202 research outputs found

    Survival Rate of Zygomatic Implants for Fixed Oral Maxillary Rehabilitations: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Comparing Outcomes between Zygomatic and Regular Implants

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    Background: Zygomatic implants have been proposed alone or in combination with premaxillary conventional implants for severe resorbed maxillary atrophy rehabilitation. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate through a qualitative systematic review and metaanalysis the survival rate of zygomatic implants in conjunction with regular fixtures for maxillary rehabilitation. Methods: The article screening was conducted on the PubMed/Medline and EMBASE electronic databases according to the “Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses” (PRISMA) guidelines. The scientific papers were included for qualitative analysis and risk-of-bias evaluation. Only the papers that included rehabilitation with zygomatic implants in combination with regular implants were considered for the meta-analysis comparative evaluation of the implant survival rate. Results: The paper search screened a total of 137 papers. After the initial screening, a total of 32 articles were considered for the qualitative analysis. There was a similar implant survival rate between zygomatic and premaxilla regular implants (p = 0.02; Z: 2.26). Conclusions: Zygomatic and conventional implants showed a high long-term survival rate for fixed maxillary rehabilitations, but few included studies reported the marginal bone loss after loading. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the pattern of marginal bone loss between zygomatic and conventional implants after long-term functional loading

    Protective Face Masks: Effect on the Oxygenation and Heart Rate Status of Oral Surgeons during Surgery

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    Background: Safety in medical work requires eye protection, such as glasses, and protective facial masks (PFM) during clinical practice to prevent viral respiratory infections. The use of facial masks and other full personal protective equipment increases air flow resistance, facial skin temperature and physical discomfort. The aim of the present study was to measure surgeons’ oxygenation status and discomfort before and after their daily routine activities of oral interventions. Methods: 10 male voluntary dentists, specializing in oral surgery, and 10 male voluntary doctors in dentistry, participating in master’s courses in oral surgery in the Department of Oral Surgery of the University of Chieti, with mean age 29 ± 6 (27–35), were enrolled. This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of wearing a PFM on oxygenation status while the oral surgeons were actively working. Disposable sterile one-way surgical paper masks (Surgical Face Mask, Euronda, Italy) and FFP2 (Surgical Face Mask, Euronda, Italy) were used and the mask position covering the nose did not vary during the procedures. The FFP2 was covered by a surgical mask during surgical treatment. A pulse oximeter was used to measure the blood oximetry saturation during the study. Results: In all 20 surgeons wearing FFP2 covered by surgical masks, a reduction in arterial O2 saturation from around 97.5% before surgery to 94% after surgery was recorded with increase of heart rates. A shortness of breath and light-headedness/headaches were also noted. Conclusions: In conclusion, wearing an FFP2 covered by a surgical mask induces a reduction in circulating O2 concentrations without clinical relevance, while an increase of heart frequency and a sensation of shortness of breath, light-headedness/headaches were recorded

    Hyaluronic Acid Fillers Enriched with Glycine and Proline in Eyebrow Augmentation Procedure

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    Background: The eyebrow area is a clinically critical district due to the anatomical complexity and the propensity to aging-related atrophy. Hyaluronic acid fillers have been proposed to recover the dermal volume of the facial and lips regions. Aim: The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate hyaluronic acid fillers enriched with glycine and proline for the treatment of eyebrow augmentation. Methods: A total of 15 healthy patients were treated with eyebrow augmentation procedure. The distance between mid-bipupil to lateral eyebrow and mid-eyebrow to the medial eyebrow was measured before, immediately after treatment and at follow-up of 6 months. Results: The healing period was uneventful, and no evidence of inflammation or swelling associated with the treatment was reported. No macroscopical alteration was reported in the surrounding tissues with no evidences of visible wheals or lumps in the treated sites at the follow-up. Before treatment, the angle was equal to 9.32 ± 0.2°, while after treatment it was 11.21 ± 0.4° (p < 0.01); after three and 6 weeks, it was, respectively, 10.66 ± 0.2° (p<0.05) and 10.02 ± 0.3°(p > 0.05). Conclusions: The study results suggest that the hyaluronic acid fillers enriched with glycine and proline treatment resulted as being a useful procedure for augmentation, contour and volume definition and elevation of the eyebrow region with a high-level aesthetic result

    Ultrasonic vs Drill Implant Site Preparation: Post-Operative Pain Measurement Through VAS, Swelling and Crestal Bone Remodeling: A Randomized Clinical Study.

