244 research outputs found

    Framing health and foreign policy: lessons for global health diplomacy

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    Global health financing has increased dramatically in recent years, indicative of a rise in health as a foreign policy issue. Several governments have issued specific foreign policy statements on global health and a new term, global health diplomacy, has been coined to describe the processes by which state and non-state actors engage to position health issues more prominently in foreign policy decision-making. Their ability to do so is important to advancing international cooperation in health. In this paper we review the arguments for health in foreign policy that inform global health diplomacy. These are organized into six policy frames: security, development, global public goods, trade, human rights and ethical/moral reasoning. Each of these frames has implications for how global health as a foreign policy issue is conceptualized. Differing arguments within and between these policy frames, while overlapping, can also be contradictory. This raises an important question about which arguments prevail in actual state decision-making. This question is addressed through an analysis of policy or policy-related documents and academic literature pertinent to each policy framing with some assessment of policy practice. The reference point for this analysis is the explicit goal of improving global health equity. This goal has increasing national traction within national public health discourse and decision-making and, through the Millennium Development Goals and other multilateral reports and declarations, is entering global health policy discussion. Initial findings support conventional international relations theory that most states, even when committed to health as a foreign policy goal, still make decisions primarily on the basis of the 'high politics' of national security and economic material interests. Development, human rights and ethical/moral arguments for global health assistance, the traditional 'low politics' of foreign policy, are present in discourse but do not appear to dominate practice. While political momentum for health as a foreign policy goal persists, the framing of this goal remains a contested issue. The analysis offered in this article may prove helpful to those engaged in global health diplomacy or in efforts to have global governance across a range of sectoral interests pay more attention to health equity impacts

    Évaluation de la perception des intervenants de la mise en œuvre d’un modèle d’équipe de soutien à l’enseignant pour intégrer les services à l’école en contexte inclusif

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    L’école ne semble plus en mesure de répondre par elle-même aux besoins multidimensionnels des élèves en difficulté qui sont maintenant intégrés dans la classe ordinaire. (Cooper, 1999; Deslandes & Bertrand, 2001; Dryfoos, 1994; Greenberg, 2004; Ministère de l'Éducation du Loisir et du Sport, 2005; Paavola, 1995; Riddle & Tett, 2001; The Learning Partnership, 2004). Les équipes de soutien à l’enseignant semblent un moyen efficace d’appuyer l’enseignant et l’élève, mais cette approche est très peu utilisée dans les milieux éducatifs au Canada. Certains élèves présentant des problèmes complexes ne reçoivent pas l’appui nécessaire faute d’un manque de spécialiste à l’intérieur du cadre scolaire. Dans cette perspective, les services intégrés pourraient être une voie propice pour le travail de partenariat mais plusieurs obstacles semblent empêcher la collaboration et la coopération entre les intervenants scolaires et les partenaires de la communauté. La présente recherche a identifié un modèle qui permet d’appuyer l’enseignant dans sa pratique afin d’aider l’élève en difficulté et de le maintenir dans la classe ordinaire. Le modèle d’équipe de soutien à l’enseignant mis en œuvre dans les écoles d’un conseil francophone scolaire de l’Ontario est un modèle dérivé de Chalfant, Pysh et Moultrie (1979). Vers les années 1970, ces équipes ont été formées en vue d’offrir un appui à l’enseignant de classe ordinaire pour éviter les placements d'élèves en éducation spéciale l’intention est encore la même en 2010. Par ce modèle, nous favorisons l’entrée des services intégrés à l’intérieur du cadre scolaire et les partenaires travaillent en équipe afin de favoriser le succès scolaire des élèves. Un coordonnateur du milieu scolaire est le lien qui assure la coordination et les suivis des différentes recommandations proposées par l’équipe. Le travail de collaboration et de coopération est essentiel pour assurer le succès scolaire de l’élève. Les résultats de cette mise en œuvre nous ont permis de constater que le modèle est efficace dans l’atteinte de ses buts. D’une façon générale, les intervenants scolaires affirment se sentir effectivement appuyés par les équipes de soutien tant dans la formation, les échanges et les discussions que dans les ressources matérielles. Ce qui ressort le plus souvent de leurs propos est qu’ils apprécient la réelle collaboration et la concertation qui existent entre tous les intervenants qui assurent les suivis. Quatre-vingt-treize pour cent des répondants qui ont participé aux équipes de soutien affirment qu’il y a eu des changements positifs chez les élèves. Différents défis ont aussi été relevés. Mentionnons entre autre, la lourdeur du rôle du coordonnateur, la grandeur du territoire du Conseil (perte de temps sur la route), des cas de conflits existants entre les parents et l’école. Indépendamment de ces défis, l’application du modèle d’équipe de soutien à l’enseignant répond à l’objectif d’inclusion scolaire des élèves en difficulté tout en permettant aux enseignants de ne pas se sentir seuls ni d’être effectivement seuls à assumer ce mandat.Schools, the world over in general face multi dimensional needs of students experiencing challenges. Such students have traditionally been integrated in classrooms with other children. The Teacher Support Team model enhances the teacher’s capacity to be effective and the student’s ability to learn. However, this model is not used, widespread or known in Canada. Numerous studies describe that students present with increasingly complex issues but do not benefit from the resources available due to a lack of training of the specialists in this area and within the schools themselves. A collaboration and co-operation approach is essential to ensure student success. Integrated services are perceived as a means to work within the partnership but many challenges seem to prevent the cooperation and collaboration of the school personnel and community partners. This research project focuses on a model which supports the classroom teachers using practical day-to-day practical strategies. This model was implemented in the French Public School Board in Southern Ontario. In 1970, such teams were created in view of supporting the classroom teacher and to avoid placing children in special education classes. The same goals continue to exist in 2010. This model allows one to integrate community services in the classroom and community school always in view of increasing the chances of student success. A school based coordinator ensures the connections, coherence and the implementation of the recommendations made by the specialized team. The results of this supportive and integrative model encouraged us to comprehend that the model was effective in achieving its goals. In a general manner, the school personnel reaffirm that they were supported by such integrative team members in their professional training, the colloquies held and the discussions as well as through supportive professional documents provided. It is noteworthy that the teachers heavily stressed the real collaboration and the team effort that existed between the professional team members and school personnel as well as the team personnel that ensured follow-up and the implementation of goals, tasks and strategies on which the team agreed would be implemented. Challenges such as the multi dimensional role of the coordinator, the expansive geographical area of the Public French School Board and the varying and sometimes opposing perspectives between the parents and the school board were all noted. However, even when considering such challenges which were dealt with, the implementation of this supportive/integrative model for teachers was proven to be a means of meeting the students’ needs in the classroom while having the teachers not feeling alone or isolated in their tasks nor their having to assume such difficult tasks independently and feeling isolated and unsupported

