977 research outputs found

    Service Management Model Based on Lean Service and Systematic Layout Planning for the Improvement of Customer Satisfaction in an SME in the Restaurant Sector in Peru

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    The restaurant industry is a sector of great importance in Peru, which was one of the most affected during the pandemic due to the sanitary measures that prevented its normal operation. Once these measures were diminished and regular attention returned, the sector grew in an accelerated manner. With this growth, restaurants had to face a major problem: low customer satisfaction, as long wait- ing times and poor service became recurrent issues. Faced with this scenario, it is necessary to optimize the activities in the kitchen in order to have a better production time and to ensure the best quality in the dishes offered. Thus, a continuous improvement model based on Lean Service tools (5S, SMED, Standardized Work) is proposed to increase customer satisfaction through a faster service by making the processes in the kitchen more efficient and standardizing the quality of the dishes. In addition, Systematic Layout Planning was applied in the store to make a more efficient distribution of spaces in order to reduce waiting times. The proposal was validated through a pilot test in the case of Lean Service tools and a simulation in Arena software in the case of Systematic Layout Planning. The results obtained show a reduction in customer service time of 9.84% and an increase in customer satisfaction of 16%

    La gestión pedagógica como factor de optimización del clima organizacional docente en la institución educativa privada Pío XII del distrito de Surco

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    La presente investigación tuvo objetivo principal determinar si la gestión pedagógica es un factor de optimización del clima organizacional docente en la institución educativa privada Pío XII del distrito de Surco. El enfoque utilizado área desarrollo de la investigación fue cuantitativo, el tipo es aplicada y el nivel es descriptivo – correlacional y el diseño es correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 41 personas de las cuales 7 fueron directivos y 34 docentes procedentes de la institución educativa en la cual se desarrolló la investigación, muestra que registró alta representatividad respecto al universo. Los instrumentos empleados fueron un cuestionario para directivos que consta de 13 ítems empleándose para su calificación la escala de Likert, un cuestionario para docentes que consta de 12 ítems, aplicados para la variable gestión pedagógica y un test de clima laboral de 50 ítems elaborado por la psicóloga peruana Sonia Palma para la variable clima organizacional. El procesamiento de la información se realizó utilizando el software Excel y los resultados fundamentales que se obtuvieron con la investigación, confirmaron, en parte, la hipótesis principal planteada en el sentido de que la gestión pedagógica un factor moderadamente influyente en la optimización del clima organizacional docente en la institución educativa privada Pío XII del distrito de Surco.Carátula 1 Tabla de contenido 2 Lista de tablas 5 Lista figuras 9 Dedicatoria 13 Resumen 14 Abstract 15 Introducción 16 Capítulo I. Planteamiento del problema 19 1.1 Descripción del problema 19 1.2 Formulación del problema 22 1.2.1 Problema general 22 1.2.2 Problemas específicos 22 1.3 Objetivos 22 1.3.1 Objetivo General 22 1.3.2 Objetivo específicos 23 1.4 Justificación e importancia de la investigación 23 1.5 Limitaciones de la investigación 24 Capítulo II. Marco teórico 25 2.1 Antecedentes de la investigación 25 2.1.1 Antecedentes nacionales 25 2.1.2 Antecedentes internacionales 29 2.2 Bases teóricas 34 2.2.1 Gestión: Definición 34 2.2.2 Gestión educativa: conceptos básicos 35 2.2.3 Gestión pedagógica 38 2.2.4 Dimensiones de la gestión pedagógica. 40 2.2.5 Liderazgo pedagógico 44 2.2.6 Clima organizacional 46 Dimensiones del clima organizacional. 50 Tipos de clima organizacional 52 Importancia del clima organizacional 55 2.3 Definición de términos básicos 57 Capítulo III. Hipótesis y variables 59 3.1 Hipótesis 59 3.1.1 Hipótesis general 59 3.1.2 Hipótesis específicas 59 3.2 Variables 59 3.2.1 Variable independiente: 59 3.2.2 Variable dependiente 59 3.3 Matriz de operacionalización de las variables 60 Capítulo IV. Metodología 63 4.1 Enfoque de investigación 63 4.2 Tipo y nivel de la investigación 63 4.3 Diseño de investigación 64 4.4 Población y muestra 64 4.4.1 Caracterización de la población o universo 64 4.4.2 Determinación de la muestra 65 4.4.3 Modalidad y procedimiento utilizado. 65 4.4.4 Muestra. 65 4.5 Técnicas e instrumentos utilizados en la investigación 67 4.6 Técnicas de procesamiento y análisis de datos 68 Capítulo V. Resultados logrados con la investigación 69 5.1 Validación y consistencia de los instrumentos 69 5.2 Presentación de los datos 71 5.3 Análisis y discusión de los resultados 148 Conclusiones 154 Recomendaciones 156 Referencias 157 Anexos 16

