14 research outputs found

    One-year molecular survey of astrovirus infection in turkeys in Poland

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    The presence of turkey astrovirus (TAstV) was monitored in meat-type turkey flocks in Poland in 2008. Clinical samples (10 individual faecal swabs/flock) from 77 flocks aged 1-19 weeks were collected from different regions of the country. RT-PCR experiments were performed for detection and molecular characterization of TAstV using four sets of primers within the RdRp gene (ORF1b). The prevalence of astrovirus was 34/77 (44.15%) in the flocks tested. TAstV type 2 was associated with 30 of 77 infections (38.9%), either alone or in mixed infections; TAstV type 1 was detected in 9 of 77 flocks (11.6%), either alone or in mixed infections; ANV was detected only in one flock (1.29%) by sequence analysis during this study. Phylogenetic analysis revealed genetic variability in the TAstV strains that were isolated. Some of Polish TAstV-2 strains were genetically related to the North American isolates; however, most of them formed a distinct subgroup of “European” isolates, suggesting their separate origin or evolution. Additionally, due to the high variability of the TAstV sequences, the most suitable method for TAstV typing seems to be sequencing

    Survey of infectious laryngotracheitis outbreak in layer hens and differential diagnosis with other respiratory pathogens

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    Trachea, lung, and conjunctive samples from 51 commercial layer farms from Bastos region, São Paulo, Brazil, were submitted to nested-PCR and virus isolation in SPF chicken embryos for ILT diagnosis. This region experienced an outbreak characterized by respiratory signs, decrease in egg production and increased mortality. Out of the 51 tested field samples, 23 were positive for ILT by nested-PCR, 22 were positive after the virus isolation, and 24 were positive when both techniques were used. Newcastle disease virus, Avian pneumovirus, or Mycoplasma gallisepticum were not detected. Infectious bronchitis virus was detected in one farm and Mycoplasma synoviae was detected in eight farms. The high incidence of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) detection, the high correlation between the observed clinical signs and the ILTV detection, and the results of differential diagnosis demonstrated that ILTV was the causative agent of the outbreak of respiratory disease observed in Bastos region, São Paulo, Brazil

    Diagnosis of infectious bronchitis: an overview of concepts and tools

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    Infectious bronchitis (IB) casues multi-systemic infection in chickens with signs similar caused by other poultry pathogens and thus a high diagnostic accuracy can only be achieved by s series of laboratory assays. This article reviews in a brief way the traditional virus assays such as embryo innoculation, tracheal rings and virus neutralization assays for the direct detection of Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) and methods based on gene molecular biology and some assays for the detection of anti-IBV antibodies, including ELISA. A critical view on each technique is also provived by the author

    Avian infectious bronchitis virus in Brazil: a highly complex virus meets a highly susceptible host population

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    Infectious bronchitis (IB) is a highly aggressive disease for poultry in terms of symptoms and economic losses, and the control of this disease is difficult if flocks are not protected against type-specific challenges by the Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). This article summarizes data presented by the author at the Workshop on Infectious Bronchitis 2009 on IB and IBV, including future developments on the field

    Identification of turkey astrovirus and turkey coronavirus in an outbreak of Poult Enteritis and Mortality Syndrome

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    This article reports a survey on turkey astrovirus (TAstV) and turkey coronavirus (TCoV) infections with RT-PCR in 17 turkey flocks affected by acute enteritis and two apparently normal turkey flocks located in the Southeastern region of Brazil by PCR (TAstV and TCoV). Seven out of the 17 affected flocks were positive for TAstV and 14 for TCoV, with seven co-infections. In one of the two apparently normal flocks, a TAstV-TCoV co-infection was found. Although a definitive association of these agents and the signs can not be made, the implications of these findings are discussed

    Detection and molecular characterization of infectious laryngotracheitis virus in laying hens in Brazil

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    Avian Infectious Laryngotracheitis, caused by Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILTV), has been reported for decades in Brazilian laying and broiler flocks. More recently, outbreaks have occurred in São Paulo State. This study reports the application of PCR and DNA sequencing targeted to the p32 gene of ILTV using laying chicken samples from Bastos, São Paulo, Brazil. Three out of four field samples were positive by PCR. DNA sequencing of two samples evidenced homology of the amplified fragments with the p32 gene of ILTV. The results definitely confirmed the presence of ILTV in the birds during the outbreak. Further studies are needed to establish the sources of infection and to determine whether the detected virus was originated from vaccine or field virus strains

    Molecular epidemiology and evolution of avian infectious bronchitis virus

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    Mutation and recombination processes are involved in the genetic and phenotypic variations of RNA viruses, leading to the emergence of new variant strains, and give rise to virus population diversity to be modeled by the host, particularly by the immune system, as occurred with infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) in chickens. The consequence is a continuous emergence of new IBV variants with regard to pathotypes, serotypes, and protectotypes. Nucleotide sequencing and subsequent genetic analysis of the S1 and N protein gene sequences provide a fast and accurate method to classify and predict IBV genotype, and a powerful instrument to monitor phylogenetic and epidemiological evolution of IBV variants. Despite the use of vaccination programmes, infectious bronchitis has become a serious problem in Brazil. Thus, a significant number of IBV field variants have been identified circulating in the Brazilian commercial poultries between 2000 to 2006 and more recently in Argentina. These viruses seem to be indigenous, because they demonstrated a low genetic relatedness with the majority of the reference strains from North America, Europe and Asia, but were moderately to highly related one to another. In summary, indigenous field IBV variants were evolving and circulating in the field in Brazil and Argentina, and should be considered as initial candidates for protection against current IBV infectious in chickens. However, in vitro and in vivo studies are needed to determine the pathogenicity and immunogenecity of these new isolates, before defining a new vaccine strain