103 research outputs found

    Cancer mortality in IBM Endicott plant workers, 1969ā€“2001: an update on a NY production plant

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In response to concerns expressed by workers at a public meeting, we analyzed the mortality experience of workers who were employed at the IBM plant in Endicott, New York and died between 1969ā€“2001. An epidemiologic feasibility assessment indicated potential worker exposure to several known and suspected carcinogens at this plant.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used the mortality and work history files produced under a court order and used in a previous mortality analysis. Using publicly available data for the state of New York as a standard of comparison, we conducted proportional cancer mortality (PCMR) analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results showed significantly increased mortality due to melanoma (PCMR = 367; 95% CI: 119, 856) and lymphoma (PCMR = 220; 95% CI: 101, 419) in males and modestly increased mortality due to kidney cancer (PCMR = 165; 95% CI: 45, 421) and brain cancer (PCMR = 190; 95% CI: 52, 485) in males and breast cancer (PCMR = 126; 95% CI: 34, 321) in females.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results are similar to results from a previous IBM mortality study and support the need for a full cohort mortality analysis such as the one being planned by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.</p

    A new Task for Pharmacists: Working at a Computer

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    Cilj je ovog rada bio utvrditi koliko rad s računalom utječe na promjene vidnih funkcija ljekarnika te na pojavu smetnji na vratnom dijelu kralježnice. U presječnom istraživanju ispitane su vidne funkcije i subjektivne smetnje pri radu 50 ljekarnika (srednja dob 41,8Ā±11 godina), te 56 službenika (srednja dob 36,2Ā±8,6 godina), koji 40 sati tjedno rade na računalu. Pri tome, ljekarnici pretežno stoje, a službenici sjede. Od subjektivnih smetnji pri radu, suzenje očiju i bolovi u vratnoj kralježnici bili su značajno čeŔći u skupini ljekarnika (P0,05). Rezultati potkrepljuju odredbu Pravilnika o sigurnosti i zaÅ”titi zdravlja pri radu s računalom (1) prema kojoj poslodavac mora planirati aktivnosti radnika na osobnom računalu tako da se rad periodički izmjenjuje s drugim aktivnostima. To se upravo događa pri obavljanju posla ljekarnika. Njegov rad s računalom se neprekidno izmjenjuje s obraćanjem klijentu, odnosno s izdavanjem lijeka. Za rjeÅ”avanje poteÅ”koća s kralježnicom treba tijekom svakog sata rada osigurati odmore u trajanju od najmanje 5 minuta te organizirati vježbe rasterećenja radi smanjenja statodinamičnoga napora.The aim of this study was to establish the effect of working at personal computers (PC) on vision and neck-pain in pharmacists. In this cross-sectional study, vision and subjective disturbances at work were examined in 50 pharmacists [mean age (41.8Ā±11) years] and 56 offi ce workers [mean age (36.2Ā±8.6) years] using PCs at work for 40 hours per week. Pharmacists work mostly in the standing position and office workers in the sitting position. Excessive lacrimation and neck-pain during work were more pronounced in pharmacists than in office workers (P0.05). Our results support the recommendations set by the Ordinance on Safety and Health Protection when Working with Personal Computers (1), that employer should make sure that work with screen interchanges regularly with other activities in order to diminish vision load at work. This also refers to the work of pharmacists because their activities involve continuous interchanges between serving customers, looking at PC screen, and issuing medicines. In addition, the pharmacists should take at least 5-minute breaks every hour and take relaxation exercises to diminish the strain for the spine

    The relationship between video display terminals (VDTs) usage and dermatologic manifestations : a cross sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Recently, it has been observed that Video Display Terminals (VDTs) usage for long periods can cause some dermatological manifestations on the face. An analytical cross-sectional study was designed in order to determine this relationship. METHODS: In this study, 600 office workers were chosen randomly from an organization in Tehran (Iran). The subjects were then divided into two groups based on their exposure to VDTs. 306 workers were considered exposure negative (non VDT user) who worked less than 7 hours a week with VDTs. The remainders 294 were exposure-positive, who worked 7 hours or more with VDTs. The frequency of dermatologic manifestations was compared in these two groups. RESULTS: In the exposure-positive and exposure-negative groups, the frequency of these dermatologic manifestations were 27 and 5 respectively. After statistical analysis, a P.value of < 0.05 was obtained indicating a statistically significant difference between these two groups for dermatological manifestations. CONCLUSION: According to our study, there is a relationship between dermatologic manifestations on the face and exposure to VDTs

    The European influence on workers' compensation reform in the United States

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    Workers' compensation law in the United States is derived from European models of social insurance introduced in Germany and in England. These two concepts of workers' compensation are found today in the federal and state workers' compensation programs in the United States. All reform proposals in the United States are influenced by the European experience with workers' compensation. In 2006, a reform proposal termed the Public Health Model was made that would abolish the workers' compensation system, and in its place adopt a national disability insurance system for all injuries and illnesses. In the public health model, health and safety professionals would work primarily in public health agencies. The public health model eliminates the physician from any role other than that of privately consulting with the patient and offering advice solely to the patient. The Public Health Model is strongly influenced by the European success with physician consultation with industry and labor