    Relationships between urban form and mobility: gender and mode of transport

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    With the growth of urban areas, cities are the centres of the great challenges of our society. Urban form influences the metabolism of cities in multiple ways and mobility is one of them. Depending on the type of urban fabric, population, and activities located in them, travel needs and modes of transport differences appear. As population is diverse, this relationship between urban form and mobility probably have significant gender gaps that should be investigated. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the correlation between the type of urban fabric and people’s mobility patterns, looking for significant gender differences in the number of trips and the mode of transport. Data were collected from the survey done for the Mobility Plan of the Metropolitan Area of Valencia and cadastral information. For statistical analysis, the PSPP program and Pearson's correlation coefficient were used. This paper demonstrates significant differences in relation to gender and modes of transport. Women use more sustainable modes of transport, especially in dense and compact cities. Urban sprawl increases mobility, especially trips using private motorised modes. On the contrary, more sustainable modes, like by foot, on bike, or using public transport, are used in compact cities. Looking for sustainable mobility, women and density are key aspects which land planners must take into account when designing cities

    Efficient data structures for local inconsistency detection in firewall ACL updates

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    Filtering is a very important issue in next generation networks. These networks consist of a relatively high number of resource constrained devices and have special features, such as management of frequent topology changes. At each topology change, the access control policy of all nodes of the network must be automatically modified. In order to manage these access control requirements, Firewalls have been proposed by several researchers. However, many of the problems of traditional firewalls are aggravated due to these networks particularities, as is the case of ACL consistency. A firewall ACL with inconsistencies implies in general design errors, and indicates that the firewall is accepting traffic that should be denied or vice versa. This can result in severe problems such as unwanted accesses to services, denial of service, overflows, etc. Detecting inconsistencies is of extreme importance in the context of highly sensitive applications (e.g. health care). We propose a local inconsistency detection algorithm and data structures to prevent automatic rule updates that can cause inconsistencies. The proposal has very low computational complexity as both theoretical and experimental results will show, and thus can be used in real time environments.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia DPI2006-15476-C02-0

    Sources of ultrafine particles in Huelva industrial city

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    Comunicación presentada en: V Reunión Española de Ciencia y Tecnología de Aerosoles – RECTA 2011 celebrada del 27 al 29 de junio de 2011 en CIEMAT, Madrid

    Influence of 3D-Printed TPU Properties for the Design of Elastic Products

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    The design of products with elastic properties is a paradigm for design engineers because the properties of the material define the correct functionality of the product. Fused filament fabrication (FFF) allows for the printing of products in thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU). Therefore, it offers the ability to design elastic products with the freedom of forms that this technology allows and also with greater variation of elastic properties than with a conventional process. The internal structures and the variation in thickness that can be used facilitate the design of products with different elastic realities, producing variations in the elasticity of the product with the same material. This work studies the influence of the variation of internal density as a function of basic geometries in order to quantify the difference in elasticity produced on a product when it is designed. Likewise, a case study was carried out with the creation of a fully elastic computer keyboard printed in 3D. The specimens were subjected to compression to characterize the behavior of the structures. The tests showed that the elasticity varies depending on the orientation and geometry, with the highest compressive strength observed in the vertical orientation with 80% lightening. In addition, the internal lightening increases the elasticity progressively but not uniformly with respect to the solid geometry, and also the flat faces favour the reduction in elasticity. This study classifies the behavior of TPU with the aim of being applied to the design and manufacture of products with specific properties. In this work, a totally flexible and functional keyboard was designed, obtaining elasticity values that validate the study carried out.The APC was funded by University of Cadiz (programme for the promotion and encouragement of research and transfer)

    A decomposition-based uncertainty quantification approach for environmental impacts of aviation technology and operation

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    As a measure to manage the climate impact of aviation, significant enhancements to aviation technologies and operations are necessary. When assessing these enhancements and their respective impacts on the climate, it is important that we also quantify the associated uncertainties. This is important to support an effective decision and policymaking process. However, such quantification of uncertainty is challenging, especially in a complex system that comprises multiple interacting components. The uncertainty quantification task can quickly become computationally intractable and cumbersome for one individual or group to manage. Recognizing the challenge of quantifying uncertainty in multicomponent systems, we utilize a divide-and-conquer approach, inspired by the decomposition-based approaches used in multidisciplinary analysis and optimization. Specifically, we perform uncertainty analysis and global sensitivity analysis of our multicomponent aviation system in a decomposition-based manner. In this work, we demonstrate how to handle a high-dimensional multicomponent interface using sensitivity-based dimension reduction and a novel importance sampling method. Our results demonstrate that the decomposition-based uncertainty quantification approach can effectively quantify the uncertainty of a feed-forward multicomponent system for which the component models are housed in different locations and owned by different groups. Keywords: Aviation Environmental Impact; Decomposition; Global Sensitivity Analysis; Uncertainty Quantificatio

    Plan estratégico de comunicación de la empresa “Alto Coco”

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    Tras la demanda creciente e insatisfecha del mercado comercial del aceite de coco en Perú y el exterior, la empresa Coco Peruano, ahora, Alto Coco, busca seguir creciendo en el mercado mediante productos de la más alta calidad con una identidad corporativa nueva y fortalecida; sin embargo, dicho cambio enfrenta retos comunicacionales que de ser superados permitirán que la empresa pueda desarrollarse de manera exitosa en los próximos año