7 research outputs found

    Seroprevalencija virusa hepatitisa E u krava s ruralnih područja južne Italije

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    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is considered to be an emerging zoonotic disease, which causes numerous cases of hepatitis and deaths worldwide each year. Pigs are a host reservoir of HEV, but numerous other wild and domestic species can be infected. The aim of this study was to carry out serological screening of anti-HEV antibodies in cattle in the Sicily region (Southern Italy). Between April and December 2018, 231 serum samples were collected from cows and analysed with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), for detection of HEV antibodies (IgG). The overall prevalence of anti-HEV antibodies was 36.36% (84/231; 95% CI 30-43). There were statistically significant differences in the HEV seroprevalence in animals of different ages (12 months: 39.30%; >24 months: 54.10%) (P0.05). This study shows that further investigation of HEV in cattle is required to understand better the epidemiology in farm animals and the potential zoonotic risks for humans. This is the first report of HEV seroprevalence for cows in Italy, which provides baseline data for further studies and for control of HEV infection in cattle.Virus hepatitisa E (HEV) smatra se emergentnom zoonozom koja uzrokuje brojne slučajeve hepatitisa i uginuća širom svijeta svake godine. Svinja je rezervoar HEV-a, no mogu se zaraziti i brojne druge divlje i domaće vrste. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je provesti serološki probir anti-HEV protutijela u goveda na Siciliji (južna Italija). Od travnja do prosinca 2018. prikupljen je ukupno 231 uzorak seruma krava i analiziran testom ELISA za detekciju protutijela na HEV (IgG). Prevalencija anti-HEV protutijela bila je 36,36 % (84/231; 95 % CI 30 – 43). Pronađena je statistički znakovita razlika (P 12 mjeseci: 39,30 %; > 24 mjeseci: 54,10 %). Nije zabilježena statistički znakovita razlika (P> 0,05) s obzirom na spol (31,37 % u mužjaka i 37,38 % u ženki). Rezultati ukazuju na potrebu daljnjih istraživanja HEV-a u goveda kako bi se bolje razumjela epidemiologija u farmskih životinja i potencijalan zoonotski rizik za ljude. Ovo je prvo izvješće o seroprevalenciji HEV-a u krava u Italiji, kojim se pružaju referentni podaci za daljnja istraživanja i kontrolu infekcije HEV-om u goveda

    Promjene intraokularnog tlaka i sistemskog krvnog tlaka u pasa za vrijeme vježbe umjerenog intenziteta na pokretnoj traci - kratki prikaz

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    Physical exercise in humans induces changes in intraocular pressure, relating to the type and intensity of the workload. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the variations in intraocular pressure and arterial blood pressure in dogs that underwent physical exercise on a treadmill. Thirty dogs were submitted to physical exercise consisting of walking (15 minutes), trotting (20 minutes), and walking (10 minutes). The intraocular pressure, blood pressure and pulse rate were recorded for each dog before starting the treadmill exercise, immediately after it ended, and after 20 minutes of passive recovery. Two-way repeated analysis of variance measurement showed the significant effect of treadmill exercise (P≤0.01) on intraocular pressure, pulse rate and diastolic blood pressure. No significant changes were observed to systolic blood pressure. Intraocular pressure and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly during the passive recovery, and were strongly related. The pulse rate was significantly lower during the passive recovery. Although the mechanism determining the reduction in intraocular pressure during exercise remains not fully understood, our results suggest that it is strongly related to variations in arterial blood pressure.physical exercise; eye; ocular variable; arterial blood pressure; dogTjelesna vježba u ljudi uzrokuje promjene u intraokularnom tlaku, ovisno o vrsti i intenzitetu opterećenja. cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti varijacije intraokularnog tlaka i arterijski krvni tlak u pasa podvrgnutih tjelesnoj aktivnosti na pokretnoj traci. Trideset pasa izloženo je tjelesnoj aktivnosti koja se sastojala od hodanja (15 minuta), trčanja u formi kasa (20 minuta) i hodanja (10 minuta). Za svakog su psa zabilježeni intraokularni tlak, krvni tlak i srčani puls prije početka aktivnosti, odmah nakon završetka aktivnosti i 20 minuta nakon oporavka. Dvosmjerna analiza varijance za ponovljena mjerenja pokazala je znakovit učinak vježbe na pokretnoj traci (P ≤ 0,01) na intraokularni tlak, srčani puls i dijastolički krvni tlak. Nije bilo znakovitih promjena u sistoličkom krvnom tlaku. Intraokularni tlak i dijastolički krvni tlak znakovito su se smanjili za vrijeme oporavka i bili u znatnoj korelaciji. Srčani puls bio je znakovito niži za vrijeme oporavka. Iako mehanizam koji utječe na smanjenje intraokularnog tlaka nije sasvim jasan, rezultati pokazuju da je on u čvrstoj vezi s promjenama arterijskog krvnog tlaka

