23,497 research outputs found

    High-fidelity readout of trapped-ion qubits

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    We demonstrate single-shot qubit readout with fidelity sufficient for fault-tolerant quantum computation, for two types of qubit stored in single trapped calcium ions. For an optical qubit stored in the (4S_1/2, 3D_5/2) levels of 40Ca+ we achieve 99.991(1)% average readout fidelity in one million trials, using time-resolved photon counting. An adaptive measurement technique allows 99.99% fidelity to be reached in 145us average detection time. For a hyperfine qubit stored in the long-lived 4S_1/2 (F=3, F=4) sub-levels of 43Ca+ we propose and implement a simple and robust optical pumping scheme to transfer the hyperfine qubit to the optical qubit, capable of a theoretical fidelity 99.95% in 10us. Experimentally we achieve 99.77(3)% net readout fidelity, inferring at least 99.87(4)% fidelity for the transfer operation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; improved readout fidelity (numerical results changed

    Scalable simultaneous multi-qubit readout with 99.99% single-shot fidelity

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    We describe single-shot readout of a trapped-ion multi-qubit register using space and time-resolved camera detection. For a single qubit we measure 0.9(3)x10^{-4} readout error in 400us exposure time, limited by the qubit's decay lifetime. For a four-qubit register (a "qunybble") we measure an additional error of only 0.1(1)x10^{-4} per qubit, despite the presence of 4% optical cross-talk between neighbouring qubits. A study of the cross-talk indicates that the method would scale with negligible loss of fidelity to ~10000 qubits at a density <~1 qubit/um^2, with a readout time ~1us/qubit.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; simulations added to fig.3, with some further text and figure revisions. Main results unchanged

    A framework for the construction of generative models for mesoscale structure in multilayer networks

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    Multilayer networks allow one to represent diverse and coupled connectivity patterns—such as time-dependence, multiple subsystems, or both—that arise in many applications and which are difficult or awkward to incorporate into standard network representations. In the study of multilayer networks, it is important to investigate mesoscale (i.e., intermediate-scale) structures, such as dense sets of nodes known as communities, to discover network features that are not apparent at the microscale or the macroscale. The ill-defined nature of mesoscale structure and its ubiquity in empirical networks make it crucial to develop generative models that can produce the features that one encounters in empirical networks. Key purposes of such models include generating synthetic networks with empirical properties of interest, benchmarking mesoscale-detection methods and algorithms, and inferring structure in empirical multilayer networks. In this paper, we introduce a framework for the construction of generative models for mesoscale structures in multilayer networks. Our framework provides a standardized set of generative models, together with an associated set of principles from which they are derived, for studies of mesoscale structures in multilayer networks. It unifies and generalizes many existing models for mesoscale structures in fully ordered (e.g., temporal) and unordered (e.g., multiplex) multilayer networks. One can also use it to construct generative models for mesoscale structures in partially ordered multilayer networks (e.g., networks that are both temporal and multiplex). Our framework has the ability to produce many features of empirical multilayer networks, and it explicitly incorporates a user-specified dependency structure between layers. We discuss the parameters and properties of our framework, and we illustrate examples of its use with benchmark models for community-detection methods and algorithms in multilayer networks

    Voracité comparative de trois coccinelles prédatrices contre le tétranyque rouge du pommier [Acarina : Tetranychidae]

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    La voracité de la coccinelle à sept points, Coccinella septempunctata, de la coccinelle à quatorze points, Propylea quatuordecimpunctata, et de la coccinelle orientale, Harmonia axyridis, [Coleoptera : Coccinellidae] a été évaluée en laboratoire face au tétranyque rouge du pommier, Panonychus ulmi [Acarina : Tetranychidae]. Les trois espèces ont consommé le tétranyque rouge. H. axyridis était significativement plus vorace que les autres espèces et présente le potentiel le plus élevé comme ennemi naturel du tétranyque. Malgré sa grande taille, C. septempunctata possédait une voracité très faible, ce qui confirme son inefficacité comme agent de lutte face aux acariens phytophages.Voracity of the seven-spotted ladybeetle, Coccinella septempunctata, the fourteen-spotted ladybeetle, Propylea quatuordecimpunctata, and the oriental ladybeetle, Harmonia axyridis [Coleoptera : Coccinellidae], was evaluated in laboratory on the European red mite, Panonychus ulmi [Acarina : Tetranychidae]. The three species fed on the European red mite. H. axyridis was significantly more voracious than the other species and has the greater potential as a natural enemy of the mite. Despite its large size, C. septempunctata showed a very low voracity, confirming its inefficacy as a biological control agent against phytophagous mites

    Emergence of long-range order in BaTiO3 from local symmetry-breaking distortions

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    By using a symmetry motivated basis to evaluate local distortions against pair distribution function data (PDF), we show without prior bias, that the off-centre Ti displacements in the archetypal ferroelectric BaTiO3 are zone centred and rhombohedral-like in nature across its known ferroelectric and paraelectric phases. With our newly-gained insight we construct a simple Monte Carlo (MC) model which captures our main experimental findings and demonstrate how the rich crystallographic phase diagram of BaTiO3 emerges from correlations of local symmetry-breaking distortions alone. Our results strongly support the order-disorder picture for these phase transitions, but can also be reconciled with the soft-mode theory of BaTiO3 that is supported by some spectroscopic techniques.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    A simple interpretation of quantum mirages

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    In an interesting new experiment the electronic structure of a magnetic atom adsorbed on the surface of Cu(111), observed by STM, was projected into a remote location on the same surface. The purpose of the present paper is to interpret this experiment with a model Hamiltonian, using ellipses of the size of the experimental ones, containing about 2300 atoms. The charge distribution for the different wavefunctions is analyzed, in particular, for those with energy close to the Fermi energy of copper Ef. Some of them show two symmetric maxima located on the principal axis of the ellipse but not necessarily at the foci. If a Co atom is adsorbed at the site where the wavefunction with energy EFE_F has a maximum and the interaction is small, the main effect of the adsorbed atom will be to split this particular wavefunction in two. The total charge density will remain the same but the local density of states will present a dip at Ef at any site where the charge density is large enough. We relate the presence of this dip to the observation of quantum mirages. Our interpretation suggests that other sites, apart from the foci of the ellipses, can be used for projecting atomic images and also indicates the conditions for other non magnetic adsorbates to produce mirages.Comment: 3 pages, 3 Fig
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