10 research outputs found

    Reply to Mohammad Pessarakli

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    Make Kitsch the Enemy: The “Monstrous Carbuncle” of the UK’s Vetting and Barring Scheme

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    Part 3: Design ThemesInternational audienceIn architecture, the primacy of function over form was one of the core tenets of the Bauhaus School of Design. In Information Systems, function is critical, yet so many systems fail to deliver hoped for benefits. Badly designed, acquired imitatively for their symbolic, magical power, they represent a form of kitsch. To illustrate this, we describe a major national IS initiative in the UK, the Vetting and Barring Scheme (VBS). Set up to ensure that only “suitable” adults would ever work with children and vulnerable adults, the Scheme became subject to increasing criticism for its intrusiveness and illiberality, and was suspended at the point of implementation in 2010. Here we expose the kitsch-ness of the Scheme as a meretricious imitation of the sort of diagnostic test used in medicine. We show how its inevitable dysfunctions outweighed its hypothetical benefits, which were largely magical and symbolic in nature. That the VBS attracted such little critical comment from IS scholars is significant, suggesting two biases (pro-business and pro-technology) in IS research which should be put right. We argue that kitsch can be combatted by practising design along principles akin to those of the Bauhaus. Our field can contribute to this, but our infatuation with theory, in itself a form of kitsch science, stands in the way of a closer relationship with practice

    Translocação orgânica, produtividade e rendimento de óleo essencial de Mentha piperita L. cultivada em solução nutritiva com variação dos níveis de N, P, K e Mg Organic translocation, productivity and essential oil yield of Mentha piperita L. cultivated in nutrient solution with varying N, P, K and Mg levels

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    O estudo objetivou avaliar translocação orgânica, índices fisiológicos da análise de crescimento e rendimento do óleo essencial de Mentha piperita L. cultivada em solução nutritiva com variação dos níveis de N, P, K e Mg. Assim, foram avaliados os quatro tratamentos contendo 50% N, P, K, 25% Mg; 50% N, P, K, Mg; 65%N, 50%P, 25%K, 100% Mg e 100% N, P, K, Mg. A translocação orgânica foi avaliada por meio da determinação da razão de massa foliar (RMF) e da distribuição de massa seca para os diferentes órgãos. Os índices fisiológicos razão de área foliar (RAF), área foliar específica (AFE), taxa assimilatória líquida (TAL) e taxa de crescimento relativo (TCR) derivadas que compõem a análise de crescimento foram estimados pelo programa ANACRES, após ajuste exponencial quadrático da área foliar e massa seca de lâminas foliares e total da planta em relação ao tempo. O rendimento do óleo essencial, em porcentagem, foi calculado após extração da parte aérea por hidrodestilação. As plantas submetidas ao tratamento com nível completo de nutrientes (100%N/P/K/Mg) exportaram com menor eficiência o material orgânico a partir da folha e a RMF mostrou queda mais lenta, devido à retenção desse material por mais tempo no local de sua produção. Além disso, não apresentaram melhor produtividade e as curvas da TAL e TCR mostraram quedas mais lentas. As plantas submetidas ao tratamento com 65%N/50%P/25%K/100%Mg revelaram adequada exportação de matéria orgânica da folha para caule e pecíolos, conforme demonstra a RMF e a distribuição de massa seca para esses órgãos. Revelaram ainda a RAF mais elevada no inicio do desenvolvimento e mais baixa aos 94 DAT, indicando sombreamento das folhas como resultado de seu crescimento. A AFE dessas plantas mostrou menor variação durante o ciclo, refletindo espessura mais constante de suas folhas. A TAL e a TCR apresentaram curvas decrescentes, com quedas bem acentuadas em relação às demais plantas. Todos esses índices indicam melhor produtividade das plantas submetidas ao tratamento 65%N/50%P/25%K/100%Mg, que também apresentaram rendimento de óleo essencial, em média, maior durante o ciclo. Conclui-se que a redução de 35% de N, 50% de P, 75% de K (65%N/50%P/25%K/100%Mg) é indicada para o cultivo e extração de óleo essencial de M. piperita.<br>This study aimed to evaluate organic translocation, physiologic indexes of growth analysis and essential oil yield of Mentha piperita L. cultivated in nutrient solution with varying levels of N, P, K and Mg. Thus, four treatments were evaluated: 50% N, P, K, 25% Mg; 50% N, P, K, Mg; 65% N, 50% P, 25% K, 100% Mg; and 100% N, P, K, Mg. Organic translocation was assessed through leaf mass ratio (LMR) and dry matter distribution to the different organs. The physiologic indexes leaf area ratio (LAR), specific leaf area (SLA), net assimilation rate (NAR) and relative growth rate (RGR), derived from growth analysis, were estimated using the software ANACRES, following the quadratic exponential fitting of leaf area and dry mass of leaves and total plant, relative to time. Essential oil yield was calculated as percentage after extraction from shoot using hydrodistillation. Plants subjected to the treatment with complete level of nutrients (100%N/P/K/Mg) less efficiently exported organic material from the leaf and LMR showed slower decrease due to the longer retention of such material in its production site. Besides, those plants did not present higher productivity and NAR and RGR curves showed slower decrease. Plants subjected to the treatment with 65%N/50%P/25%K/100%Mg had adequate organic matter exportation from the leaves to the stem and petioles, as demonstrated by LMR and dry matter distribution to these organs. Also in these plants, LAR was higher at the initial development and lower at 94 DAT, indicating leaf shading as a result of growth, and SLA showed less variation during the cycle, reflecting more homogeneous leaf thickness. NAR and RGR had decreasing curves, with marked falls relative to the remaining plants. All these indexes indicate higher productivity of plants subjected to the treatment with 65%N/50%P/25%K/100%Mg, which also had higher essential oil yield, on average, during the cycle. In conclusion, 35% reduction for N, 50% for P, 75% for K (65%N/50%P/25%K/100%Mg) is recommended for cultivation and essential oil extraction of M. piperita