4 research outputs found

    A comparative study of laravel and symfony PHP frameworks

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    With the current explosion of Information Systems, the market offers a wide range of interesting technological solutions. Yet, this does not mean adopting a technology without considering its impact on the existing information system and user expectations. It is recommended to identify and implement the technological solutions most suited to the Information Systems strategy. Therefore, new methods are emerging and design tools are still evolving; the PHP Frameworks are part of it, which open up new perspectives in terms of information system enrichment. In this context, this paper focuses on the elaboration of a comparative study between Laravel, symfony framworks, which are the most popular PHP frameworks.  Thus, it provides an effective comparison model that merges seven dimensions: Features, Multilingual, System requirements, Technical architecture, Code Organization, Continuous Integration (CI) and finally Documentation and learning curve dimension. Results show that our model can be beneficial for IT project developers to select the suitable PHP Framework.

    A new model for the selection of web development frameworks: application to PHP frameworks

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    The use of a framework is often essential for medium and large scale developments, but is also of interest for small developments. PHP has evolved as the scripting language the most chosen by developers, which has generated an explosion of PHP frameworks. There is a big debate about what the best PHP frameworks are, because the simple fact is that not all frameworks are built for everyone. Indeed, not all frameworks meet the same needs, and several frameworks can be used together in certain situations. Choosing the right framework, however, can sometimes be difficult. In order to make the selection process easier, we propose a pragmatic and complete model to compare and evaluate the main PHP frameworks. This model is based on a set of comparison criteria based on the Intrinsic durability, industrialized solution, technical adaptability, strategy, technical architecture and Speed criteria. Results show that the values of these criteria allow developers to easily and properly choose the framwork that best meets their need

    Analyzing bootsrap and foundation font-end frameworks : a comparative study

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    Most modern web applications use some kind of front-end frameworks for designing and creating content in a faster and more efficient way, which saves valuable time when creating responsive web sites. There are many front-end frameworks that vary enormously in terms of features and benefits, which could make the choice of front-end framework for the developer tricky. In this context, this paper focuses on an effective analysis of two of today's most popular front-end frameworks, Boostrap and Foundation, The results show that our analysis can be beneficial for developers to select the appropriate front end framework to customize their web applications

    Enhanced model for ergonomic evaluation of information systems: application to scientific research information system

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    Considering the importance of the ergonomic aspect for information systems in providing an easy use of the computing systems, this paper focuses on the elaboration of a hybrid model for the ergonomic evaluation of information systems that merges a set of inspection dimensions such as accessibility, practicality, emotionality, and technological persuasion. Details on how the model has been constructed and data have been collected are presented. For the evaluation of our model, a situation of an information system for scientific research (SIMArech) in Moroccan Universities has been studied. This model can be used by ergonomist and human factor professionals. It is found that the proposed heuristics can effectively assess the most important dimensions of scientific research information systems