7 research outputs found

    Relationship between lactose digestion, gastrointestinal transit time and symptoms in lactose malabsorbers after dairy consumption

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    Background: The relationship of symptoms with objective measurements, as well as some of the mechanisms involved in lactose tolerance after yoghurt consumption, remain unclear. Methods: The trial had a double-blind design in which 22 lactose malabsorbers received 25 g daily lactose in fresh (living bacteria > 108 cfu/g) yoghurt or heated (< 102 cfu/g) yoghurt for 15 days, followed by a crossover (15 days) after a wash-out period (14 days). The lactose digestion was determined by the breath H2 test, the gastric emptying (GE) with a 13C-acetate breath test and the revealed transit time (OCTT) by 15N-lactoseureide test. Subjects reported their gastrointestinal symptoms (GIS) in a validated questionnaire. Results: Breath H2 test indicated more effective lactose digestion after fresh yoghurt intake. The OCTT was shorter after heated yoghurt ingestion as compared with the fresh. There was lower severity of GIS (P < 0.05) after fresh yoghurt intake, and this showed an inverse correlation with OCTT (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Delayed orocoecal transit time was associated with fewer gastrointestinal symptoms. The improved lactose digestion and tolerance of fresh yoghurt should be mainly attributed to the presence of living bacteria

    Birth weight and blood lipid levels in Spanish adolescents: Influence of selected APOE, APOC3 and PPARgamma2 gene polymorphisms. The AVENA Study

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    Background: There is increasing evidence indicating that genes involved in certain metabolic processes of cardiovascular diseases may be of particular influence in people with low body weight at birth. We examined whether the apolipoprotein (APO) E, APOC3 and the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma-2 (PPAR gamma 2) polymorphisms influence the association between low birth weight and blood lipid levels in healthy adolescents aged 13-18.5 years. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 502 Spanish adolescents born at term was conducted. Total (TC) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc), triglycerides (TG), apolipoprotein (apo) A and B, and lipoprotein(a) [ Lp(a)] were measured. Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLc), TC-HDLc, TC/HDLc and apoB/apoA were calculated. Results: Low birth weight was associated with higher levels of TC, LDLc, apoB, Lp(a), TC-HDLc, TC/HDLc and apoB/apoA in males with the APOE epsilon 3 epsilon 4 genotype, whereas in females, it was associated with lower HDLc and higher TG levels. In males with the APOC3 S1/S2 genotype, low birth weight was associated with lower apoA and higher Lp(a), yet this association was not observed in females. There were no associations between low birth weight and blood lipids in any of the PPAR gamma 2 genotypes. Conclusion: The results indicate that low birth weight has a deleterious influence on lipid profile particularly in adolescents with the APOE epsilon 3/epsilon 4 genotype. These findings suggest that intrauterine environment interact with the genetic background affecting the lipid profile in later life

    Distribución de macronutrientes de la dieta y regulación del peso y composición corporal: papel de la ingesta lipídica en la obesidad

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    El mantenimiento de un peso y composición corporal constantes a lo largo del tiempo depende, entre otros factores, del equilibrio en el balance entre aporte y utilización metabólica de los macronutrientes de la dieta. El organismo parece dar una mayor prioridad al ajuste de la oxidación de glucosa y aminoácidos con relación a su ingesta, que al mantenimiento del balance de grasas. El sistema de autorregulación homeostática del balance lipídico es poco eficiente, siendo además la capacidad de almacenamiento de reservas energéticas en el tejido adiposo prácticamente ilimitada. Además, la grasa parece conferir palatabilidad y sabor a los alimentos que podrían conducir a un mayor consumo de los mismos. La ingesta excesiva de grasa es uno de los factores que más frecuentemente se asocian con la elevada prevalencia de obesidad. Algunos estudios indican que algunos sujetos obesos presentan una reducida capacidad para oxidar los ácidos grasos. En este contexto, la reducción de la ingesta lipídica es una de las estrategias más frecuentemente recomendadas en la prevención de la epidemia de la obesidad. Sin embargo, el papel del aporte lipídico de la dieta en la prevalencia y posterior tratamiento de la obesidad, está sometido a controversia científica en nuestros días

