46 research outputs found

    Le territoire dans l’univers innu d’aujourd’hui

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    Ce texte porte sur le sens du territoire qu'ont les Innus selon leur vision traditionnelle du monde et sur les modifications que le contact avec la société maintenant majoritaire a pu y apporter. La nouvelle conscience territoriale innue comporte des dimensions géographiques et autres qui sont variables et qui font en sorte que certains s'identifient à un territoire innu plus vaste qui rappelle le sens traditionnel du territoire alors que d'autres s'identifient plus facilement à des aires géographiques plus localisées, en l'occurrence les réserves ou les communautés innues elles-mêmes.This article examines the meaning of territory among the Innu taking into account their traditional world view and the changes that contact with majority society have wrought. The new Innu territorial consciousness includes geographic and other dimensions with the result that many identify themselves with a larger Innu territory reminiscent of the traditional world whereas others more easily identify themselves with more localized geographical areas, the Innu reserves and communities

    Les confins nordiques de la Province de Québec, selon l’Acte constitutionnel de 1774

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    Une théorie veut que la partie du territoire du Québec située entre le Nouveau-Québec et la ligne de partage des eaux séparant les bassins de la baie d'Hudson et du Saint-Laurent ait appartenu à la Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson au moment de l'adoption de l'Acte de Québec en 1774 et qu'elle ait été ajoutée au Québec en 1898, mais seulement à titre de province canadienne; il en résulterait qu'advenant la sécession du Québec, ce dernier devrait abandonner toute prétention à ce territoire. Le présent texte a pour objectif de démontrer, à la lumière du règlement d'un litige se rapportant à la frontière septentrionale de l'Ontario au siècle dernier, que le territoire en question faisait plutôt partie de la Province de Québec à la suite de la délimitation prévue à l'Acte de Québec.A theory has it that the part of Québec's territory situated between New Québec and the height of land between the Hudson Bay and the St. Lawrence River basins belonged to the Hudson's Bay Company when the Québec Act was adopted in 1774 and that it was not added to Québec until 1898, and then only as a province of Canada. As a consequence, in the event of secession, Québec would relinquish any claim to this part of its present territory. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate, in light of the settlement of a dispute relating to the northern boundary of Ontario in the XIXth century, that the area in question was really part of the Province of Québec under the terms of delimitation of the Québec Act

    Legal Issues Relating to the Canadian National Energy Program

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    Since its unveiling on October 28, 1980, Canada\u27s National Energy Program has been commented upon abundantly in government circles, newspaper articles, trade magazines, and financial industry seminars, drawing both oil industry and foreign reactions. It has received less notice in scholarly publications, however, perhaps because it is a complex and continuously changing program that did not become effective until legislation was enacted. The purpose of this Article is to sketch a broad picture of the National Energy Program (NEP) while focusing on its Canadianization aspects, the new oil and gas taxation situation, and the Program\u27s various transnational law implications. As of September 1982, most of the National Energy Program has been enacted by federal legislation

    La notion d’intégrité territoriale et les problèmes des régions frontières du Québec

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    Les travaux de la Commission d'étude sur l'intégrité du territoire du Québec (1967-1972), tout en portant plus spécifiquement sur les problèmes de frontière et de territoire du Québec, ont permis de préciser les relations qui existent entre les aspects juridique, politique, géographique et autres du phénomène frontière. Diverses considérations et conclusions se dégagent de ces travaux et touchent les différents niveaux des frontières, les deux dimensions des problèmes territoriaux en milieu fédéral, la nécessité d'un nouveau droit des frontières, l'apport de la géographie régionale, l'analyse multidisciplinaire des faits frontaliers et l'approche fonctionnelle aux problèmes de frontière.The work of the « Commission for the study of Territorial Integrity of Québec » (1967-1972), while specifically pertaining to Quebec's boundary and territorial problems, resulted in expliciting the existing relations between the legal, political, geographical and other aspects of the boundary phenomenon. Various considerations and conclusions emerge from this work and concern the different levels of boundaries, the two dimensions of territorial problems in a Federal context, the need for a new law of boundaries, the contribution of regional geography, the multidisciplinary analysis of border situations, and the functional approach to border problems

    Post-exercise heart rate recovery and mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    SummaryAbnormal heart rate recovery (HRR) after exercise, a marker of cardiac autonomic dysfunction, is associated with poor prognosis in various populations. As chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated with cardiac autonomic dysfunction, we tested the hypothesis that patients with COPD have a lower HRR than healthy people, and evaluated whether a delay in HRR is associated with an increased risk of mortality in COPD. The records of 147 COPD patients were reviewed (65.1±9.1 years, mean±sd, 42 women/105 men, forced expiratory volume in 1s (FEV1): 42±15% predicted) and compared to 25 healthy subjects (61.6±4.5 years, 5 women/20 men, FEV1: 100±14% predicted) during recovery after an exercise test. Heart rate was measured at peak exercise and at 1-min recovery, the difference between the two being defined as HRR (11±9 beats in COPD patients vs. 20±9 beats in healthy subjects, P<0.0001). During a mean follow-up of 43.1±22.0 months, 32 patients died. Abnormal HRR (⩽14 beats) was a strong predictor of mortality in COPD patients (adjusted hazard ratio: 5.12, 95% CI [1.54–17.00]). In conclusion, COPD patients have a lower HRR than healthy subjects, and have a worse prognosis when presenting abnormal HRR

    De l’extinction à la reconnaissance du titre aborigène

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