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    Background: Piezosurgery is a surgical procedure that is able to perform osteotomies by a micrometric and selective cut of the bone tissue. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate two different techniques; an ultrasonic device, and a drill approach for implant site preparation. Methods: A total of fifty patients were recruited for the randomized clinical trial to receive dental implants for fixed prosthetic restoration in the posterior mandible and were allotted to two groups. In Group A the implant site was prepared following a drilling technique, while in Group B the implant site was prepared using an ultrasonic device; moreover, the operative duration was recorded. Postoperative pain and swelling were evaluated at 1, 2, 4, and 6 days. The crestal bone resorption was measured at 3 months from implant placement by a three-dimensional tomography evaluation. Results: The findings suggest that osteotomies performed by an ultrasonic device cause less pain and swelling. On the other hand, the piezoelectric preparation was characterized by a significative increase in the operative time. No statistical differences in crestal bone resorption were evident in the two different approaches. Conclusions: According to the outcome of the study, ultrasonic implant bed preparation can be used with success in implantology and could be considered a suitable alternative to traditional drilling techniques for dental fixture placement

    Microbiota of the Tongue and Systemic Connections: The Examination of the Tongue as an Integrated Approach in Oral Medicine

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    The tongue is able to quickly reflect the state of health or disease of the human body. Tongue inspection is an important diagnostic approach. It is a unique method that allows to explore the pathogenesis of diseases based on the guiding principles of the holistic concept that involves the observation of changes in the lining of the tongue in order to understand the physiological functions and pathological changes of the body. It is a potential method of screening and early detection of cancer. However, the subjective inspection of the tongue has a low reliability index, and therefore computerized systems of acquisition of diagnostic bioinformation have been developed to analyze the lining of the tongue. Next-generation sequencing technology is used to determine the V2–V4 hypervariable regions of 16S rRNA to study the microbiota. A lot of neoplasms are identified only at an advanced phase, while in the early stages, many subjects remain in an asymptomatic form. On the contrary, the early diagnosis is able to increase the prognosis of cancer and improve the survival rates of subjects. Evidently, it is necessary to develop new strategies in oral medicine for the early diagnosis of diseases, and the diagnosis of the tongue as a minimally invasive method is certainly one of them

    Static Crow’s Feet Treated with Voltaic Arc Dermabrasion (Atmospheric Plasma): Post-Operative Pain Assessment by Thermal Infrared Imaging

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    Background: In the literature, several strategies have been described for the treatment of unaesthetic marks on the face resulting from the aging processes. The atmospheric plasma procedure is a non-invasive, inexpensive technique proposed for the rejuvenation of facial tissues. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of voltaic arc dermabrasion (VAD) for the treatment of static crow’s feet of the periorbital area. Methods: The crow’s feet of 135 patients (127 female and 8 male) were treated using the VAD technique. The perioperative skin temperature measurement was assessed using an Infrared Temperature sensor. The pain was measured using the Visual Analogic Score (VAS) at 1 week, 1 month and 1 year. The patient’s and surgeon’s satisfaction were assessed using the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (GAIS) at 1 month and 1 year from the procedure. The severity of the crow’s feet was rated using the Crow’s Feet Grading Scale (CFGS). Results: A complete epidermal healing of all the subjects treated was evident at 7 days. The atmospheric plasma technique showed an efficient treatment for the removal of the crow’s feet, with a good aesthetic outcome, high surgeon and patient satisfaction, without clinical complications. Conclusions: The atmospheric plasma technique can be a useful modality in the cosmetic as well as therapeutic treatment of crow’s feet

    Synthetic Scaffold/Dental Pulp Stem Cell (DPSC) Tissue Engineering Constructs for Bone Defect Treatment: An Animal Studies Literature Review