    Two-photon interference between disparate sources for quantum networking

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    Quantum networks involve entanglement sharing between multiple users. Ideally, any two users would be able to connect regardless of the type of photon source they employ, provided they fulfill the requirements for two-photon interference. From a theoretical perspective, photons coming from different origins can interfere with a perfect visibility, provided they are made indistinguishable in all degrees of freedom. Previous experimental demonstrations of such a scenario have been limited to photon wavelengths below 900 nm, unsuitable for long distance communication, and suffered from low interference visibility. We report two-photon interference using two disparate heralded single photon sources, which involve different nonlinear effects, operating in the telecom wavelength range. The measured visibility of the two-photon interference is 80+/-4%, which paves the way to hybrid universal quantum networks

    Polarization entangled photon-pair source based on quantum nonlinear photonics and interferometry

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    We present a versatile, high-brightness, guided-wave source of polarization entangled photons, emitted at a telecom wavelength. Photon-pairs are generated using an integrated type-0 nonlinear waveguide, and subsequently prepared in a polarization entangled state via a stabilized fiber interferometer. We show that the single photon emission wavelength can be tuned over more than 50 nm, whereas the single photon spectral bandwidth can be chosen at will over more than five orders of magnitude (from 25 MHz to 4 THz). Moreover, by performing entanglement analysis, we demonstrate a high degree of control of the quantum state via the violation of the Bell inequalities by more than 40 standard deviations. This makes this scheme suitable for a wide range of quantum optics experiments, ranging from fundamental research to quantum information applications. We report on details of the setup, as well as on the characterization of all included components, previously outlined in F. Kaiser et al. (2013 Laser Phys. Lett. 10, 045202).Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    First test on Photonic Crystal Fiber potential for broadband interferometry

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    International audienceThe Photonic Crystal Fibers (PCFs) are microstructured waveguides currently developed in the frame of metrology, non-linear optics or coherent tomography. PCF studies are mainly focused on the improvement of dispersion property and wide spectral single-mode operating domain. Consequently, in the astronomical context, this kind of fiber is a good candidate to design a fiber linked version of stellar interferometer for aperture synthesis. In this paper, we study the potential of these fibers taking advantage of the wide spectral single-mode operation. We propose an experimental setup acting as a two-beam interferometer using PCFs to measure fringes contrasts at four different wavelengths (670nm, 980nm, 1328nm and 1543nm) corresponding to R, I, J and H astronomical bands with the same couple of PCFs. For this purpose, we implement for the first time a piezoelectric PCF optical path modulator

