12 research outputs found

    Analisis Titik Pulang Pokok pada Industri Tahu“vivi”di Kota Palu

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    Industry Tofu "Vivi" is an industry engaged in growing small businesses in the city of Palu. Industry Tofu "Vivi" is engaged in agro-industry, that process agricultural commodities such as soybeans into tofu. Industry Tofu "Vivi" is located at Jln. Buah Pala No. 12 Bayoge Village Tatanga Sub District of the City of Palu, Central Sulawesi. This study aims to determine the level of acceptance and the costs incurred by the Industry Tofu s"Vivi" so that the business carried on to reach break-even point. The results of the analysis of break-even point Industry Tofu "Vivi" in January reached when sales volume reached 8.972 kg with admission of Rp. 37.233.800 million, - and for a February break-even point is reached when the sales volume reached 9.258 kg with admission of Rp. 38.420.700.-

    Analisis Titik Pulang Pokok USAha Budidaya Lebah Madu “Jaya Makmur” di Desa Jono Oge Kecamatan Sigi Biromaru Kabupaten Sigi

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    This research was supposed to know amount of acquired profit and expended cost, to know a number of manufactured products and acquired income at breaking event point, and to know margin of safety therefore honey bee farming “Jaya Makmur” still got some profits. This research was coducted at honey bee farming “Jaya Makmur” in Jono Oge village, District of Sigi Biromaru, and Regency of Sigi on June to July 2015. Respondens are consisted of two person; they are the owner and the employee of honey bee farming “Jaya Makmur” were: (1) the acquired incomes of honey bee farming “Jaya Makmur” were: (a) for product of honey 850mg in amount of IDR 2.860.000/mount with production cost IDR 1.684.267/mount which generated profit in amount of IDR 1.175.733/mount. (b) for product of honey 400mg in amount of IDR 3.055.000/mount with production cost IDR 1.699.130/mount which generated profit in amount of IDR 1.355.870/mount. (2) the break event point for product of honey 850mg were achieve at production volume in total number 111 bottles with the price in amount of IDR 130.000/bottle, thus, the value of acquired income was IDR 1.430.000/mount. The break event point for product of honey 4050mg were achieve at production volume in total number 23 bottles with the price in amount of IDR 65.000/bottle the value of acquired income was IDR 1.495.000/mount. (3) margin of safety for product of honey 850mg was amount of 50.00% and for product of honey 450mg was in amount of 51.06%, which meant the maximum limited distance of decreasing sell of the second selling product was in ratio of MoS, therefore during the selling product was not decreased more than ratio MoS that meant this cultivation receive some profit

    Analisis Keterkaitan Bauran Pemasaran dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Konsumen UKM Pengais Jaya Virgin Coconut Oil di Desa Ampibabo

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and distribution) and level of customer satisfaction of UKM Pengais Jaya Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) in the AmpibaboVillage Sub District Ampibabo DistrictMoutong Parigi. Data were analysed with Fisher \u27s exact probability test analysis (p) and chi square (x2). The results showed a relationship of the marketing mix and customer satisfaction level by using the confidence interval of 95 % or α = 0.05 which obtained marketing mix (product , price, promotion and distribution ) in UKM Pengais Jaya affect the level of consumer satisfaction. Either partially (individual) or colectively, so marketing mix had a significant relationship to consumer satisfaction, especially the marketing mix (product and price)

    Analisis Kelayakan USAha Jamur Tiram di Desa Mpanau Kecamatan Biromaru Kabupaten Sigi

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    This study aims to determine the feasibility of revenue and oyster mushrooms in the village of the District Mpanau Biromaru Sigi. The research was conducted on oyster mushroom businesses located in the village of the District Mpanau Biromaru Sigi. Respondents consisted of 1 employee that business owners oyster mushrooms. The results showed that the income earned on oyster mushroom business in October IDR. 2,217,732 oyster mushroom businesses gain and deserve to be developed with a value of R/C of 1.73 indicates that any expenditure of IDR. 1.00 will earn revenue of IDR. 1.73

    Analisis Pemasaran Rumput Laut di Desa Lalombi Kecamatan Banawa Selatan Kabupaten Donggala Sulawesi Tengah

