29 research outputs found

    Quantification of the reduction of voluntary feed intake in pigs observed in pigs with different sanitary challenges

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    Quantification of the reduction of voluntary feed intake in pigs observed in pigs with different sanitary challenge

    Utilização do triticale e de enzimas em dietas para suínos: digestibilidade e metabolismo Utilization of triticale and of enzymes in pig diets: digestibility and metabolism

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    Avaliou-se o efeito da inclusão de níveis de triticale sobre o valor nutritivo de dietas para suínos com ou sem enzimas. Foram utilizados 24 suínos machos, castrados, com peso inicial de 59kg, alojados em gaiolas metabólicas. O delineamento foi de blocos ao acaso em arranjo fatorial 3 x 2 (níveis de triticale, 0, 30 e 60%, com ou sem enzimas), com quatro repetições cada. A inclusão de triticale na dieta em até 60% e a adição de enzimas não influenciou (P>0,05) a digestibilidade da matéria seca, fósforo, energia bruta, metabolização da energia, energia digestível e metabolizável e o balanço do N. Os valores médios de energia digestível e metabolizável foram de 3.537 e 3.435kcal. Houve interação triticale x enzimas na proteína digestível aparente (PDa) (PThe effect of triticale levels with or without enzyme supplementation on nutritive value of pig’s diet was evaluated using twenty four barrows weighting 59kg, housed in metabolic crates. A complete randomized experimental block design in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement (triticale levels -0, 30 e 60% with or without enzymes) with four replicates each was utilized. No effects of triticale levels and enzymes supplementation (P>0.05) were observed on dry matter digestibility, phosphorus, crude energy, metabolization of energy, digestible and metabolizable energy and nitrogen balance. The average values of digestible and metabolizable energy were 3,537 e 3,435kcal. An interaction triticale x enzymes effect on apparent digestible protein (DPa) (P<0.01) was observed. Apparent digestible protein for 60% triticale diets without enzymes supplementation was 6% lower than control diet while DPa of 30 and 60% triticale diets with enzymes supplementation were similar to DPa of the control diet and 5% higher than 60% triticale diets without enzyme supplementation. The inclusion of 60% triticale in pig diets reduces the DPa. Enzymes supplementation improves the DPa for diets containing 30 and 60% of triticale

    Quantification of the reduction in voluntary feed intake and growth after a digestive challenge in post-weaned piglets

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    Quantification of the reduction in voluntary feed intake and growth after a digestive challenge in post-weaned piglet