2,645 research outputs found

    Axial Anomaly from the BPHZ regularized BV master equation

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    A BPHZ renormalized form for the master equation of the field antifiled (or BV) quantization has recently been proposed by De Jonghe, Paris and Troost. This framework was shown to be very powerful in calculating gauge anomalies. We show here that this equation can also be applied in order to calculate a global anomaly (anomalous divergence of a classically conserved Noether current), considering the case of QED. This way, the fundamental result about the anomalous contribution to the Axial Ward identity in standard QED (where there is no gauge anomaly) is reproduced in this BPHZ regularized BV framework.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, minor changes in the reference

    Geometric representation of interval exchange maps over algebraic number fields

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    We consider the restriction of interval exchange transformations to algebraic number fields, which leads to maps on lattices. We characterize renormalizability arithmetically, and study its relationships with a geometrical quantity that we call the drift vector. We exhibit some examples of renormalizable interval exchange maps with zero and non-zero drift vector, and carry out some investigations of their properties. In particular, we look for evidence of the finite decomposition property: each lattice is the union of finitely many orbits.Comment: 34 pages, 8 postscript figure

    Gauge dependence of effective action and renormalization group functions in effective gauge theories

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    The Caswell-Wilczek analysis on the gauge dependence of the effective action and the renormalization group functions in Yang-Mills theories is generalized to generic, possibly power counting non renormalizable gauge theories. It is shown that the physical coupling constants of the classical theory can be redefined by gauge parameter dependent contributions of higher orders in â„Ź\hbar in such a way that the effective action depends trivially on the gauge parameters, while suitably defined physical beta functions do not depend on those parameters.Comment: 13 pages Latex file, additional comments in section

    Higher-order non-symmetric counterterms in pure Yang-Mills theory

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    We analyze the restoration of the Slavnov-Taylor (ST) identities for pure massless Yang-Mills theory in the Landau gauge within the BPHZL renormalization scheme with IR regulator. We obtain the most general form of the action-like part of the symmetric regularized action, obeying the relevant ST identities and all other relevant symmetries of the model, to all orders in the loop expansion. We also give a cohomological characterization of the fulfillment of BPHZL IR power-counting criterion, guaranteeing the existence of the limit where the IR regulator goes to zero. The technique analyzed in this paper is needed in the study of the restoration of the ST identities for those models, like the MSSM, where massless particles are present and no invariant regularization scheme is known to preserve the full set of ST identities of the theory.Comment: Final version published in the journa

    Hyperbolic outer billiards : a first example

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    We present the first example of a hyperbolic outer billiard. More precisely we construct a one parameter family of examples which in some sense correspond to the Bunimovich billiards.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Nonlinearit

    Stickiness in Hamiltonian systems: from sharply divided to hierarchical phase space

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    We investigate the dynamics of chaotic trajectories in simple yet physically important Hamiltonian systems with non-hierarchical borders between regular and chaotic regions with positive measures. We show that the stickiness to the border of the regular regions in systems with such a sharply divided phase space occurs through one-parameter families of marginally unstable periodic orbits and is characterized by an exponent \gamma= 2 for the asymptotic power-law decay of the distribution of recurrence times. Generic perturbations lead to systems with hierarchical phase space, where the stickiness is apparently enhanced due to the presence of infinitely many regular islands and Cantori. In this case, we show that the distribution of recurrence times can be composed of a sum of exponentials or a sum of power-laws, depending on the relative contribution of the primary and secondary structures of the hierarchy. Numerical verification of our main results are provided for area-preserving maps, mushroom billiards, and the newly defined magnetic mushroom billiards.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. E. A PDF version with higher resolution figures is available at http://www.pks.mpg.de/~edugal

    The Impact of COVID-19 on Smoking Cessation Motivation and Lung Cancer Screening in Quitline Clients

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    Gauge Consistent Wilson Renormalization Group I: Abelian Case

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    A version of the Wilson Renormalization Group Equation consistent with gauge symmetry is presented. A perturbative renormalizability proof is established. A wilsonian derivation of the Callan-Symanzik equation is given.Comment: Latex2e, 39 pages, 3 eps figures. Revised version to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phy

    Case reports describing treatments in the emergency medicine literature: missing and misleading information

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    Abstract Background Although randomized trials and systematic reviews provide the "best evidence" for guiding medical practice, many emergency medicine journals still publish case reports (CRs). The quality of the reporting in these publications has not been assessed. Objectives In this study we sought to determine the proportion of treatment-related case reports that adequately reported information about the patient, disease, interventions, co-interventions, outcomes and other critical information. Methods We identified CRs published in 4 emergency medicine journals in 2000–2005 and categorized them according to their purpose (disease description, overdose or adverse drug reactioin, diagnostic test or treatment effect). Treatment-related CRs were reviewed for the presence or absence of 11 reporting elements. Results All told, 1,316 CRs were identified; of these, 85 (6.5%; 95CI = 66, 84) were about medical or surgical treatments. Most contained adequate descriptions of the patient (99%; 95CI = 95, 100), the stage and severity of the patient's disease (88%; 95CI = 79, 93), the intervention (80%; 95CI = 70, 87) and the outcomes of treatment (90%; 95CI = 82, 95). Fewer CRs reported the patient's co-morbidities (45%; 95CI = 35, 56), concurrent medications (30%; 95CI = 21, 40) or co-interventions (57%; 95CI = 46, 67) or mentioned any possible treatment side-effects (33%; 95CI = 24, 44). Only 37% (95CI = 19, 38) discussed alternative explanations for favorable outcomes. Generalizability of treatment effects to other patients was mentioned in only 29% (95CI = 20, 39). Just 2 CRs (2.3%; 95CI = 1, 8) reported a 'denominator" (number of patients subjected to the same intervention, whether or not successful. Conclusion Treatment-related CRs in emergency medicine journals often omit critical details about treatments, co-interventions, outcomes, generalizability, causality and denominators. As a result, the information may be misleading to providers, and the clinical applications may be detrimental to patient care.</p

    Dynamical Breakdown of Symmetry in a (2+1) Dimensional Model Containing the Chern-Simons Field

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    We study the vacuum stability of a model of massless scalar and fermionic fields minimally coupled to a Chern-Simons field. The classical Lagrangian only involves dimensionless parameters, and the model can be thought as a (2+1) dimensional analog of the Coleman-Weinberg model. By calculating the effective potential, we show that dynamical symmetry breakdown occurs in the two-loop approximation. The vacuum becomes asymmetric and mass generation, for the boson and fermion fields takes place. Renormalization group arguments are used to clarify some aspects of the solution.Comment: Minor modifications in the text and figure
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