2,814 research outputs found

    Making museums attractions to tourists: serious leisure, meaningfulness and emotions as drivers to engagement

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    The aim of this study is to explore the relationships among the concepts of serous leisure, meaningfulness, emotions, word-of-mouth and passionate desire, as antecedents and outcomes of engagement with museums. The proposed model is tested with a sample of 461 visitors (from Portugal and abroad) in a culturally specific setting of Lisbon museums (where improvements and innovations were implemented). The findings contribute to a better understanding of visitors’ perceptions about museums acting as tourist attractions. Several implications can be pointed out from the study findings, and interesting directions for future research are provided.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relationship marketing on social software platforms

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    Relationship marketing strategies are typically designed to gather information in order to help firms to identify and retain customers or guests. Firms organize relationship marketing programmes, described as ‘the ongoing process of engaging in cooperative and collaborative activities and programmes with immediate and end-user customers to create or enhance mutual economic value at reduced cost’ (Parvatiyar and Sheth 2000: p. 9). Examples of programmes include: (1) loyalty card programmes, (2) company credit cards, (3) opting in for personalized offers delivered via mailing and (4) via e-mail lists, and (5) rebate offers (Noble and Phillips 2004).info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Tourists’ lifestyle and foodservice tendencies in social media

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    This chapter reviews the literature on gastronomy tourism and provides an overview of the most important characteristic features of the fieldwork methodology. It examines the influence of lifestyle changes and the effect that Web 2.0 had on gastronomic tourism. Although literature proposes a link between tourism and gastronomy, there is a need to deepen the understanding of the perspective and opinion of tourists as end users of activities related to culinary tourism. Tourists want to have new food experiences, local food, and traditions, but, they need to know what is healthy or less healthy. The foodservice market has been suffering a strong impact from Asian food. All over the world, international tourism flows and receipts have been consolidating their growing tendencies, becoming a major category of international trade in services and therefore providing a high relevance in stimulating economic growth. Taking into account the market transformations, foodservice market has adopted a more social responsibility and accountability in their daily procedures.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    How customer experience attributes influence customer satisfaction and online bank credibility

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    WOS:000427297600065 (Nº de Acesso Web of Science)The banking sector has been focused its attention towards attracting Generation Upsilon since they have consolidated as a huge force with powerful spending power which will unavoidably rival with Baby Boomers' market dominance. Thus, this article analyses customer experience of Generation Upsilon and its effect on customer satisfaction and bank credibility. Empirical evidence, based on primary data from an online survey (550 questionnaires were spread over a two-month period in 2016 but only 205 were usable and completed) reveal that the customer experience attributes (mainly executional excellence and reputation) have a positive relationship on credibility and satisfaction. In addition, "Value for money", "Getting things right the first time" and "Put the consumer first" emerge as the most importance attributes for Generation Upsilon in experiencing the bank

    Engaging tourists with museums in the destination Lisbon

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the relationships among the concepts of serious leisure and museum prestige on engagement with museums, pleasant emotions, memory, and word-of-mouth among Lisbon tourists. Findings reveal that reflective motivations are one important driver of engagement. Be engaged with museums lead to create positive emotions and memories, which, in turn, contribute to the willingness to communicate and recommend the Lisbon museums to others.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tourism in São Tomé and Principe: the forgotten pearl

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    São Tomé and Príncipe is a small African country, which has been facing several vulnerabilities and constraints that have been limiting its development process since its independence. Hence, it is vital to improve alternative ways of development, in order to overcome this disadvantage. This article analyses São Tomé and Príncipe tourism destination competitiveness based on 27 interviews conducted in São Tomé and Príncipe. The conclusions show that the main qualify determinants are: the natural resources, the unique landscape, the cocoa and coffee plantations, the friendly locals and the peace and safety. But, on the other hand, this country reveals a competitive weakness, mainly due to the lack of infrastructures, technical training for hospitality and tourism, coordination among ministries, inter-relationship among public, private and non-profit organizations, as well as external marketing communication

    New-age elderly in Germany - how to live better with healthy experiences

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    This study aims to analyze which potential attributes of anti-ageing experiences (goods, services, and experiences) will tend to be associated with subjective happiness; how cognitive age is associated with mindfulness and the influence of mindfulness on subjective happiness. Senior universities were contacted and approached by the research team to conduct the study. The goals of this study were explained to the managers of the senior universities and the survey collected among the people who participate in the activities and are enrolled in the senior universities. To analyze this theme over two hundred (250) questionnaires were distributed during January 2016 in Hamburg. The findings reveal that (i) mindfulness tend to have a positive effect on subjective happiness among elderly consumers, (ii) cognitive age and chronological age are not overlapped and (iii) the way elderly consumers perceive the anti-aging products and experiences may be correlated with subjective happiness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Social partner characteristics as facilitatores of the wine co-creation experiences

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    This study explores a dyadic perspective of wine producers and distributors using conducting and analysing 44 in-depth interviews among members of top managers of wine producers and wine distributors. They represented 22 companies and 11 exchange relationships. Data gathered by the interviews were processed through the application of specialized software (WEBQDA) to develop the content analysis based on the Grounded Theory. Findings identify Personal Social Capabilities and Organizational Social Capabilities as new constructs of Partner Characteristics, employed to describe the Relationship Quality (RQ) between two important players of the market. The main findings highlight Personal and Organizational Social Characteristics as core elements to develop an interactive relationship quality among stakeholders.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio


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    Agricultural cooperatives have been restructuring, by way of mergers, acquisitions, joint-ventures, and strategic alliances, to increase efficiencies to remain competitive in a changing business environment. The research evaluating the reorganization of cooperatives has revealed that less than one-half of the restructured businesses are financially successful. There is the potential to significantly influence the future health of the cooperative business sector if, first, insights can be gained concerning the factors being considered by cooperative managers when making restructuring decisions and, second, extension education programs can be adapted to meet the greatest need. In this study we examine: (a) what methods of valuation cooperatives are using when evaluating new business opportunities, and (b) what factors influence the methods of valuation preferred by cooperatives when evaluating new business opportunities.capital budgeting methods, cooperatives, finance, restructuring, Agribusiness,

    Exploring drivers of psychology well-being at music festivals

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    The aim of the current study is to analyze tourist engagement with music festivals and their psychological well-being is achieved through surprise consumption, positive affect, arousal delight and satisfaction. A sample of 394 usable questionnaires allow us to understand that surprising consumption, arousal, positive affect and satisfaction are very important drivers to engage visitors to music festivals. Engaged tourists are more willing to reach a positive psychological well-being.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio