99 research outputs found

    Clouds of Things. Data protection and consumer law at the intersection of cloud computing and the Internet of Things in the United Kingdom

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    The article critically analyses the Internet of Things (IoT) and its intersection with cloud computing, the so-called Clouds of Things (CoT). ‘Things’ are understood as any physical entity capable of connectivity that has a direct interface to the physical world (i.e. a sensing and/or actuating capability). From another perspective (especially product liability), Things can be seen as an inextricable mixture of hardware, software, and services. Alongside a clarification of the essentials, the six factors of the CoT complexity are described and light is shed on the regulatory options (regulation, co-regulation, self-regulation, holistic approach, fragmentation). Focussing on the British legal systems, the article reports on the state of the art of CoT deployment in the United Kingdom and deals with some of the main technical and legal issues emerging from CoT. Particularly, the core will be data protection, privacy, and consumer law. Indeed, these themes are considered the most relevant by the regulators. By mastering the relevant legal issues and following the example of the United Kingdom, the Republic of Korea will be able to unleash its extraordinary potential as to the IoT, thus retaining its position as the smartest country in the world

    On porn censorship and liberal ethics in the UK. Brief notes on the Audiovisual Media Services Regulations 2014

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    This article deals with the highly criticised Audiovisual Media Services Regulations 2014, which provides that now the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) regulations apply also to the videos-on-demand (and not only to DVDs)

    I programmi per elaboratore e i confini del diritto d'autore. La Corte di Giustizia nega la tutela a funzionalitĂ , linguaggio di programmazione e formato dei file di dati.

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    A comment to the Sas Institute Inc. v. World Programming Ltd case [Court of Justice, Grand Chamber, 2 May 2012, C-406/10]. It is one of the most important European decisions in the field of computer programs and it is notable both from a practical and a theoretical point of view. The European Court of Justice denies protection to functionalities, programming language and format of data files, because they have to be considered as 'ideas' and not as 'expression'. The idea/expression dichotomy, often called into question especially in software copyright, is placed at the core of a not anymore ignorable, both by scholars and enterprises

    IPRexit. Intellectual property after the EU referendum

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    The Government is deciding how and when to trigger Article 50 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. In the meantime, some “remainers” are pointing out the allegedly tragic consequences of Brexit, whereas a more cautious approach would be wise. There is much uncertainty on the future of intellectual property (IP) in the UK after the referendum and one could foresee that there will be more cons than pros. However, some opportunities may as well arise. This poster aims to assess the impact of Brexit on IP by distinguishing between areas that do not need significant intervention, areas where no real intervention will be allowed and areas where there is need for an update. In the near future, the Government and the Parliament will be likely focused on the negotiations with the European Union and there is the risk that IP issues will be overlooked. Therefore, it will be up to the judiciary to modernise intellectual property and ensure that the UK does not depart radically from the IP systems of the Member States. Thus, by ensuring a substantial, albeit not full, harmonisation of the relevant rules, fragmented IP regimes will not constitute trade barriers and the UK will retain its appeal as a thriving marketplace for investors. In order to do so, some “IP regimes shopping” will be useful, although this will mean a partial departure from the EU rules. A takeaway is that since English judges will not be entitled to preliminary references to the Court of Justice, they will become eventually European judges

    Should Grindr users worry about what China will do with their data?

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    First paragraph: In April 2018, the Norwegian Consumer Council filed a complaint against Grindr, the most popular gay dating app in the world, in light of its decision to share its users’ personal data – including HIV status and sexual preferences – with third parties. But the complaint and the outraged reaction overlooked another turn of events: in January 2018, Grindr was acquired by the Chinese corporate group Beijing Kunlun Tech for US$205m

    In light of the ends. Copyright hysteresis and private copy exception after the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors (BASCA) and others v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills case

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    In British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors (BASCA) and others v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, the High Court of Justice in matter of private copy exception provides the twofold prime opportunity to shed light on the state of the art of copyright in the UK and to flesh out the idea of 'legal hysteresis’. I support the reintroduction of the private copy exception, possibly in a less narrow fashion, and I explain the reasons why I am confident that my expectations will be fulfilled

    I Programmi Per Elaboratore EI Confini Del Diritto D'Autore: La Corte Di Giustizia Nega La Tutela a FunzionalitĂ , Linguaggio Di Programmazione E Formato Dei File Di Dati (Computer Programs and the Boundaries of Copyright: The Court of Justice Denies Protection to Functionalities, Programming Language and Formats of Data Files)

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    L’art. 1, § 2, dir. 91/250, relativa alla tutela giuridica dei programmi per elaboratore, deve essere interpretato nel senso che non costituiscono una forma di espressione di un programma per elaboratore e non sono, a tale titolo, tutelati dal diritto d’autore sui programmi per elaboratore ai sensi della predetta direttiva nĂ© la funzionalitĂ  di un programma siffatto nĂ© il linguaggio di programmazione e il formato di file di dati utilizzati nell’ambito di un tale programma per sfruttare talune delle sue funzioni. L’art. 5, § 3, dir. 91/250 deve essere interpretato nel senso che colui che ha ottenuto su licenza una copia di un programma per elaboratore puĂČ, senza l’autorizzazione del titolare del diritto d’autore, osservare, studiare o sperimentare il funzionamento di detto programma al fine di determinare le idee e i principĂź su cui si basa ogni elemento di tale programma, allorchĂ© egli effettua operazioni coperte da tale licenza nonchĂ© operazioni di caricamento e svolgimento necessarie all’utilizzazione del programma e a condizione che non leda i diritti esclusivi del titolare del diritto d’autore sul programma di cui trattasi. L’art. 2, lett. a), dir. 2001/29 sull’armonizzazione di taluni aspetti del diritto d’autore e dei diritti connessi nella societĂ  dell’informazione, deve essere interpretato nel senso che la riproduzione, in un programma per elaboratore o in un manuale d’uso di tale programma, di taluni elementi descritti nel manuale d’uso di un altro programma per elaboratore tutelato dal diritto d’autore puĂČ costituire una violazione del diritto d’autore su quest’ultimo manuale qualora – circostanza che spetta al giudice del rinvio accertare – tale riproduzione costituisca l’espressione della creazione intellettuale propria dell’autore del manuale d’uso del programma per elaboratore protetto dal diritto d’autore

    The Registration of the Birth Certificate of a Same-Sex Spouses’ Son. Same-Sex Progeny, Public International Order and Interest of the Minor in the Recent Turin Case Law

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    First paragraph: Le odierne fugaci riflessioni prendono le mosse da un decreto con cui, in data 29 Ottobre 2014, la Corte d’Appello di Torino, ribaltando la decisione di primo grado, ha imposto all’ufficiale dello stato civile di trascrivere l’atto di nascita di un bambino risultante ab origine figlio di due madri, le quali, una spagnola e una Italiana, sposatesi in Spagna nel 2009, avevano procreato in Spagna tramite un procedimento di fecondazione eterologa