    Climate change: what competencies and which medical education and training approaches?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Much research has been devoted to identifying healthcare needs in a climate-changing world. However, while there are now global and national policy statements about the importance of health workforce development for climate change, little has been published about what competencies might be demanded of practitioners in a climate-changing world. In such a context, this debate and discussion paper aims to explore the nature of key competencies and related opportunities for teaching climate change in medical education and training. Particular emphasis is made on preparation for practice in rural and remote regions likely to be greatly affected by climate change.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The paper describes what kinds of competencies for climate change might be included in medical education and training. It explores which curricula, teaching, learning and assessment approaches might be involved. Rather than arguing for major changes to medical education and training, this paper explores well established precedents to offer practical suggestions for where a particular kind of literacy--eco-medical literacy--and related competencies could be naturally integrated into existing elements of medical education and training.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>The health effects of climate change have, generally, not yet been integrated into medical education and training systems. However, the necessary competencies could be taught by building on existing models, best practice and innovative traditions in medicine. Even in crowded curricula, climate change offers an opportunity to reinforce and extend understandings of how interactions between people and place affect health.</p

    Razine antinuklearnoga antitijela i reumatoidnoga faktora u radnika izloženih silicijevu dioksidu

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    A lot of workers in industries such as foundry, stonecutting, and sandblasting are exposed to higher than permissible levels of crystalline silica. Various alterations in humoral immune function have been reported in silicosis patients and workers exposed to silica dust. The aim of this study was to measure antinuclear antibody (ANA) and rheumatoid factor (RF) levels in foundry workers exposed to silica and to compare them with a control group without such exposure. ANA and RF were measured in 78 exposed and 73 non-exposed workers, and standard statistical methods were used to compare them. The two groups did not significantly differ in age and smoking. Mean work duration of the exposed and non-exposed workers was (14.9Ā±4.72) years and (12.41Ā±6.3) years, respectively. Ten exposed workers had silicosis. ANA was negative in all workers in either group. Its mean titer did not differ significantly between the exposed and control workers [(0.39Ā±0.15) IU mL-1 vs. (0.36Ā±0.17) IU mL-1, respectively]. RF was positive in two workers of each group. Other studies have reported an increase in ANA and RF associated with exposure to silica dust and silicosis. In contrast, our study suggests that exposure to silica dust does not increase the level of ANA and RF in exposed workers.Mnogi su radnici izloženi kristalnomu silicijevu dioksidu u razinama iznad dopuÅ”tenih. U oboljelih od silikoze i radnika izloženih praÅ”inama koje sadržavaju silicijev dioksid zamijećen je niz oÅ”tećenja humoralne obrane. Budući da su radnici u ljevaonicama izloženi visokim razinama kristalnoga silicijeva dioksida, u njih bismo očekivali ovakve humoralne poremećaje. Cilj je ovog ispitivanja bio izmjeriti i usporediti razine antinuklearnih protutijela (ANA) i reumatoidnoga faktora (RF) u krvi radnika u ljevaonici izloženih silicijevu dioksidu i neizložene kontrolne skupine. ANA i RF izmjereni su u 78 izloženih radnika i 73 neizložena radnika te su uspoređeni s pomoću standardnih statističkih metoda. Dvije se skupine nisu bitno razlikovale u broju puÅ”ača i u dobi. Prosječna duljina radnog vijeka izloženih radnika bila je (14,9Ā±4,72) godine, a neizloženih (12,41Ā±6,3) godine. Deset izloženih radnika imalo je silikozu. Nalazi ANA bili su negativni u obje skupine radnika. Srednja vrijednost titra ANA iznosila je (0,39Ā±0,15) IU mL-1 u izloženih ispitanika, a (0,36Ā±0,17) IU mL-1 u kontrola, Å”to je statistički zanemariva razlika. Nalaz RF-a bio je pozitivan u dva izložena te dva kontrolna radnika. NaÅ”e ispitivanje upućuje na to da praÅ”ine silicijeva dioksida ne uzrokuju porast razina ANA i RF-a u izloženih radnika

    DNA copy number loss and allelic imbalance at 2p16 in lung cancer associated with asbestos exposure

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    Five to seven percent of lung tumours are estimated to occur because of occupational asbestos exposure. Using cDNA microarrays, we have earlier detected asbestos exposure-related genomic regions in lung cancer. The region at 2p was one of those that differed most between asbestos-exposed and non-exposed patients. Now, we evaluated genomic alterations at 2p22.1-p16.1 as a possible marker for asbestos exposure. Lung tumours from 205 patients with pulmonary asbestos fibre counts from 0 to 570 million fibres per gram of dry lung, were studied by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) for DNA copy number alterations (CNA). The prevalence of loss at 2p16, shown by three different FISH probes, was significantly increased in lung tumours of asbestos-exposed patients compared with non-exposed (P=0.05). In addition, a low copy number loss at 2p16 associated significantly with high-level asbestos exposure (P=0.02). Furthermore, 27 of the tumours were studied for allelic imbalances (AI) at 2p22.1ā€“p16.1 using 14 microsatellite markers and also AI at 2p16 was related to asbestos exposure (P=0.003). Our results suggest that alterations at 2p16 combined with other markers could be useful in diagnosing asbestos-related lung cancer
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