    Distribución de macronutrientes de la dieta y regulación del peso y composición corporal: papel de la ingesta lipídica en la obesidad

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    El mantenimiento de un peso y composición corporal constantes a lo largo del tiempo depende, entre otros factores, del equilibrio en el balance entre aporte y utilización metabólica de los macronutrientes de la dieta. El organismo parece dar una mayor prioridad al ajuste de la oxidación de glucosa y aminoácidos con relación a su ingesta, que al mantenimiento del balance de grasas. El sistema de autorregulación homeostática del balance lipídico es poco eficiente, siendo además la capacidad de almacenamiento de reservas energéticas en el tejido adiposo prácticamente ilimitada. Además, la grasa parece conferir palatabilidad y sabor a los alimentos que podrían conducir a un mayor consumo de los mismos. La ingesta excesiva de grasa es uno de los factores que más frecuentemente se asocian con la elevada prevalencia de obesidad. Algunos estudios indican que algunos sujetos obesos presentan una reducida capacidad para oxidar los ácidos grasos. En este contexto, la reducción de la ingesta lipídica es una de las estrategias más frecuentemente recomendadas en la prevención de la epidemia de la obesidad. Sin embargo, el papel del aporte lipídico de la dieta en la prevalencia y posterior tratamiento de la obesidad, está sometido a controversia científica en nuestros días

    Relationship between lactose digestion, gastrointestinal transit time and symptoms in lactose malabsorbers after dairy consumption

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    Background: The relationship of symptoms with objective measurements, as well as some of the mechanisms involved in lactose tolerance after yoghurt consumption, remain unclear. Methods: The trial had a double-blind design in which 22 lactose malabsorbers received 25 g daily lactose in fresh (living bacteria > 108 cfu/g) yoghurt or heated (< 102 cfu/g) yoghurt for 15 days, followed by a crossover (15 days) after a wash-out period (14 days). The lactose digestion was determined by the breath H2 test, the gastric emptying (GE) with a 13C-acetate breath test and the revealed transit time (OCTT) by 15N-lactoseureide test. Subjects reported their gastrointestinal symptoms (GIS) in a validated questionnaire. Results: Breath H2 test indicated more effective lactose digestion after fresh yoghurt intake. The OCTT was shorter after heated yoghurt ingestion as compared with the fresh. There was lower severity of GIS (P < 0.05) after fresh yoghurt intake, and this showed an inverse correlation with OCTT (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Delayed orocoecal transit time was associated with fewer gastrointestinal symptoms. The improved lactose digestion and tolerance of fresh yoghurt should be mainly attributed to the presence of living bacteria

    Birth weight and blood lipid levels in Spanish adolescents: Influence of selected APOE, APOC3 and PPARgamma2 gene polymorphisms. The AVENA Study

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    Background: There is increasing evidence indicating that genes involved in certain metabolic processes of cardiovascular diseases may be of particular influence in people with low body weight at birth. We examined whether the apolipoprotein (APO) E, APOC3 and the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma-2 (PPAR gamma 2) polymorphisms influence the association between low birth weight and blood lipid levels in healthy adolescents aged 13-18.5 years. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 502 Spanish adolescents born at term was conducted. Total (TC) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc), triglycerides (TG), apolipoprotein (apo) A and B, and lipoprotein(a) [ Lp(a)] were measured. Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLc), TC-HDLc, TC/HDLc and apoB/apoA were calculated. Results: Low birth weight was associated with higher levels of TC, LDLc, apoB, Lp(a), TC-HDLc, TC/HDLc and apoB/apoA in males with the APOE epsilon 3 epsilon 4 genotype, whereas in females, it was associated with lower HDLc and higher TG levels. In males with the APOC3 S1/S2 genotype, low birth weight was associated with lower apoA and higher Lp(a), yet this association was not observed in females. There were no associations between low birth weight and blood lipids in any of the PPAR gamma 2 genotypes. Conclusion: The results indicate that low birth weight has a deleterious influence on lipid profile particularly in adolescents with the APOE epsilon 3/epsilon 4 genotype. These findings suggest that intrauterine environment interact with the genetic background affecting the lipid profile in later life