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    The aim of this study was to observe the form of seaweed marketing chain, the amount of margin in each marketing chain, and seaweed marketing efficiency in each marketing chain. Respondents selected as sample were seaweed farmers and a trader. Samples of seaweed farmer were chosen by using simple random sampling method. There were 25 respondents interviewed from the total of 50 population. Sample of trader respondent was chosen by using tracing sampling method, and there was 1 trader respondent interviewed. The total number of respondents interviewed was 26 respondents. Result of marketing analysis showed that marketing margin observed in chain I was IDR 4.500; and no marketing margin was observed in chain II because seaweeds were directly sold to cunsumers. Marketing chain of seaweed in Lalombi village consisted of two chains, namely:1. Seaweed Farmer → Trader→ Consumer.2. Seaweed Farmer → Consumer.In the first chain, selling price received by seaweed farmers was 60% with the efficiency value was 40%. In the second chain, selling price received by seaweed farmers was 100% with the efficiency value was 0%; and therefore seaweed marketing chain more efficient was the second marketing chain

    Analisis Kelayakan Finansial USAhatani Cengkeh di Desa Boukecamatan Sojol Kabupaten Donggala Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan (i) Menghitung Net Present Value (NPV) (ii) Menghitung Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B/C) , (iii) Menghitung Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) (iv) Menghitung Payback Period (PP) Usahatani Cengkeh di Desa Bou Kecamatan Sojol Kabupaten Donggala Sulawesi Tengah. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah petani yang menanam cengkeh, metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah metode acak sederhana (simple random sample method). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 154 KK dan sampel yang diambil sebanyak 30 KK petani cengkeh yaitu 20% dari populasi yang berjumlah 154 KK. NPV membuktikan bahwa dengan tingkat bunga 18% pertahun, nilai NPV diperoleh sebesar Rp. 51.540.611 ini berarti lebih besar dari 0, sehingga menurut kriteria ini USAhatani cengkeh layak diusahakan oleh petani cengkeh di Desa Bou Kecamatan Sojol. Hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan analisis IRR diperoleh tingkat bunga 36% lebih besar dari 18% artinya bahwa modal investasi hanya bisa dibiayai dengan tingkat bunga paling tinggi sebesar 36%. Hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan analisis Net B/C diketahui bahwa nilai yang didapatkan sebesar 24,05 lebih besar dari 1 (satu), hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa USAhatani cengkeh yang diusahakan layak secara finansial. Hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan PP diketahui bahwa USAhatani cengkeh yang ada di Desa Bou memiliki masa selama 3 tahun 4 bulan untuk dapat mengembalikan investasi yang telah dikeluarkan

    Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Budidaya Rumput Laut di Desa Lalombi Kecamatan Banawa Selatan Kabupaten Dongala

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    This research aimed to develop the good strategy in the development of seaweed cultivation. The research was implemented in Lalombi Village, Sub District of South Banawa, Donggala Regency, Province of Central Sulawesi. About 60 people are active as the seaweed farmers which 6 farmers is taken from respondent and 2 people from relevant agencies so overall there are 8 people as respondents with the determination of respondent were calculated using judgment sampling, the respondents chose the most right to provide information needed. Respondents are determined based on the assumption that they could still represent the population characteristics of seaweed farmers. Based on the results of the research identified from internal factors, there are five strengths and five weaknesses, and for the external environmental factors there are five chances and five threats. Combination value IFE is 2.76 and value of EFE is 2.25 in the IE matrix shows that the position of the business in V cells, the growth through horizontal integration, an activity to develop the business by way of utilizing land resources more leverage and increase value by be processed seaweed derived products. Strategy development of seaweed cultivation in the village lalombi is optimize production, provide counseling and gradually expand seaweed cultivation area

    Maksimisasi Keuntungan Usaha Budidaya Rumput Laut di Desa Lalombi Kecamatan Banawa Selatan Kabupaten Donggala

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    Research on profit maximization farming seaweed to determine the maximum advantage of seaweed cultivation in Lalombi Village, Sub District of South Banawa, Donggala Regency, Determine the allocation the resources to maximize profits. Determination of the respondents selected the Systematic Random Sampling method. The method of sampling is that only the first element of a randomly selected sample, were subsequently selected elements systematically according to a pattern. Number of samples by taking 50% of the population of 60 farmers, in order to obtain a sample of 30 respondents who seek seaweed. The analysis used in this study is the analysis of Linear Programming. The analysis showed that the maximum benefit is obtained by of seaweed cultivation farmers in Lalombi village the amount of production as much as 21.173 kg /planting season which amounted to Rp 63.519.070/Planting Season. Resource allocation based on the cultivation of seaweed research is to increase the profits of 423,26 HOK Labor, as 33.876, 84 Kg and Seed Capital amounting to Rp 84.692.100