31 research outputs found


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    Expansion of the Eurasian Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris (Scopoli) in Sicily (Aves Hirun dinidae). Data collected during the last fifteen years on the distribution of the Eurasian Crag Martin in Sicily and the comparison with those recorded in literature show an expansion trend for this species. While in the newly colonized areas the nesting sites have been observed mainly on natural habitats, where its occurrence was previously recorded the species shows and adaptation to exploit also anthropogenic habitats, such as buildings or other infrastructures

    A supplement with ribes nigrum, boswellia serrata, bromelain and vitamin D to stop local inflammation in chronic sinusitis: a case-control study

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    Although chronic sinusitis widely affects the adult population, the treatments currently used did not always satisfactorily solve the symptoms. Traditional therapy with steroids and antibiotics presents risks and benefits and the new drugs, i.e., monoclonal antibody, are valid solutions despite being quite expensive. Natural molecules could be a valid treatment that combines good efficacy and low price. We conducted a case -control study to evaluate the benefit of an oral supplement with Ribes nigrum, Boswellia serrata, Bromelain and Vitamin D on chronic sinusitis symptoms. 60 patients were randomly assigned to one of the three groups: control using nasal steroids only, treatment 1 using nasal steroid and 1 dose of the oral supplement for 30 days and treatment 2 in which patients used nasal steroid and two oral supplement doses daily for 15 days. Conditions of the nasal mucosa and a blood sample (WBC, IgE and CRP) were analyzed at T0, T1 (15 days after treatment) and T2 (30 days after treatment. Patients treated with the supplement improved their nasal findings (hyperemia of mucosa and rhinorrhea) with statistically significant differences from the control. Our preliminary data suggest that the addition of supplement containing Ribes nigrum, Boswellia serrata, Vitamin D and Bromelain to the traditional local therapy (nasal spray with cortisone) can be a supporting therapy to modulate the local inflammation in the nose in patients affected by chronic sinusitis


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    Assalito dalla felicità corsi al mare, guardai l’acqua e fui preso da una forza, non mia, non umana che mi trascinò in acqua. Lì venni rapito da fantastiche sensazioni, l’adrenalina salì a mille, vidi un enorme creatura che suscitò in me delle emozioni mai provate prima, si era avvicinata talmente tanto che stava per toccarmi e, appena lo fece, il mio corpo si illuminò magicamente, le mie mani iniziarono pian piano ad assottigliarsi, il mio petto diventava sempre più piccolo e tondo e da lì a poco, ero diventato un polpo

    Gli spostamenti di popolazioni dopo i due conflitti mondiali: il caso tedesco

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    Pietro Neglie, docente di Storia contemporanea all’Università degli studi di Trieste, e Cesare La Mantia, docente di Storia dell'Europa orientale all’Università degli studi di Trieste ci parlano rispettivamente dei circa un milione di lavoratori italiani che, nel periodo compreso fra il 1922 e il 1925, approdò in Francia per due distinti motivi: emigrazione economica ed esilio politico e dell’ingente presenza di minoranze nazionali all’interno degli Imperi centrali che fu un problema al quale le potenze dell’Intesa vollero dare una soluzione alla fine della Prima guerra mondiale

    Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder: laser CO2 vs intra-articular injections

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    Analysis of our data shows that the functional rehabilitation associated with the CO2 laser causes a greater reduction in pain, better recovery of joint ROM and increase in muscle strength compared to treatment associated with injections of corticosteriod

    Neuromotor And Occupational Rehabilitation Therapy In Parkinson's Disease

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    Parkinson's disease involves a gradual and progressive loss of motor, communication, swallowing and cognitive functions with a variable rate and speed of progression. Rehabilitation therapy has proven effective in maintaining functions and autonomy for longer and in some cases also in improving these skills. Given the impairment and slowing down of numerous functions of the central nervous system, rehabilitation must be a process integrated by multi-professionalism and interdisciplinary within an individual rehabilitation project. Neuromotor and occupational rehabilitation are planned for motor and ADL autonomy, speech therapy rehabilitation for verbal communication skills and swallowing, neuropsychological rehabilitation for higher cortical functions and cognitive decline. Social and work rehabilitation will also be necessary to facilitate reintegratio