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    Background: Recently a greater interest in tissue engineering for the treatment of large bone defect has been reported. The aim of the present systematic review and meta-analysis was to investigate the effectiveness of dental pulp stem cells and synthetic block complexes for bone defect treatment in preclinical in vivo articles. Methods: The electronic database and manual search was conducted on Pubmed, Scopus, and EMBASE. The papers identified were submitted for risk-of-bias assessment and classified according to new bone formation, bone graft characteristics, dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) culture passages and amount of experimental data. The meta-analysis assessment was conducted to assess new bone formation in test sites with DPSCs/synthetic blocks vs. synthetic block alone. Results: The database search identified a total of 348 papers. After the initial screening, 30 studies were included, according to the different animal models: 19 papers on rats, 3 articles on rabbits, 2 manuscripts on sheep and 4 papers on swine. The meta-analysis evaluation showed a significantly increase in new bone formation in favor of DPSCs/synthetic scaffold complexes, if compared to the control at 4 weeks (Mean Diff: 17.09%, 95% CI: 15.16–18.91%, p < 0.01) and at 8 weeks (Mean Diff: 14.86%, 95% CI: 1.82–27.91%, p < 0.01) in rats calvaria bone defects. Conclusion: The synthetic scaffolds in association of DPSCs used for the treatment of bone defects showed encouraging results of early new bone formation in preclinical animal studies and could represent a useful resource for regenerative bone augmentation procedure

    Role of Autologous Platelet Gel (APG) in Bone Healing: A Rabbit Study

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    Purpose: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the influence and efficacy of autologous platelets on bone regeneration in a rabbit defects model. Materials and Methods: A total of 12 critical size tibial defects were produced in six New Zealand rabbits: A total of six defects were filled with autologous platelet gel (APG) and six defects were maintained as untreated controls. No membranes were used to cover the bone osteotomies. The histology and histomorphometry were performed at four weeks on retrieved samples of both groups. Results: No complications were reported in any of the animals nor for the defects produced. A significantly higher lamellar and woven bone percentage was reported for the APG group with a lower level of marrow spaces (p < 0.05). Evidence of newly formed bone was found in the superficial portion of the bone defect of APG samples where no aspects of bone resorption were observed. Conclusions: The evidence of the present research revealed that APG increases new bone formation restricted to the cortical portion and induces more rapid healing in rabbit bone defects than in untreated defects

    Bone Regeneration in Iliac Crestal Defects: An Experimental Study on Sheep

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    Background. Oral rehabilitation of partially fully edentulous patients with dental implants has become a routine procedure in clinical practice. In a site with a lack of bone GBR is a surgical procedure that provides an augmentation in terms of volume for the insertion of dental implants. Materials and Methods. In the iliac crest of six sheep 4 defects were created where an implant was inserted, three of them with different biomaterials and a control site. All animals were sacrificed after a 4-month healing period. All specimens were processed and analyzed with histomorphometry. Statistical evaluation was done to evaluate percentage of bone defect filled by new bone. Results. All experimental groups showed an increase of the new bone. Higher and highly statistically significant differences were found in the percentages of bone defect filled by new bone in group filled with corticocancellous 250–1000 microns particulate porcine bone mix. Conclusions. This study demonstrates that particulate porcine bone mix and porcine corticocancellous collagenate prehydrated bone mix when used as scaffold are able to induce bone regeneration. Moreover, these data suggest that these biomaterials have higher biocompatibility and are capable of inducing faster and greater bone formation

    Botulinum Neurotoxins (BoNTs) and Their Biological, Pharmacological, and Toxicological Issues: A Scoping Review

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    Botulinum toxins or neurotoxins (BoNTs) are the most potent neurotoxins known, and are currently extensively studied, not only for their potential lethality, but also for their possible therapeutic and cosmetic uses. Currently, seven types of antigenically distinct toxins are known and characterized, produced by a rod‐shaped bacterium, Clostridium botulinum. Human poisoning by botulism (presenting with severe neuromuscular paralytic disease) is usually caused by toxins A, B, E, and F type. Poisoning from contaminated food preparations is the most common cause of noniatrogenic botulism. The spores are highly resistant to heat but are easily destroyed at 80 °C for thirty minutes. Type A and B toxins are resistant to digestion by the enzymes of the gastrointestinal system. After their entry, BoNTs irreversibly bind to cholinergic nerve endings and block the release of acetylcholine from the synapses. In contrast, in wound botulism, the neurotoxin is instead product by the growth of C.botulium in infected tissues. The contamination by BoNT inhalation does not occur by a natural route but it is certainly the most dangerous. It can be caused by the dispersion of the botulinum toxin in the atmosphere in the form of an aerosol and therefore can be deliberately used for bioterrorist purposes (e.g., during CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear) unconventional events). In addition, BoNTs are currently used to treat a variety of diseases or alleviate their symptoms, such as the onabotulinumtoxinA for migraine attacks and for cosmetic use. Indeed, this paper aims to report on updated knowledge of BoNTs, both their toxicological mechanisms and their pharmacological action
