39 research outputs found

    Economic burden of illness of acute coronary syndromes: medical and productivity costs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The significant economic burden associated with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) provides a need to evaluate both medical costs and productivity costs, according to evolving guideline-driven ACS treatment strategies, medical management (MM), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Commercially insured individuals, aged 18-64, with an emergency room (ER) visit or hospitalization accompanied by an ACS diagnosis (index event) were identified from a large claims database between 01/2004 and 12/2005 with a 1-year follow-up period. Patients who had an ACS diagnosis in the 12 months prior to their index event were excluded. Patients were divided into 3 groups according to treatment strategies during the index event: MM, PCI, or CABG. A subset of patients was identified for the productivity cost analysis exploring short-term disability and absenteeism costs. Multivariate generalized linear models were performed to examine the ACS costs by 3 different treatment strategies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 10,487 patients were identified for the medical cost analysis. The total 1-year medical costs (index event costs plus the 1-year follow-up costs) were lowest for MM patients (34,087),followedbyPCIpatients(34,087), followed by PCI patients (52,673) and CABG patients (86,914).Ofthe3,080patientsintheproductivitycostsanalysis,2,454patientswereidentifiedintheshortāˆ’termdisabilitycohortand626patientswereidentifiedintheabsenteeismcohort.Boththeestimatedmeantotal1āˆ’yearshortāˆ’termdisabilityandabsenteeismcostswerehighestforCABGpatients(86,914). Of the 3,080 patients in the productivity costs analysis, 2,454 patients were identified in the short-term disability cohort and 626 patients were identified in the absenteeism cohort. Both the estimated mean total 1-year short-term disability and absenteeism costs were highest for CABG patients (17,335, 14,960,respectively)comparedtoMMpatients(14,960, respectively) compared to MM patients (6,048, 9,826,respectively)andPCIpatients(9,826, respectively) and PCI patients (9,221, $9,460, respectively).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Both total 1-year medical costs and 1-year productivity costs are substantial for working-aged individuals with ACS. These costs differ according to the type of treatment strategy, with CABG having higher costs compared to either PCI or MM.</p

    The HIV-1 transmission bottleneck

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    The HIV-1 transmission bottleneck

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    It is well established that most new systemic infections of HIV-1 can be traced back to one or a limited number of founder viruses. Usually, these founders are more closely related to minor HIV-1 populations in the blood of the presumed donor than to more abundant lineages. This has led to the widely accepted idea that transmission selects for viral characteristics that facilitate crossing the mucosal barrier of the recipientā€™s genital tract, although the specific selective forces or advantages are not completely defined. However, there are other steps along the way to becoming a founder virus at which selection may occur. These steps include the transition from the donorā€™s general circulation to the genital tract compartment, survival within the transmission fluid, and establishment of a nascent stable local infection in the recipientā€™s genital tract. Finally, there is the possibility that important narrowing events may also occur during establishment of systemic infection. This is suggested by the surprising observation that the number of founder viruses detected after transmission in intravenous drug users is also limited. Although some of these steps may be heavily selective, others may result mostly in a stochastic narrowing of the available founder pool. Collectively, they shape the initial infection in each recipient