    Analysis of normal electrocardiographic patterns in mandarin ducks (Aix galericulata)

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    Background: Electrocardiographic (ECG) examination in birds is considered an inexpensive and noninvasive diagnostic aid for the recognition of infectious and metabolic diseases. Contrary to other bird species, studies describing normal ECG patterns for mandarin ducks (Aix galericulata) are lacking. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe and evaluate normal ECG patterns in A. galericulata. Methods: Ten clinically healthy mandarin ducks of both sexes, aged between 1 and 2 years and with body weight between 0.8 and 1.2 kg were included. Electrocardiograms were performed in a quiet room with animals conscious and manually restrained. All electrocardiographic parameters were recorded using standard (I, II, and III) and augmented (aVR, aVL, and aVF) limb leads. The paper speed was set at 50 mm/second. The amplitude was 1 mV = 20 mm. Morphological patterns of P, QRS, and T deflections were evaluated in all limb leads. The amplitude and the duration of waves and, their intervals were determined in lead II. The mean electrical axis (MEA) in the frontal plane was calculated using the Bailey hexaxial system. Results: In all birds examined, a regular sinus rhythm was observed. P waves were mainly positive in I, II, III, and aVF.  A negative P wave was identified in aVR, while in aVL a great variability was present. The QRS complex was mainly isoelectric in lead I, while it was negative with rS or QS morphology in leads II, III, and aVF. A positive polarity of QRS was detected in aVL with R pattern, while it was negative or positive with QS or R morphology, respectively, in aVF. T waves were mostly positive in leads II, III, and aVF and, isoelectric in lead I. ST slurring and Ta wave were observed in 2/10 and 8/10, respectively. The mean heart rate was 246 ± 90 beats per minute and the MEA was −88.8° ± 9.57°. Conclusion: The ECG tracings of mandarin ducks show similarities and some differences with other avian species. The electrocardiographic values provided here can be used to assist in the interpretation of ECG in A. galericulata

    Case study on Canine Atopic Dermatitis from a medico-legal viewpoint: A takeaway of knowledge for practicing veterinary clinicians

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    Background: Despite pets are sentient beings, they are legally considered and regulated as objects in sales contracts. Therefore, the buyer is protected by law if the purchased animal should be affected by defects such as an illness or a congenital / hereditary condition that depreciates its value. In the sale of animals, a disease is legally considered a defect if it is hidden, severe, and pre-existing at the time of purchase. Canine Atopic Dermatitis (CAD) having these three requirements can, therefore, legally be considered a defect. To acquire his legal rights, the buyer must obtain a certification from the veterinarian reporting that the animal was unfit for buying within a certain time frame.Aim: This paper analyzes the legal choices that owners of dogs affected with CAD can make to help practicing veterinary clinicians comprehend and recognize this disease and because it may be considered a defect.Methods: Thirteen cases of CAD are reported and analyzed from a medico-legal point of view.Results: In cases n. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 owners of dogs affected with CAD partial or full reimbursement from the seller obtained. In cases n. 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, dog owners could not take any legal action because the diagnosis of CAD was made beyond the time limits required by law. In cases n. 1, 6, and 8, the owners decided not to take any legal action.Conclusion: The veterinarian practitioner is a key professional figure not only for diagnosing the disease within the legal time limits, but also for support the owner in medico-legal disputes. A basic medico-legal background for all veterinarians and greater involvement of them in the sale of animals as a guarantee for the buyer is recommended