    Modes of random lasers

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    In conventional lasers, the optical cavity that confines the photons also determines essential characteristics of the lasing modes such as wavelength, emission pattern, directivity, and polarization. In random lasers, which do not have mirrors or a well-defined cavity, light is confined within the gain medium by means of multiple scattering. The sharp peaks in the emission spectra of semiconductor powders, first observed in 1999, has therefore lead to an intense debate about the nature of the lasing modes in these so-called lasers with resonant feedback. We review numerical and theoretical studies aimed at clarifying the nature of the lasing modes in disordered scattering systems with gain. The past decade has witnessed the emergence of the idea that even the low-Q resonances of such open systems could play a role similar to the cavity modes of a conventional laser and produce sharp lasing peaks. We focus here on the nearthreshold single-mode lasing regime where nonlinear effects associated with gain saturation and mode competition can be neglected.We discuss in particular the link between random laser modes near threshold and the resonances or quasi-bound (QB) states of the passive system without gain. For random lasers in the localized (strong scattering) regime, QB states and threshold lasing modes were found to be nearly identical within the scattering medium. These studies were later extended to the case of more lossy systems such as random systems in the diffusive regime, where it was observed that increasing the openness of such systems eventually resulted in measurable and increasing differences between quasi-bound states and lasing modes. Very recently, a theory able to treat lasers with arbitrarily complex and open cavities such as random lasers established that the threshold lasing modes are in fact distinct from QB states of the passive system and are better described in terms of a new class of states, the so-called constant-flux states. The correspondence between QB states and lasing modes is found to improve in the strong scattering limit, confirming the validity of initial work in the strong scattering limit. © 2010 Optical Society of America

    Dietary Mediators of the Genetic Susceptibility to Obesity—Results from the Quebec Family Study

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    BACKGROUND: Recent studies showed that eating behaviors such as disinhibition, emotional and external eating, and snacking mediate genetic susceptibility to obesity. It remains unknown if diet quality and intake of specific food groups also mediate the genetic susceptibility to obesity. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess if diet quality and intakes of specific food groups mediate the association between a polygenic risk score (PRS) for BMI and BMI and waist circumference (WC). We hypothesized that poor diet quality, high intakes of energy-dense food groups, and low intakes of nutrient-dense food groups mediate the genetic susceptibility to obesity. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 750 participants (56.3% women, aged 41.5 ± 14.9 y, BMI 27.8 ± 7.5 kg/m2) from the Quebec Family Study. A PRSBMI based on >500,000 genetic variants was calculated using LDpred2. Dietary intakes were assessed with a 3-d food record from which a diet quality score (i.e. Nutrient Rich Food Index 6.3) and food groups were derived. Mediation analyses were conducted using a regression-based and bootstrapping approach. RESULTS: The PRSBMI explained 25.7% and 19.8% of the variance in BMI and WC, respectively. The association between PRSBMI and BMI was partly mediated by poor diet quality (β = 0.33 ± 0.12; 95% CI: 0.13, 0.60), high intakes of fat and high-fat foods (β = 0.46 ± 0.16; 95% CI: 0.19, 0.79) and sugar-sweetened beverages (β = 0.25 ± 0.14; 95% CI: 0.05, 0.60), and low intakes of vegetables (β = 0.15 ± 0.08; 95% CI: 0.03, 0.32), fruits (β = 0.37 ± 0.12; 95% CI: 0.17, 0.64), and dairy products (β = 0.17 ± 0.09; 95% CI: 0.02, 0.37). The same trends were observed for WC. CONCLUSIONS: The genetic susceptibility to obesity was partly mediated by poor diet quality and intakes of specific food groups. These results suggest that improvement in diet quality may reduce obesity risk among individuals with high genetic susceptibility and emphasize the need to intervene on diet quality among these individuals

    On Passion and Sports Fans:A Look at Football

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    The purpose of the present research was to test the applicability of the Dualistic Model of Passion (Vallerand et al., 2003) to being a sport (football) fan. The model posits that passion is a strong inclination toward an activity that individuals like (or even love), that they value, and in which they invest time and energy. Furthermore, two types of passion are proposed: harmonious and obsessive passion. While obsessive passion entails an uncontrollable urge to engage in the passionate activity, harmonious passion entails a sense of volition while engaging in the activity. Finally, the model posits that harmonious passion leads to more adaptive outcomes than obsessive passion. Three studies provided support for this dualistic conceptualization of passion. Study 1 showed that harmonious passion was positively associated with adaptive behaviours (e.g., celebrate the team’s victory), while obsessive passion was rather positively associated with maladaptive behaviours (e.g., to risk losing one’s employment to go to the team’s game). Study 2 used a short Passion Scale and showed that harmonious passion was positively related to the positive affective life of fans during the 2006 FIFA World Cup, psychological health (self-esteem and life satisfaction), and public displays of adaptive behaviours (e.g., celebrating one’s team victory in the streets), while obsessive passion was predictive of maladaptive affective life (e.g., hating opposing team’s fans) and behaviours (e.g., mocking the opposing team’s fans). Finally, Study 3 examined the role of obsessive passion as a predictor of partner’s conflict that in turn undermined partner’s relationship satisfaction. Overall, the present results provided support for the Dualistic Model of Passion. The conceptual and applied implications of the findings are discussed

