 80 years. Loneliness was measured by the short version of the UCLA Scale of loneliness. Comparison of test results before and after participation in the program showed that dog companionship reduces the perception of loneliness