    Electrocardiographic Findings in Bitches Affected by Closed Cervix Pyometra

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    Pyometra is considered the most common disease in intact bitches, being associated with potentially life-threatening disorders. Myocardial damage is a potentially life-threatening consequence of pyometra. The aim of this study was to describe the electrocardiographic patterns in bitches affected by closed cervix pyometra, to assess the clinical relevance of electrocardiographic changes with the occurrence of pyometra, and to relate their severity with laboratory and clinical findings. A total of 39 bitches with closed cervix pyometra and 10 healthy female dogs were included in this study. During the hospitalization, bitches underwent a complete physical examination. An electrocardiographic examination before the ovariohysterectomy was performed. Blood samples for biochemical and hematological analysis were also evaluated. Bitches suffering pyometra at least one arrhythmia 31/39 (79.4%), sinus tachycardia (22/39, 56.4%), ventricular premature complexes (9/39, 23%), increased amplitude of T wave (7/39, 17.9%), ST depression (4/39, 10.2%), second-degree atrioventricular block (2/39, 5.1%), increase of QT interval (2/39, 5.1%), sinus bradycardia (2/39, 5.1%), and first-degree atrioventricular block (1/39, 2.5%). Some bitches were also detected with low wave amplitude (17/39, 43.5%). Cardiac arrhythmias associated with canine pyometra are frequent events. These data suggest that arrhythmias may be the consequence of one or more factors that can occur during pyometra, such as myocardial damage, electrolyte/metabolic disorders, and/or sepsis

    Electrocardiographic Findings and Cardiac Troponin I Assay in Dogs with SIRS Diagnosis

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    Several studies performed in humans have demonstrated that the onset of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) represents a high risk condition to develop myocardial damage and arrhythmias. Therefore, we also hypothesized cardiac involment for dogs affected by SIRS. To assess this hypothesis, 24 dogs with a diagnosis of SIRS (13 entire males, 7 entire females, and 4 spayed females) with an age ranging from 4 to 11 years (mean 5.6 years) and an average weight of 24 kg (range from 5 to 47 kg) were enrolled. The dogs were divided into two groups according to their prognosis: Survivors (G1) and not survivors (G2), composed by 13 and 11 dogs, respectively. Moreover, healthy dogs were included as the control group (CTR). All the dogs with a history of cardiac or renal disease were excluded. At the inclusion, each patient underwent a physical examination and a complete cell count, and a biochemistry panel (including electrolyte profile) was performed; moreover, the blood cardiac Troponin I (cTnI) was measured. For each clinical variable indicative of SIRS, a score between 0 (absence) and 1 (presence) was applied. Furthermore, an electrocardiographic examination was recorded. Seventeen out of 24 (70.8%) dogs with SIRS showed arrhythmias, of which n. 6 belonged to the G1, while n. 11 belonged to the G2. Most represented findings were sinus tachycardia (7/17; 41.1%), followed by monomorphic premature ventricular beats (6/17; 35.3%), less common were first-degree atrioventricular block (2/17; 11.7%) and sinus bradycardia 1/17; 5.8%). Notably, in G1 dogs, only sinus tachycardia and premature ventricular beats were observed. G2 dogs presented a number of total and banded leukocytes significantly higher than those of G1 (p = 0.002 and 0.049), in the same manner, the clinical score suggestive of SIRS (3 vs. 2.1) was significantly higher in G2 than in G1 dogs (p = 0.01). Moreover, a significantly higher value of cTnI was observed in the G2 group compared to the G1 group (p = 0.006). Data presented here suggested a cardiac involvement in dogs with SIRS, analogously to humans, that may significantly influence the patient’s prognosis

    Cardiac Troponin I and Electrocardiographic Evaluation in Hospitalized Cats with Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

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    Several studies conducted on humans demonstrate the increase in cardiac troponins and the onset of arrhythmias in the course of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). The aim of the current study was to assess the blood concentration of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and electrocardiographic findings in SIRS-affected cats. Seventeen shorthair cats hospitalized with SIRS were enrolled (Group 1). SIRS diagnosis was performed based on the detection of at least two of the four criteria such as abnormal body temperature, abnormal heart rate (i.e., tachycardia or bradycardia), abnormal respiratory rate (i.e., tachypnea or bradypnea), and alterations of white blood cell number (i.e., leukocytes or band neutrophils). Ten cats screened for elective surgery such as neutering or dental procedures were evaluated as a control population (Group 2). They were considered healthy based on history, physical examination, hematological and biochemical profile, urinalysis, coprological exam, thyroxine assay, blood pressure measurement, and echocardiography. A physical examination, complete blood cell count, biochemistry test (including an electrolyte panel), electrocardiographic examination, and cTnI assay were carried out in each cat enrolled. Traumatic events, gastrointestinal, neoplastic, respiratory, and neurological disorders were identified as causes of SIRS in Group 1. In Group 1, a significantly higher concentration of cTnI than that in Group 2 was recorded (p = 0.004). In 37.5% of cats with SIRS, ventricular premature complexes occurring in couplets with multiform configuration were detected. Similarly, to humans, data herein reported would indicate possible cardiac damage present in cats with SIRS diagnosis