    Effets d’une thérapie intensive de groupe pour les adolescentes et adolescents franco-québécois qui bégaient : résultats d’une étude rétrospective = Impact of intensive group therapy for Québec-French-speaking adolescents who stutter: Findings of a retrospective study

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    Abrégé Le bégaiement développemental est un trouble complexe qui affecte non seulement la parole, mais également les relations sociales et le développement identitaire chez plusieurs adolescentes et adolescents qui bégaient. Les thérapies de groupe semblent une modalité appréciée et efficace auprès de cette population. L’Association des jeunes bègues du Québec propose depuis 1993 une thérapie intensive de groupe, sous forme de camp de vacances, aux jeunes de 13 à 17 ans. Au total, les adolescentes et adolescents reçoivent environ 50 heures d’intervention orthophonique, lesquelles sont consacrées depuis 2011 à une application adaptée du programme Camperdown accompagnée d’activités d’éducation psychologique inspirées de la thérapie cognitivocomportementale. L’objectif de la présente étude est d’évaluer les effets de cette thérapie intensive de groupe sur le plan de la parole. Pour y parvenir, une étude clinique rétrospective a été effectuée. Les données sociodémographiques et cliniques ont été extraites d’un échantillon de 44 dossiers de jeunes de 13 à 17 ans ayant bénéficié de la thérapie de groupe de l’Association des jeunes bègues du Québec de 2011 à 2019. Des statistiques descriptives ont permis d’obtenir un portrait détaillé des participantes et participants. Des analyses statistiques non paramétriques ont démontré une diminution significative (p < 0,01) des valeurs de pourcentage de syllabes bégayées et de sévérité subjective du bégaiement au terme des six jours de thérapie intensive. De plus, la majorité des jeunes avaient amorcé la phase III du programme Camperdown — qui comporte quatre phases au total. D’autres recherches sont nécessaires afin d’étudier l’efficacité de l’intervention auprès des adolescentes et adolescents qui bégaient, notamment en regard des facteurs psychosociaux associés au bégaiement. Abstract Developmental stuttering is a complex disorder that affects not only speech, but also social interactions and identity formation in many adolescents who stutter. Group therapy appears to be a popular and effective treatment modality for working with this population. Since 1993, the Association des jeunes bègues du Québec [Québec Association of Young Stutterers] has been offering intensive group therapy during summer camps to young people aged 13 to 17 years. In total, the adolescents receive approximately 50 hours of speech-language pathology therapy, which has been devoted to an adapted form of the Camperdown Program with cognitive behaviour therapy inspired activities since 2011. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of this intensive group therapy on adolescents’ speech abilities using a retrospective clinical study design. Sociodemographic and clinical data were drawn from the clinical files of 44 individuals aged 13 to 17 who took part in the group therapy offered by the Association des jeunes bègues du Québec between 2011 and 2019. Descriptive statistics provided a detailed profile of the participants. Nonparametric statistical analyses showed a significant decrease (p < .01) in the percentage of syllables stuttered and in the subjective severity of stuttering after 6 days of intensive therapy. In addition, most of the individuals had begun Stage III of the four-stage Camperdown Program. Further research is needed to investigate the effectiveness of this intervention with adolescents who stutter, particularly with regard to the psychosocial factors associated with stuttering. © 2023, Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists. All rights reserved

    Birefringence analysis of multilayer leaky cladding optical fibre

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    We analyse a multilayer leaky cladding (MLC) fibre using the finite element method and study the effect of the MLC on the bending loss and birefringence of two types of structures: (i) a circular core large-mode-area structure and (ii) an elliptical-small-core structure. In a large-mode-area structure, we verify that the multilayer leaky cladding strongly discriminates against higher order modes to achieve single-mode operation, the fibre shows negligible birefringence, and the bending loss of the fibre is low for bending radii larger than 10 cm. In the elliptical-small-core structure we show that the MLC reduces the birefringence of the fibre. This prevents the structure from becoming birefringent in case of any departures from circular geometry. The study should be useful in the designs of MLC fibres for various applications including high power amplifiers, gain flattening of fibre amplifiers and dispersion compensation.Comment: 18 page